Boomer parent has refused a brain scan and has skipped doctors ordered brain scans the past seven years. The boomer has pissed off every single one of their family and distant family. The boomer claims their family wants their power and money. They have resorted to calling the cops when their family asks them to have a brain scan. The police recommend the boomer has a brain scan for their family’s piece of mind. When the boomer realized the cops won’t help them avoid an Alzheimer’s diagnosis they resorted to talking to a lawyer of ways of how to avoid a brain scan. Long story boomers are the fucking worst and in retirement they are still a fucking burden on everyone and the system.
Boomer parent has refused a brain scan and has skipped doctors ordered brain scans the past seven years...
move out Toby
>Preaching to the chore
GenX isn't any better, and a big chunk of Millenials and Zoomers neither. This planet needs a damn war, not a cold one, a fucking hot one with nuclear devastation.
The boomer is a danger to themself and others. The police recommend I watch her. Smh. I want to live on my own and have the means but they don’t realize the situation their in.
A hydrogen bomb would be refreshing dropped on my head right now.
"waah, waah, gib inheritance because i am a waste of space and cant make my own money"
Dude I almost have more money than her.
scary, maybe try to manipulate her into going?
it's not the first time this happens to someone, shouldn't be hard for you to talk with a doctor first
>The boomer claims their family wants their power and money.
The parent is probably correct
Is the boomer correct in skipping brain scans for seven years?
Boomer can do whatever the fuck boomer wants you greedy shit
I am sure you will post this to your many social media accounts to get some likes and views..just as every faggot millennial desires.
Yet Boomers are the
Boomers are free to shit in the streets like jeets. They deserve it.
I have zero social media accounts you assuming faggot. Jow Forums is all I use.
Wouldn't a brain scan just end up delaying their death? Don't you want inheritance asap?
Yes, if a certain result from the scan will result in direct legal action/strongarming into lack of agency.
>the whole, even extended family suddenly cares, and he doesn't see this as transparently suspicious
OP doesn't seem trustworthy even from the way he writes his post. Would give up my left leg if he's scheming something gruesome against his parent.
I don’t give a shit about the inheritance I have my own money. I just want to dump them in a home so they are someone else’s problem.
What would you prefer? A senile Boomer giving away his wealth to a bunch of jews or his own white family?
This OP.
You are a horrible person and your boomer parent realizes this. Fuck off and go lick a boot..
I do love my parent despite the conditions. I am just sick of dealing with someone with Alzheimer’s for seven years. Saying I would ever harm her hits hard considering what I’ve been through for years. Walk in someone’s shoes as an Alzheimer’s caregiver and wagecuck.
Boomer knows that a diagnosis can lead to one being considered unable to care for their own estate and belongings, and wishes to avoid having their property stolen from under them by ungrateful shits that somehow came out the wrong hole.
how is this business or finance related? saged
If you just leave the boomer alone for a few days to inevitably fall down some stairs and die she'll waste less of your time and less of their own money before death (ie. you get a bigger slice).
Seems like an easy fix desu.
>despite the conditions
Try not being a scheming sack of shit