Alright Jow Forums im picking up my activity in crypto trading and need to move away from conbase. Fuck their fees and fuck their reporting 1099s to the IRS.
What are good, decentralized / overseas exchanges that I as a US citizen can utilize. If i need to use a VPN so be it, I need someone who actually believes in crypto and isnt a glorified kike bank. cough conbase again.
>ITT: Post the exchanges you recommend and hopefully a brief summary of the sign up / payment processes it requires
This address,, has very low fees. Yes, it's centralized but I guess you want something based more on being decentralized. I come to the issue of finding DEXs with low activity.
Luke Morris
yes, coinbase pro, aka conbase pro, formerly GDAX also owned by coinbase. Coinbase and thier practices are dirty at best and i really want to move away from them. I would even be fine with a centralized NON US exchange. As i dont see any US crypto exchanges being for the people anymore. We already are IP banned from even utilizing overseas exchanges for the most part. Land of the Free amirite?
Nicholas Cruz
>centralized NON US exchange I'm not sure where Mercatox is based, but you have the option of using without giving away any personal details. I've found their UI to be very good.
I was looking to make a binance account a while back but now with the recent hacks im not so sure, bitfinex also im inclined to stay away from after their tether scandal.
Henry Sullivan
How about US-based, not shady, non-Coinbase exchanges?
Alexander Lewis
is it kraken? please dont say kraken lol
Mason Cruz
No, I'm genuinely curious if one exists, Binance is shady as hell and Coinbase is awful.
Austin Gray
You and me both man, im at a loss.
Most non US exchanges geoblock, and US exchanges comply fully with big govt.
Evan Cook
whats wrong with kraken?
Easton Howard
I've only ever heard of accounts being frozen, Fiat transactions never showing and customer support being non existent in such matters. Basically if you get screwed you stay screwed.
Austin Hughes has been the best no account DEX for over a year. now it has monero
Sebastian Diaz
Use Abra, based in Cali, onchain TX, no fees besides the TX fees from litecoin chain, they never custody your crypto, only your cash.
John Perez
Interesting, I'll have to check that out, thanks.
Alexander Reed
for trading use Binance or kucoin. For fiat on ramps use Abra or BRD, no fees and they're both a DEX. Use to trade crypto to XMR with no account or name needed
Brandon James
I switched when coinbase pro started charging fees for limit orders. Plus Abra has Monero too
James Watson
i was in the same boat u were. the fiat/crypto gateway i use with kyc is because they dont have fees on buying crypto with fiat
my main strategy is just cashing out 18k in fiat a year to stay under the auto reporting trigger
Evan Kelly
Good idea user,
Myself i hold with chump change compared to most traders, but i still dont like the idea that coinbase auto notifies the feds every tax year, every single trade i make. Fuck man just let me take a loss in peace
Hudson Parker
Trading on coinbase. Kek now I’ve seen it all.
Jack Mitchell
Do you guys hold your crypto in an app like delta or Blockfolio?
Aaron Scott
well, coinbase pro formerly GDAX lmfao anyone who actually uses the coinbase brokerage site as a means of trading is a special form of neet
Angel Watson
No I use coinmarketcap
Jackson Gonzalez
coingecko wallet
Nicholas Morris
why is the US so strict with crypto regulation like this. There is nothing like this in europoor land
Jonathan Brooks
cause the jews at the top want their hand in every dollar the working class makes
no seriously, the us government is made up of the greediest and most narcissistic assholes around, and backing them are even the greedier 1% of private money
Leo Rogers
When I didn't know what the fuck I was doing I would swing trade some of the really volatile movements on coinbase, then I just purchased and transferred off, and have a small remainder balance along with the free airdrops they have started doing on shitcoins.
The IRS has already stated that nearly no one has reported crypto earnings, but the IRS also hasn't had much guidance on it either.
Now that they are dropping their official guidance letter this year, I expect they will start tracking it closer, but the older shit that people didn't pay, I just can't see them kicking in doors over that shit. I imagine they will offer a safe harbor for people to pay past amounts if anything.