>make six figures in a low cost of living area
>women still won't talk to me
Make six figures in a low cost of living area
do you display your wealth?
that larry david quote is unironically true
What else am I supposed to be doing? I am convinced that wealth for the sake of attracting women is a meme.
How do I become hopeless?
Lose 90% of your stack in the bear market
get a hooker, faggot.
Go to the gym. You're probably average or below average looking. Learn to tell a joke. Here's one I used earlier...."can't wait to take you out for wine and protected sex" *pause a few seconds because I was texting* uhhhhh I mean dinner and a movie. Had sex with her a week later
Attractiveness is:
If you only have one of the triangle, you might still get girls but not the prime 18 (or whatever the youngest is in your country/state)-24 White pussy.
The thing is, treat women like children. First you play it like she is your dumb daughter, tease her a bit while making her laugh. Then you treat her like a whore that you're madly in love with, eg choke her during sex, cun on her face intentionally even though you know she wont like it. Then treat her like you would your mom, very respectful almost obedient. Keep her on her toes because women love things they cant understand.
How many new women do you meet a day? What do you drive? Show us a photo of your house.
Also this. You need to get out there and actually try. You will fail over and over but thats where the progress is made. The other day I was at Target( pussy goldmine) and saw a girl trying to buy towels. So I went up to her and said good god dont buy those. She laughed and we spoke a few lines and I go her number. Texted a few times but nothing happened. But it doesnt matter. You gain xp like this and you will build your repertoire or funny shit to say. Be a guy thats funny, not a funny guy
Do you think your salary stats is a floating hologram on top of your head when you walk around or something like one of your fag video game characters? Money isn't the problem, you're just a repulsive aspergers retard.
>"can't wait to take you out for wine and protected sex"
Can we get a laugh track here!?
Yeah thats what you have to do sometimes. Pretend you're in a show like Friends or The office. They love that shit. I've gotten so many "how did you come up with that" but in reality its just a bunch if stupid shit. Throw some memes in there if they're really stupid and boom, pussy
You lucky fucker - but how do you get rid of them after you've dropped a load?
>Blonde woman working at my local >supermarket
>Never chats with co-workers
>Never smiles politely when you make eye >contact with her
>However, she doesn't seem mean. Just genuinely uninterested in engaging with people
I think I'm in love
I suck at greentext sorry
Go back
I know a semi-rich lawyer and he thought buying a skyline would get him bitches, well he also wore detachable short/pants and wore burkenstocks..
you need to wear expensive clothing and shoes to get money fiending bitches also have a BMW or TESLA or some car girls recognize... or just be hot
Jow Forums cracks me the fuck up because it's filled to the brim with people that are desperately trying to make it, but are so fondamentally stupid they just don't understand what's truly wrong with them on a core level.
Make as much mony as possible, work out, eat well, get yourself checked regularly, mind your hygiene etc.
But you forget that you're an edgy sociopath robot that can't relate to anyone around you and that makes you inherently repulsive to girls.
>b-b-but american psycho
Bale knew how to wear the mask and play the game (until he couldn't anymore, obviously).
Something you don't know how to do.
You're not the attractive type of sociopath, you're the dumb type of sociopath, talking with any of you for more than 5 minutes reveals that you're an alien entity with no understanding of anything that can be defined as human at all.
And that's a turn off for anyone, no matter how much money you make and how much you work out.
No shit you dumb bitch. Every user knows they're fucked up you retard
So you're telling me I need to take pictures of my food on instagram in order to make it.
>take me back
>You're not the attractive type of sociopath, you're the dumb type of sociopath, talking with any of you for more than 5 minutes reveals that you're an alien entity with no understanding of anything that can be defined as human at all.
This should be pinned
Go back
You're not wrong, but its the normies that are the problem.
Cry some more
>go back
No yous for the faggot who quotes himself.
>go back
Nigga, wealth and money is a fucking ultra meme.
All my life i never had money and i pull regularly 9/10 women.
i don’t even have a driver license.
Bitches beg me to come to my place to pick me up with their cars.
But what i have is a chad face and body. That’s enough to make it.
Try this joke :
>How do you call a woman with two black eyes?
With a phone.
George is my personal hero and role model. I'm 6'3" engineer with hair, but I desperately wish I was short, bald, and unemployed like my hero. I'm much uglier than him if your wondering why I'm even here.
Make me
>The other day I was at Target( pussy goldmine) and saw a girl trying to buy towels. So I went up to her and said good god dont buy those. She laughed and we spoke a few lines and I go her number. Texted a few times but nothing happened
Hahaha hahahahaha what a fucking loser
Height is half the battle...how ugly we talking
>go back
>go back. stay mad. rent free.
This joke unironically got me laid: “Did you hear about the fire at the circus? In was in tents!”
