My friends and family think I'm weird when I talk about Bitcoin.
My friends and family think I'm weird when I talk about Bitcoin
imagine explaining chainlink to them
The only response I can get when trying to talk crypto irl is "hurrr durr think of me when you have a bajillion dollars"
You can talk with us, fren
>talking to your family about crypto
The only people I'd even consider discussing crypto with IRL is already successful investors. At least the majority of them wont come banging down my door asking for a handout like my shitty cousins.
Imagine attempting to explain it to your boomer mother and then she just gives up and puts 1000 dollars in.
Stop talking to normies about crypto.
Imagine explaining the bitcoin civil war and how a shitposting Aussie boomer is satoshi
>user is sitting at dinner with his family
>"Hey user got a promotion today. $10k bonus. oh sorry can you understand that? I meant four point seventeen thirty two bitcoin satoshis"
>How many bitcoins do you need to get a highschool diploma? Well I guess you don't have enough"
>*Dad is laughing so hard his spit is going everywhere*
>Your mom is telling me you're jackin off in your room all day. Just buy something for a girl! Can you even buy anything with that shit? Can I pay my mortgage with it?
>I asked my boss about investing in a bitcoin IRA. He said all I have to do is throw my money in the trash
>his face when
I want her to have a retirement fund if social security goes tits up
I did that in 2012, now she has $80k
She loves her bitcoin
They'll be the weird ones after the crypto singularity
imagine talking about this in the early days. if anyone had heard of it, it was in the context of drug pedo money for years. early 2017 people at least started hearing about the ransomware after the tv told em it was after bitcoins.
The feels holy shit
Thanks user. that was the coolest story ever, bro.
>tfw you start dropping redpill nuclear bombs about how bitcoin will become the new world reserve currency and bitcoin will have a market cap of 100 trillion by 2033 but it was created by 160+ IQ zionist game theorists to undermine and destroy the nation states ushering in a world government and how this was all prophesied in revelations and you should be short-medium term bullish on bitcoin and long term bullish on Jesus
>tell normie acquaintances about chainlink
>they dumbly pretend to listen without actually even trying to understand
>they respond: "hur dur think of me when you have a bazillion dollars lol"
Oh, I'll think about you, alright. I'll remember how you never really shared or helped with anything. I'll remember when you weren't there when I could have really used your assistance with something. I'll remember how you would never, ever invest anything into our "friendship" beyond basic conversation (which would devolve into talking about your own bullshit anyway). I'll remember how you didn't help me with my rent that time my money got tight because of unforseen emergency expenses (even though I loaned you money interest-free to help pay your mortgage and helped you move twice for pizza & beer). I'll think about how you were too fucking dumb & undisciplined to build a better life for yourself or invest in anything worthwhile. I'll think about you, alright, and then I'll block your phone number, defriend your Facebook account, blacklist your social media, and cut you entirely out of my life. I'll think about you when I buy your mortgage from the bank and Jack your rates up to 39%, and I'll think about you when you go deep into debt I have you evicted for defaulting on your new mortgage. I'll think about you when I rent a shitty apartment to you through one of my she'll companies in a building I've otherwise filled with section 8 niggers and rapefugees. I'll think about you when I read in the newspaper how you were murdered by niggers after being forced to watch your normie family get gangraped to death by them. I'll think about you, alright; I'll think about you, and I'll laugh. Fuck normies & jannies, kill likes, Heil Hitler. LINK $100,000 EOY.
I could've done it in 2009 but I was too much of an autistic pussy back then... I gotta let that shit go but I just can't.
I gave everyone I know the rundown approximately twice. Then I stopped. Haven't evangelized bitcoin since 2014. But if people wanna ask me for favors later, you can bet I will remind them that they could have made it too, but didn't listen enough to even do what I was suggesting. That being for them to look into it for themselves.
>$400 is a lot of money user.
>you should put that in a savings account or buy some new clothes instead :^)
I dont think you're weird're actually pretty cute