What Does/biz think of Lightning

I'm honestly not sure about this one. LN is going ot take years to adopt but the tecnnology does seem better.

Is Bcash a better alternative?

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I have a CS degree, a minor in business and run a tech company.

Normal users will never adopt LN as it is currently designed.

Also they really like to pretend that solving a traveling salesman in a network graph that changes everytime a new transaction propagates isn't a big deal. It's literally an impossible problem to solve, this is why transactions on the LN can fail to route.

It will only ever work as a hub and spoke model, which means big nodes can crash or get DDoS'd and bring down the entire network.

LN is a big heap of garbage. It is only there to distract you into thinking L2 solutions are Coming Soon tm

Useless. The only reason it exists is so that bcore has a reason to exist.

God damnit

How do you think we should address scalability in BTC?

Call me a bcasher if you want but I think big blocks and eventually BCH or BSV will win.

Everyone doesn't need to run their own home node, it's a stupid idea that that core drilled into everyones minds. If you ping 5 major nodes to verify your transaction and all 5 of them tell it's legit, what risk level do you think you are taking on that all 5 are lying to you? 0.001%?

SPV verification works fine. Merkle trees are a great technology. Let Bitcoin scale with big data factories processing everything. Miners aren't the devil.

P.S. your full node can't stop or detect a chain re-org anyways

What do you think of unlimited block size? If we have 2gb blocks wont it take 20-30 minutes to confirm?

Also Craig Wright

Also there are already proposals going around in which a miner can write every UTXO into a single block. This effectively creates a "save state" where new nodes can just load up from the save state instead of the genesis block and still accurately know everyones balances.

So basically everytime the blockchain breaks some threshold (maybe 5TB) you write out all of the UTXOs to the next block creating a save state that every chain loads up from, resetting the chain length back to 0.

We may not be able to go to unlimited blocks today but the fact core won't go past 1MB even has fees skyrocket really says a lot about how inept they are. We can safely go to 32MB which BCH did.

I think there's a chance CSW is either Satoshi or has a game plan that people are under estimating.

I have a suspicion that him and Calvin are investing tens of millions into mining hardware to try and brute force crack the private keys to an early BTC block that they will use to sign from "verifying" he is Satoshi and pumping the fuck out of BSV.

nope already proven to be bullshit on sv

So as I see it BCH is the crypto that is most like the original Bitcoin whitepaper?

Or is there something im missing?

BCH and BSV are so similar it's really hard to say.

The differences are mostly the major people behind the projects. I'm holding a big stack of both.

Your node can easily stop propogating a hostile chain reorg by checkpointing the chain 1 block before the takeover and refusing any block of the attacker chain

The core block size is 2mb not 1mb

This is retarded. How do you know what is hostile and what isn't? 1 block re-orgs can naturally happen.

Also you can do whatever you want with your own full node code and it won't matter. What matters is where all of the hash power goes. Good luck thinking that your full node is the "real chain" when 90% of the hashpower disagrees with you and goes down the other chain.

bcore shill detected. Show me a 2MB block on a block explorer. The average is 1.2MB with segwit.

Nice try Greg.

Dosent segwit address the issue of block limit anyway?

It’s over Craig wins

Segwit added a little bit of extra transaction throughput. The average block is 1.2MB so segwit added .2MB and it was the biggest code change BTC has ever seen.

There's a good chance Blockstream has some hidden patent on segwit and that is why they tried so hard to push it through.

Dude I'm not talking about stopping 1 block reorgs. But damn right if a 51% attack occurs in order to roll back an exchange hack or something like that, my node will not be propogating the hostile chain. If enough nodes do this then the hostile miners are spending electricity for nothing. Nodes are really fucking important and should be run by as many people as possible.
Your problem is that you actually think bitcoin is supposed to serve as digital cash. Its not going to do that. Nobody wants to actually spend their valuable bitcoin simply due to Greshams law when fiat is easily available as an alternative. Fiat is complete trash so you should always prioritize spending it over bitcoin. The value of Bitcoin is for a way to store value outside of the system. For that to have true value you need as much decentralization as possible, not giant server farms for big blocks

This guy really drinks the core koolaid.

He thinks that somehow him and his buddies with their raspi full nodes are going to stop the majority of hash power by "not propogating". Guess what, all of the big mining nodes have direct connections to each other and they don't give a shit if your raspi propagates their transaction or not.

Your non-mining full node literally does nothing but leach off the network.




