Tfw 30

>tfw 30

It doesn't even matter if I make it anymore I'm too old to enjoy sex anymore I'm too old to stay up past 11 partying I have no energy I'm tired all the time if I get hungover I feel like shit for two days.

I'm never gonna make it I had a chance to make it two years ago when I went all in and bought 30,000 Walton at $1 with all my crypto but I panic sold them all at 50 cents before they went on to hit $50 a few months later.

Now I just gambled away the last bit of crypto I had left on dice making me overall negative 3,000 despite being in crypto since June 2017 but it doesn't even fucking matter anymore even if I did make it now I'm too beat down by the world and devoid of life and energy for it to matter.

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Cope your age isn't the problem
You are

wdym I’m 41 and I do all that stuff

You're a fucking pussy. The guy I know that parties the hardest is a 50yo boomer. If you are too tired to be up past 11 at 30 you must be sick. Go to the doctor, it sounds serious.

Have you tried cocaine?

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>I'm too old to enjoy sex anymore

Check your hormones mate.

What a pussy, I’m 35 and have slayed more pussy the past 6 months than I have my entire 20’s. Not only has the quantity of vaginas my penis has ejaculated in increase exponentially but the fucking quality sex that comes with being a successful 35 single father is ridiculous. I literally can’t even goto the grocery store without a woman flaunting her tits in my face. The best thing about my situation is that off the bat I explain to these women that my first priority is my son, second is supporting his mother, so I don’t have a lot of free time and money to spend on them (that’s a lie, my baby momma took off and pays me child support). Anyways, I think your just a insecure pussy user, just tell yourself your the shit when you wake up every morning. Make sure you take care of yourself, wear clean clothes that fit right, buy a couple nice pairs of shoes... that literally all you need to do. Truthfully (and I live in Culver City, CA) that’s all women really care about. A clean man that takes care of himself.

obvious signs of low T, user. Get yourself some trenbolone shots and you should be good. Seriously, go see a doctor to check hormone levels. It might be depression too

feel the same at 27, but luckily drugs exist. The hangover usually is better than alcohol.

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Dude, it's not your age there's something else going on.

Have sex

this. OP is just unhealthy

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Go for a damn walk fatty. You’re not old, you’re sick.

Same. Happens to most people when they hit 30.

Sprouts or TJ's?

One of my friends is gonna kill himself probably. Similar story to OP. We both got into crypto in may 2017. We both did well an by EOY 2017 we were sure we wouldn't need to work anymore if this continued. Then the crash and bear came. At that point, I was all in LINK since december and have 100k+. My friend had a lot less than me and in his anxiousness to catch up, he squandered away all his shit. He started to use telegram pump groups (which obviously raped him into oblivion), following all the pump and receiving all the dumps. In march 2018 he had next to $0, now he has around $100 and I'm at $200k+. I've been telling him to go all in LINK since forever and he always disdained me because he thought he could turn the tables but turns out I was right and now every time someone talks about crypto, I can see his soul leave his body. Fucking hell. Why are people so stupid?

The fuck you talking about. My grandfather is 75 and still fucks

When does it start going downhill?

I'm 26, still energetic, no aches and pains, and still stay up until 5am.

It doesn't until you allow it to.
Make sure you exercise and eat healthy though.

Sounds like you have some health problems or are just depressed, try not to think about your age because you won't win that way because you only ever get older and feel worse

I do, I walk everywhere. I also go nightwalking a few times a week (2-3 hours). It's primarily the reason I like to stay up late.

now you just have to break the crypto bank
an elusive task

No he doesnt

I don't think I'm gonna make it. I got justed in last year.

>Now I just gambled away the last bit of crypto I had left on dice
You're a degenerate who unironically needs professional help and probably meds of some kind.

It could be worse user. I held 6k walton from 1$ to 45$ to the current price now. I am financially ruined. Completely and utterly gooked but atleast I have my GMN.

Similar feels here. 30. Had mid 6 figs ATH in 2017 and it crashed to 4 digits. It’s hard dude. I donno.

>tfw 22

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You sound like a really piece of shit person

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You're literally close to being a boomer.

Generally golden age for sex when you 14-20 years.

Well, I'm 26 year old virgin and probably never get this pleasure. Maybe I need to use some supplements and drugs like testosterone or something else.

30 is 15
40 is 20
50 is 25
60 is 30
15 is 15 somehow

so your age is not the problem especially with dr de grey around

31 n feel at the peak of life faggot
Get out, get money, provide and become a man faggot