Why don't you want a free and easy x10 user?

Attached: SjqY5vrl_400x400.jpg (400x400, 34K)

These idiots didn't even want it when we shilled it as easy gains over a month ago, before it 8x'ed
You think they'll listen now?

im listening! but my pictures werent good enough for kyc, two times in a row now so i guess they really need a white background or something

Just good lighting and make sure it's within the green borders. So the borders of the document shouldn't be touching the edge of the picture.

It's about to go vertical with the amount of new features lined up soon. Marvin trading just this week. Plenty of time to get in on it.

Margin trading*



this is why coinmetro will replace cuckbase, just as soon as they fix all the bugs

Priced in u delusional pajeet

Post your hand nigger

>he didn't buy at 0.012

Attached: 1558959152108.gif (635x640, 3.28M)

I’m listening but I can’t buy it in my region (New York)

We currently in the creepinn stage. It has done this every time we have mooned. Slight correction then a gradual creep up until FOMO kicks in again and it starts going mental. We are all gunna make it Coinmetbros

Only put in a few eth worth a few weeks ago cause why not. Now its my best performing anything of all time 300% gains already.

I bought

Attached: 1560081285094.png (1290x1080, 1019K)

Burn some shit first faggot
340.000.000 is too much of a total supply

>failed kyc twice due to scanned images not being allowed
>3rd attempt been pending all day

I recently withdrew some LINK tokens from CM to Binance and it's taking already a day or so.Why is the wait time so long?

contact CM 24/7 support, they're always helpful and respond in cca 5 minutes

>tfw too ugly for kyc

Attached: 1450859615070.jpg (506x667, 42K)

It went through an hour ago. Funny but LINK takes a whole day while LTC goes through in 30 mins

BNB went to 35$ with around half that supply... so I see no reason why we couldn't see half that price.
Plus XCM will be burned like crazy once all services are in place. We're going to the moon.

That's because Link is a shitcoin.

checked. 17.5€ it is then.

works for me