Give me one good reason why you would prefer to spend your deflationary, rare, increasing in value bitcoin for coffee when you can just use fiat instead? Go look up Greshams Law. You fucking hold valuable currency like bitcoin and spend trash currency like dollars. Think for yourself instead of basing your thoughts on the title of Satoshis white paper from 10 years ago when bitcoin was not valuable or scarce at all with huge inflation in the early days

Clearly you don't understand the role of nodes as a check and balance against miners. You let the most important value proposition of Bitcoin get taken away because you misunderstand what makes it valuable in the first place. Its not digital cash. Early on sure, but now its way to valuable to spend frivolously. We need as much decentralization as possible to protect the currency from interference

what is BTC value proposition over BCH or BSV or an altcoin?

The SV network doesn't give a fuck about hodl faggots and their shitty greshams law. The valur of SV is a commodity ledger. Drive markets is using iso codes to be oit of the box compatible with 10 000 banks for settlement of their nostro accounts, square is gonna use it for fractionising aapl shares to a 100th, tokenized will have gold, real estate, fly buys, movie tickets bla bla bla and all these people need to pay fees. They pay fees in bsv to use the ledger. 2GB blocks will have 20 bsv in fees but every tx will be 1sat/byte. TB blocks will have 20k bsv in fees. Imagine the buy pressure of actual businesses using BSV for fees, that's how the value of it goes up not by some faggot hodler too tight to buy a coffee with it cos it might be a lambo in 10 years time.

there is no reason to want BTC at all

Censorship resistant store of value with the most liquidity, hashpower, and nodes

None of that is going to happen on a dead copycat scam coin with zero developer mindshare run by a known fraud and his faggot buddy

Having the most liquidity and hashpower aren't universal constants. Liquidity and hashpower follow the $$$, if that is your only value proposition than the day a coin with utility passes BTC up it is dead. It will have no reason to exist.

Memes memes memes. You'll lpse your hashpower in an instant when there are full 2GB blocks on sv. You expect miners to cuck themselves for your hobbyist censorship resistant coin where a nlocktime tx from 2011 can't even be performed Because core devs censored the ability for that tx to be broadcast onchain by changing the protocol?
Here have a small world mandala network fractal creg for your stupidity.

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Of course dude, thats why investing in crypto is called speculating. But I'll put my money on the chain with liquidity and the ability to run a node myself any day over bch or bsv. Bigger exchange hacks will come and at least on core I have the ability to stop propogating hostile chain takeovers and play my small role in the network. This whole system was designed for users to play a part in it. I don't want to see the future of Bitcoin with giant centralized server farms hosting the blockchain, so I put my money and belief into core

good thing you are NOT actually using BTC
we don't want spam on the mempool you know
hodl the bags bro

>miners cuck themselves
Retard. Imagine being a miner with a warehouse full of asics and deciding to mine the least valuable coin with the lowest transaction fees instead of core. Why the fuck would an intelligent miner ever move their hash power over in order to get 1sat/byte? You will never come close to the hash power of core. Your shitcoin will be in constant danger of 51% attack

this 100%

I personally tried LN and about a third of my TX failed to route. This is 2+ years after they started working on it. Big blocks with cheap on-chain transactions are the future
If you don't hold suicide bags of BCASH and VISHNU SV you wont make it


as of right now BCH and BSV are very similar. Biggest difference is roadmap. Namely BSV wants to suck government cock and outlaw all privacy features and store all garbage data on-chain.

BTC is already run by a handful of miners. You just let core convince you that your non-mining full node does something when it doesnt.

they use an accounting trick: blockweight. Allows them to still have muh 1mb while actually savin marginally more than 1mn. its full on retarded

S2x something something blockstream

Every month or two a new version of lightning is released
This month watchtower is going to main net
So you don't need to be online all the time, eltoo (compact node) with watchtower is going to make cell phone non custodial wallets possible

On the LN dev mailing list all week people were working on spontaneous payments without needing an invoice for an offline wallet
There are teams of people all working on different aspects to make it more efficient and useful

I've been running a casa node for 6 months and i like it a lot, bcash is a fucking joke.

Bitcoin was designed to work within the law and be law neutral also allowing the devs to experiment and fork it all the time is fucking dumb. Bsv will win

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ur fucking retarded, anybody can connect to anybody.



This is the most nonsense post I've ever read

>if a node with the highest amount of connections in the network goes down its nbd

whats it like being a fucking moron?

That is not an argument sweaty

If enough people run nodes then if the miners start mining a chain that node operators don't like then they will not propogate it, therefore no transactions for the miners will propogate on the hostile chain either. They will be spending electricity for nothing and getting no fees. The only person fooled here is you because you let people like Ver and Craig convince you that nodes aren't important

I don't understand your post
Work within the law? You're against forks but support a fork of a fork?
Come on sirs

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If 5 miners with 51% hashpower are connected to each other it literally does not matter what every other node tries to do. Don't broadcast their blocks it doesn't matter, they broadcasted to each other.

