Equal (EQL)

Anyone heard of this? It's on IDEX, and is up 100% from a couple days ago because of upcoming binance listing tomorrow.

Worth tossing a few ETH in for a few days to ride the short term pump?

Attached: Equal.png (866x480, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


2.5m mcap? What’s the point of this shitcoin? Intredasted


Was able to buy $5k worth this past week
Will likely be 50k by the end of the month. I'm too smart for this shit

Interesting. I hadn't heard of it (mostly with VIDT) but $EQL is getting decent twitter discussion too so maybe I'm just living under a rock.

I'll throw a bit in and see how it does over the next 24h

Attached: Pump.jpg (620x465, 72K)

VIDT bagholder here about to drop a couple ETH into this one too, we’re all gonna make it bro

rumour about Binance DEX listing (or is it already fix?) so possible x5 - x10

It's not a rumor. They're listing.

Easy x5 imagine once the twitter bitches start to shill this shit.

I have been suggesting this for several days, Binance DEX is confirmed but biz hates money

Attached: 2 days.png (581x517, 65K)

You should really read this medium though. There's supposedly some period coming up that they're going to convert the token from ERC20 to that other format and you have to move it into the wallet it if you plan on holding it or move it to the DEX, etc. Anyway, read the medium; it explains it.

Yeah this is the user that's been posting it here. I couldn't find it in the archives to repost.

Biztards will have to do a bit more research than that. (Shhhh don't tell them for those in the know)

Yes this has the potential to multibag but theres steps you have to take.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 10K)

I'll throw in a eth and see how it goes. I'll come find you faggots if this crashes and burns

what is the point of a token swap, is it just to make the value go up?

They're migrating to Binance Chain. So there will be a token swap.

Looks like about a week before the Binance listing and token swap (June 20), it went 100% in 3 days so possibly another 2x to 3x unless it picks up speed in which case who knows

2.4 mm market cap and it's going to binance? Either this is going to pump, or binance will literally list anything. Was sub 1mm market cap before binance listing announcement

I think they use EQL for DEX's version of MEW which EQL provides

>2m marketcap
>Binance DEX soon

Need I say more? No, but I will anyway.

>Binance CEX will inevitably follow later this year.
>metamask killer, connects Dapps and DEX seamlessly with a store build into the wallet.
>token swap soon, only a two week window, this is extremely bullish as it means many EQL tokens will effectively be "burned" as many people forget or don't know about the swap. just make sure you don't miss it yourself: medium.com/@EqualToken/how-to-swap-the-eql-token-bf0007d2726d

But does this mean that Binance Chain might use it as an official "MEW?" why would they accept a small project like EQL?
big if true

Interesting thought user. I'm in for 4 eth, let's go boys

Just when you wondered where all the ftm shills went....

Just bought a bag, easiest 10x imo

Fuck it. I'm jumping in too, 2 eth gamble money!

i dare ONE of you retards to explain why token is needed (hint: token not needed)

Attached: 1560388974448.jpg (443x437, 42K)

Might as well see where it goes by the 19th

why does a metamask killer need a token?

Who cares. Lots of wallet projects with no use case that mooned HARD in the bull run. This one got into DEX early and will reap the benefits.
Lets see what CZ have in mind for this project

>volume $67,007
nah i'm ok sanjeev

Check out ZIPT chart for a taste of your future

Attached: 1560017484943.jpg (227x222, 6K)

When is token swap to BEP2? Are they keeping erc20?

Between June 20 and July 1

From the Medium Article
"The period in which token holders may make an offer to Equal begins at 3:00pm AEST 20 June 2019 and ends at 3:00pm AEST 1 July 2019."

Easy 10x anons.

This is so funny. I remember this being shilled by some user and everyone was laughing at him when he said it was the next FTM. I have a feeling that there is some serious money to be made right now buying every shit coin before it hit's Binance DEX and flipping it for the next one

Exactly, and then I'll reinvest in VIDT once it corrects from it's current pump

So 7 days before swap to Binance DEX. Imagine the gains guise

Everyone here knows about the token swap retard stop trying to be all mysterious about it.

Personally I'm gonna sell BEFORE the swap, I don't think the product or use case will maintain steam enough to carry the price over past swap. Lots of people will dump before swap and then good luck getting them to buy after.

Unironically this, we will finally make it

Hail CZ

Attached: TheMan.jpg (884x442, 62K)

Someone market bought 20+ eth like a man. We only started bois!

Attached: 1552042609722.png (646x595, 269K)

just bought 80eth lets wake up to at least 3x bois!

This is going to be the MetaMask for Binance Chain coins. Mark my words.

just bought some without even opening the links
am i literally retarded and will never make it or what?

yesterday i went in with 4 eth.
Gains are already 50%. Will wait for x5 tho

It's getting listed tomorrow? Rofl... that's literally the worst time to buy. You know it's going to dump.