Whats ur net worth user?

Whats ur net worth user?

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220k and i feel broke

-17,000 usd

When somebody asks me this question I say:
>oh you know I‘m currently unemployed maybe you could lend me some money? Like 2000?

Then the person who asked me instantly fucks off.

this but like 300ish

when will this ride end user?

-150k :)

I-I don't have one. Will you still kiss me?

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my net worth is backed by cryptographically secured digital currencies as well as equivalents

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fuck off lana, go suck a nigger dick

100 Million Dollars.

*pink to mouth*

it's all so tiresome

If you count student loans?

If I sold all my possessions I might just break even.
I'm 33.

$120k. $500k is making it amount for me

About 500k

$2000 in savings
~$3000 in Ford shares(avg price $9.91/share)

I need to save more. I'd like to tear down my house and build apartments

Ford shares.... why user

about €50k, 33 y.o.
not enough to stop working, so it's basically the same as nothing

Jesus Christ I'm sharing this board with poorfags

20 yrs old. Ending 2nd year of college. Has 10 k loan debt. All in HOT. Net worth: -8,500

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bout tree fiddy

We're working on it user

I read that the auto industry was cyclical and I figured I should start with a tried and true brand... and I had just bought a Ford lol

$900,000 all in land
$300 in the bank, still living with my mom

We should get together and be perfectly broke

based af

>23 years old
>31k; graduated uni debt free

Fuck me. I should have more than this

>~$3000 in Ford shares
>I read that the auto industry was cyclical and I figured I should start with a tried and true brand... and I had just bought a Ford lol
>Jow Forums - Business & Finance

You should sell for the only other US auto maker that didn't go bankrupt in 2008. TSLA is a meme stock at this point but it's far more promising long-term than Ford.

~150k and im 31. I am never going to make it before i die


$100k crypto.
How do I turn it to $1mil by 25 anons?

5 mil. Hodl ..

None of ya business hoe

Everyone loves Elon, and everyone wants a Tesla, we know this.
But Ford knows how to make cars, and Elon knows how to make new designs. I don't want to say Tesla is the Ferrari which remains scarce, but Tesla has remained scarce for now. Market shares are increasing, Tesla should do well for the next two decades simply for being first mover on all kinds of designs.
But this game isn't about, "I respect Elon for being first." This game is, "I can make this cheaper and still make money," and Ford is a boss among wanna-be's in that category.

20k crypto.
2 careers and two differents jobs, one paid 30k/y and the other 18k/y I am an europoor so thats a lot. Zero debt aswell hoping to buy my first house next year with my future xcm gains.

€15k in during 2016, peaked at €250k, currently worth €28k. Expensive education in parabolic market forces.


>the same as nothing
>doesn't buy chainlink
most likely you are kraut schwuchtel retard from the west or south

How did you get >600 BTC?

Why not sell 25% and take the pressure off?

Thanks user for this pro tip

1k in liquid 6k in crypto. But my dad is the branch president of a bank so I'm living the comfy neet life

Go live your life?



House and stuff: about 125k Euro
Stocks: about 10k Euro
CFD: about 6k Euro
Dispo: about -700 Euro
140k Euro :D

I calculate my net worth every 8th day of the month. Right now I am sitting comfy between $203-208k. Only 26 feels good bros but no gf :(

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2 eth
100 nuke

Probably because you have a schedule of when to calculate your net worth.

around 50k€

doesn't matter i dont want a girlfriend anyways. im gonna do drugs and fuck whores till i die.

>has a schedule to calculate net worth
>no gf
yeah, no surprises here

I know that feel im doing well in crypto, have plenty of friends and a bright future...but Im somehow physically unable to tell her I love her.
I feel like such a pathetic faggot i even know she likes me, but at 27 im just too broken to tell her my genuine feelings


-$7200 studebt loans
If I sold all of my posessions maybe -$2000

More than $10, less than $1M

enjoy your 15$

Take it from someone who learned the hard way . Don't ever "confess" your feeling to a girl. Even if they like you back they'll back off if you go out in the open like that. What are they supposed to say back to you? "I like you too now let's have children?"

Hang out with her preferably when drunk and gradually work up the resolve to kiss her

i do the same desu. but i cant commit to relationships because im insane or autistic or both

>All in HOT

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>no gf :(
>doesn't matter i dont want a girlfriend anyways
you might have less :( if you could make up your mind
o wait...

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I'm sitting on an invaluable pile of trade secrets that nobody wants to pay for but numerous people have tried to steal. Consequently I'm sitting on the evidence needed for a civil suit encompassing as many of the would-be thieves as possible.

My net worth is hard to calculate but I'm actually rather cash poor.

117k $.
29 years old. No debts. 48% in stocks in big, secure companies and 52% in a savings account.
I live in Sweden.

Over half a million. Never have any cash on me though so I'm always "broke"



My spirit is priceless.

Ford pays a dividend user and probably won’t go much lower than it is now.

120k Crypto
2 cars fully paid
Zero debt
Just waiting for this Crypto to moon
Let’s go

No dividend for TSLA. Elon pitching gimmicks for gibbs. I’d say it’s far from a good idea. Ford was based as fuck and even the gov would bail them out.

which crypto? xrp?

Your lying but if your not you are a retard. You could retire now and live off interest.

what does living off interest mean?

>t. 29/yo retard in school so long didn't learn anything in the real world

If you keep money in a bank, the bank pays you a little bit of money each month on top of this to keep you using their bank.This is interest.
is saying that if this user does indeed have 5 mil, he should just put it all in the bank and with a decent interest rate, he would be making a good salary just off of interest.
why did I spoonfeed you I am 10 years younger

thanks senpai school is also a meme don't go, get certs or a trade

4k CC debt
50k student loans
80k link coins

Come at me faggots

Yikes. Life already has mate.

32 ethereum

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1k in crypto
11k in savings
14k in MTG
Zero debt

I have 4 grand between 3 failing stock/crypto accounts.

>1 post by this ID


Vanguard money market account will pay good interest. Regular checking accounts usually don’t pay interest.

120 dollars.