Learn how Bitcoin works you moron.

you tell me? honestly do the world a favor and kill yourself for coming on this board and posting "i have a CS degree" in the hopes n00bs listen to you, and then spewing diarrhea and not even understanding how the lightning network works because you're a faggot ass bcash brainlet.

Retard you can make the exact same argument about the bcash network


KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>muh travelling salesman is NP hard therefore LN is worthless

LN doesn't need to find the absolute optimum route, brainlet. Any route that is low enough cost and latency will do.

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No dude, you learn how it works. How do you think the transactions get to the mining nodes? You think if you send a transaction right now it goes direct to a miner? It propogates through the network. If nodes don't like the transactions then they won't propogate them and will in fact stop talking to them for 24 hours. If the miners are pumping out double spends or rollbacks or whatever out of 5 nodes then none of the other nodes will pass them on and they will be isolated from the network mining a chain nobody else cares about. Nodes are important you fucking idiot

he's a brain damaged roger ver brainlet scumbag, just ignore him

Yeah I think that dude probably failed his algorithm classes or something. Heuristics exist to solve TS completely for small enough N and to find a "good enough" route for even large N.

You changed my mind. 1MB blocks were always the design and are clearly superior. I'm selling everything for BTC right now.

and when you buy remember
you have to hodl

Doesn't the LN threaten to take away profits from their Liquid product?

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Of course. I don't want to spam the network with transactions.

>There's a good chance Blockstream has some hidden patent on segwit and that is why they tried so hard to push it through.
That's not why they pushed for SW. They pushed for it because it makes sure they won't be replaced easily.

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Btc = banksters coin

1mb block is too big we need 300kb small blocks

It appears you didnt focus on networking in your car courses. Routing is entirely possible just like how the Internet is routed and especially how Tor routes traffic. Failed route doesn't mean no route, it will try again and find a different path. The traveling salesman problem says you start at one location, visit all the places once. This is obviously not necessary in routing, because you don't need to visit all the nodes. Furthermore, it's not necessary to find an optimal path either. So bringing up the traveling salesman example makes no sense. Got your card degree from a pajeet school? The shortest path is solved with dikjstra and even improved algorithms exist like bellman Ford.

You know lightening is the implementation of the BOLT specification right? There's three big players implementing the BOLT specification right now. Lightening labs is doing lnd, blockstream is doing c lightening, then I think eclaire is doing their own as well. The most popular is lnd, it's not even being developed by blockstream

No one cares for your stupid LN. People only use BTC to trade alts, so who is going to pay $3 to open a channel when he wants to trade the coins?

Imagine being so retarded to not realise there are a number of variables to determine whether or not it's profitable to mine a coin. Imagine not being to able to realise even at $200 a coin if there are 200+ bsv in fees that BSV becomes hugely more profitable to mine. Imagine not realising the buy pressure from 200 BSV in fees paid each block. Imagine not realising that one weather data feed on bsv does 1/3 of the BTC daily transactions. Imagine not realising there are going to be thousands of apps on bsv within 1 years time. Imagine not seeing 200 bsv in fees a block in 2 years time is massive fud. You are literally thinking a dimension lower in your enthusiasm for the trash that is the LN.

this is how a completely btfod retard looks like. have larping as cs major in the future, vishnu will be proud.

Ah, you must be one of those people that believe that storing information on a trustless decentralized system until the end of time should be free and it should have unlimited tps. If you have any technical knowledge, you'll realize it's not possible.

I guess people will schill their bags anyway.

Imagine getting tricked by a liar and conman and believing all his lies

Imagine basing your decisions on a few shitty jpegs circulated by greg instead of doing your own research and realising float, drive, square, tokenized, weather, kronoverse, moneybutton, bitstagram are actually chomping at the bit to have an unbound blocksize so they can move shitloads of their business on chain. Literal billionaires and billuon dollar business ooking to use the chain not just hodlnauts and breath holding for a bakkt ETF.

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Imagine not understanding how blockchain works and thinking those are reasonable uses

oke but wouldn't the save block have a similar size since it has all the txs anyways?

BSV is obviously retarded 2tb blocks wont propagate
Bcashrrs are increasing block size up until to the point that propagation still functions. Block propagation is pretty much the only thing their core devs are working on. OPcodes and tokens are being worked on by second hand devs mostly. These things are a meme before scalability is addressed.

Bitcoin doesn't need to scale, it should focus on decentralization and security. High volume transactions can be done on side chains or channels. LN is one of many solutions being developed. The transaction rate of the actual bitcoin blockchain will hardly matter.

>casa node

LOL we found one in the wild guys

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They actually say this unironically.

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The Blockstream guys are similar to Coingeek by being providing constant stream of sensationalist headlines.

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