Since women don’t know the difference I’ll be getting a 2019 ford mustang ecoboost and playing it off like it’s a GT. I go vroom vroom and impress the 18-19 yo hotties on college campus. Thoughts you fucking faggots?
Since women don’t know the difference I’ll be getting a 2019 ford mustang ecoboost and playing it off like it’s a...
>Thinking a car is a status symbol in 2019
Get a used Porsche, bitches don't know the difference.
>not getting a car for the enjoyment of the actual driving of the car
but while on the topic I would love to get a ecoboost mustang. shit gets 300hp and 30mpg tell me thats not impressive
>Buying high performance product makes me impressive
I hate Americans so fucking much lol
Mustang/Camaro/Charger/Challenger owners are all the same type of person. That should tell you everything you need to know about owning one.
when did I say it makes me impressive? if you enjoy driving why would you not want fast and affordable?
>tfw only one of those are sold in my country of residence
You're ugly. Vroom vroom all you want maybe you can land a cute downs syndrome girl. Pic very fucking related
Get any Porsche 911 and repaint it, nobody will know the difference. Not even Porsche designers.
oh just realised, the ecoboost is the 4 cylinder version. how are they in regards to fuel economy in comparison to the v8?
>Thinking women know the difference between Mustang trim styles, or even care that you have a Mustang at all
Actually fag I’m 8/10 I was just too poor w/ no confidence and $$ but now the tables have turned and it’s teen fucking season
At the very least they will care since it’s cooler than a chink mobile or construction dad fag truck. Plus I’m going to impress 19 year olds, not 30 yo roasties
>cuckboost stang
What an absolute fucking faggot. The whole point of that car is the cheap V8.
I was bagging a 19 year old girl a week driving a $3k Ford Shitbox in college but you do you buster
Not as nigger tier as changing the model badges on a Mercedes-Benz, but close.
do you care about the car you drive? Then save it for the one you really wanna buy, not the model for the golddiggers.
Save for the GT, and for yourself, genius
Im 38 though so need this
This is purely a move to lose my virginity
ah you must be american and prostitution there is illegal....
Buy a hooker if you want to loose your virginity at the age of 38, fag
fuck I always wanted a mustang but couldn't justify it
with the ecoboost I think I can
The gay kind
This. I had more success with women when I drove my 2004 Corolla than with my 2009 G37x the past 5 years.
well it is, but only if its 6-7 figures
post pic mr. 8/10 lol
A white van is more effective.
>american honey
Great fuckin movie
Why bother when there are plenty of whores who will skip the bullshit and fuck you for a bit of tuition money?
this. The only people who buy brand new cars are retards who will be paying it off until they're 70
I've even banging 18 year olds for the past 10 years and I don't have a car. or a license
If you need a car, you are NOT an 8/10