I told you so

Why didn’t you listen?

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Plenty of people come here and talk bullshit. Nobody cares, do your thing.

So you didn’t listen huh? That’s too bad, better luck next time.

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Litecoin is a good buy no resistance until 195.

I'm poor so I only have 26

What did you buy in at?

was too busy making bank w FTM

That was the more recent of the pump and dumps, yes.

My rage has blinded me

DCA'd average cost is 75

It’s projected to go up to like 250 on its own without s fluctuation in bitcoin value on the halving alone. I’d say you’re doing well at 75$ and looking at short term profits.

Anything now is still good, people don't factor in clown world economics, this is going to 400 within 2 months

but user i thought you said it was "priced in"

Indeed, between the halving and bitcoin going back up, this will be a nice hold through August. People keep talking shit, but all I see is green lines.

Why would you not sell leading into the halvening? Why hold through it?

As long as the ltc btc ratio is well below its 2017 highs, there is no reason to sell

Well, shit could potentially ride on the coat tails of a bitcoin pump and keep going, over a halving peak, along with the entire market. Plus my exchange has transactions fees that are a bitch.

Anyone with a half decent knowledge of crypto know that LTC is an undervalued gem. $500 EOY

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You chinks told me that LTC is going to be cut in half, not fucking run up and outperform the whole top 10.

we told you it would lead alt season

Getting twice as hard to mine would make the price drop? Dafuq?

All the new money flowing in would rather buy whole lite coins for baby’s first crypto investment than fractions off a butt corn. They want to buy for one and sell for two so they have money for sips and new riding mowers.

Hmm if it goes to 195 it will need the market to go up with it. Do you see LTC being almost the price of ETH and close to market cap?

You said it would half, that the price would half

Why would ltc return to its 2017 ratio?

That is not what halvening means you third world monkey.

Old money here and same.
I;d rather buy whole LTCs rather than 0.0000025526 of some incel neckbeard money when any chink can scam me with runescape style switching of zeros.
Add a screeching ancap homo manlet and australian schizo/oligophrenic who won't stop parroting about schizoid forks which underperform even against fiat..
Nah I'm actually good with based chink lee who literally told yall how to at least 20x your money.

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Bunch of idiots...

Lovely writing, fren. I’m not ashamed to say I cried a little.

Wait for the BTC halving and don't do any stupid shit meanwhile, you might actually make it

The ratio is already well above its 3year avg. and is likely to hit >0.022.

2017 highs are 0.023-0.025.

With the halvening it reduces its coin inflation by 50%, what means less coins as free float and less selling pressure