>Target( pussy goldmine)
>nothing happened
Now this is what Im talking about. Girls do tthis thing where they laugh just a bit and say somethinf like you're so dumb or thats so stupid....but they think its funny because women are stupid. Nice
Faggots listen.
You can’t take your bank statement to the club.
You have to have a position of status where women you desire frequent.
Like fit hot chicks? Be a yoga instructor.
Like smart chicks? Be the leader of you debate team.
Like dumb drunk sluts? Be a shitty DJ or a bartender , bouncer
Want top 1% smart, loving, white women? Better be at the top of the 1%
This is how human evolution works the men at the top get all the bitches and rightfully so. It’s how the world goes round
Its funny how triggered you reddit faggots get with two words. Here's another you, stay mad sweetie ;)
that is actually a great reply, get a grill who finds that funny (and some would) you got it made
>oh wait you being srs
>You gain xp like this
This only works with white women don’t get cocky
True, I'd say "submissive" more so than white. But white girls do tend to be like that for the most part. Nigger gals and latinas you have to tread much more carefully
Huh, that actually makes sense - a way to keep the quick cycling brain of the white woman entertained.
is that the singer from Evanescence?
Women are all inherently crazy. Your job is to get them crazy for your dick. They get off on emotions much more than us and that is the key. Keeping their feelings in a mixed bag leads them to mistakes (sex4u)
Im gonna pretend you didnt type that out. But to answer your question, it is a young liv tyler
desu, I don't think my ego could take it if I started considering every time a woman had sex with me to be something she'd consider a mistake.
The ego is something to need to let go of. That voice in your head is not you. In fact, everytime you've fucked up was because of that voice. Consider it a mistake, consider it a win, it doesnt matter. Nothing is real, everything is permitted.
>make six figures in a low cost of living area
>women still won't talk to me
>I make decent dough and I deserve women to talk to me
He's just looking for a bit of help from some frens, don't be a bigot
found the incel fanfiction writer
Women never take the first step, unless you are some kind of sex God. He needs to take the first step, just thinking he has money won't mean he will get women approaching him. Hell, he'll just attract golddiggers if all he thinks he has to offer is money.
I can't really change my autistic core level since it depens on brain structure so I come here for a few laughts because I identify with all you faggots.
laughing at my own autismo here kind of helps with the pain of belonging nowhere out there
Very true. Im no chad and most people arent. Either youre ugly, a manlet, socially inept, or a combination of multiple types of mental illness. That doesnt mean you quit or rely on money like OP. You just have to work on it and be patient. And in the end, remember that women are fucking stupid and are only here to suck dick
Why do you care, just accept the inevitable life of loneliness. I'm 28, fit and pretty good looking, successful, can't talk to women to save my life. Put your effort towards something useful, use all that money you got to subvert clown world and fuck people over for fun. Let's kill God.
Fuck off kike, why are you trying to trick people
Are you a pedophile?
Women are children mentally. So what if they physically are as well. Bigot
why dont you fuck escorts again?
sounds like George thing to say
just dont be ugly dude lmao
Buy dragonchain
buy a bunch of Apple monitor stands and place them in your home's windows
Get an STD, degenerate.
Youre a fucking moron, American Psycho is about a schizophrenic dumb fuck.
i'm more of an autist than most posters out there and i found a perfect 10/10 virgin qt who loves me back
you've got to think of autism like socialism, except it works
i.e. when shit goes wrong because of socialism, socialists say we need MORE socialism! and things get worse
but if you tune up the autism to 11, you actually turn so different you become interesting to the best women. counterintuitive, but hear me out
if you're a 10/10 girl, you will meet literal hundreds of men who want to sleep with you, each year. and even if 10% of these guys are great, it gets infuriating to see their similar personality again and again and again
imagine if you were forced to play the very first quest of WoW day after day. your character never gets to progress beyond killing 5 kobolds. after months of this treatment, you'd be desperate for ANY kind of variety
this is the predicament many top tier girls find themselves in, especially the smarter ones
this is where a true Jow Forums NEET gets to shine
bottomline, you unironically have to bee yourself. most anons fail not becaude they're sociopaths but because they're awkwardly sitting between two chairs, watching anime while trying to emulate chad
pick your path and stick to it to the fullest. the advice other user said about treating women like daughters then whores you love madly is sound too
Interesting post user.
George Costanza is based on Larry David
you have some sort of weird respect for women of other races. White wymyn are most entitled by far. Latinas are basic and easy af.
you don't have enough to make a ameaningful impact though so whats the point
No shit, but it's impossible to keep their interest when I talk to them. They're all mindless thots that don't care about anything intellectual.
Based and redpilled
If money didn't help Jeff Bezos get laid, it won't help you get laid. Simple.
peace be to you brother
They know "intellectual conversations" are just posturing. you might as well attempt to flex your biceps in front of them
I can't imagine what its like to live is Wisconsin, but this image gives me a good guess.
What about Wisconsin?
You are literally and unironically pathetic