Interest rates exist

>interest rates exist

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israel has no right to exist


yes, because the time value of money is a real thing
it's not some jewish plot, it's pea-brained muslims and christians thinking that money doesn't have time value
except they've been repeating this fallacy for thousands of years
how cucked and low IQ do you need to collectively be as a society/culture to not recognize this simple fact?

>interest rates are high
>fuckin joos!!!
>interest rates are 0
>fucking joos!!!
make up your minds tards

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>time value of money is a real thing
Is an idea imposed by the merchant class. You're right that it's real in a sense, but only because modern society adheres to it.

Interest rate apartheid. Taxation apartheid.

0% interest rate for the well connected. 20% apr for the rest of you.

and because it makes the most sense to anyone with a functioning knowledge of how the world works

What's the time value of your money after your death?

>the most sense
>economic is a hard deterministic science
schu schu

the merchant class is the middle class you fool. what a silly un-educated opinion

time value of money is an elaborate story that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
it's effectively a method of charging rent on access to capital.
it will always eventually becomes a method of begetting money from money more effective than actual production of useful goods and services.
at that point, the system will resemble a type of feudalism that is rationalized and quantified.
if that's what you want for the world, god bless your soul.
if there's one thing the arabs got right, it was saying interest is haram.

i write a will - my children can use my money instantly making it more valuable to them than the case i am about to lay out since they have immediate control over it once i am dead. they are still in the most productive years of their lives where having any extra money makes a disproportionately large difference when compared to later down the road in life.

i FAIL to write a will - my estate goes through probate and spends years being divided up to whatever parties are deemed to be the rightful recipients. let's say it takes 8 years and lots of fucking around. my children are all 8 years older now, they could have had that money and spent it in the prime of their life. my son Bob had multiple great investment opportunities that turned out to be nearly sure things he could have taken advantage of if that time. my daughter Alice needed that money to put down on a new family house. by the time my estate finally gets down to them, asset values have inflated to the point that the cash reserves are worth x% less now and the housing market where i lived crashed, and the stocks in my portfolio mostly went under as the companies slowly but obviously begun to fail. if only someone was actively managing that portfolio! it would have been far more advantageous for my children to have been granted ownership of my assets at the moment of my death.


The interest rate determines the amount of risk
Without it there's be no innovation

>there was no innovation before jews invented usury

retard alert
lending existed in Sumeria, ancient India, ancient Rome and ancient Greece

>interest rate activities were prohibited to christians in the middle age, bible says its immoral. hence making 100% christcucks into wage slave debtors.
>jews had very little available professions, jews were not allowed to own lands, to be bakers etc
>jews were allowed to be tax collectors and creditors with full perks since it was considered immoral tasks for christcucks
>everyone borrow from the jews, the peasants, the bishops, the soldiers, everyone
>everyone is in debt to jews, kek
>jews refuse to give better interest rates or free money
>cuz they were paying more levies and taxes than goyim, especially for protections, they get papal protection, town protection etc

mfw christcucks were the one giving financial tradition to jews, creating the stereotypes of the rich, greedy, selfish jews etc

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Christcucks also were the ones that exiled Jews from Israel and made them settle in all corners of Europe

>the absolute state of interest fags
and all those civilizations collapsed.

You are right. African Kangdoms never had banking, thats why they were so advanced

>Jews push for state-level prohibitions on Jews preventing them from doing irrelevant, goy-level jobs
>Jews proceed to kvetch about the injustice of the goys, and proceed to occupy the most exploitative and profitable occupations in a given society - something they wanted to do all along

basically this
judaism is more aligned with american values than christianity
jesus was a fucking socialist

success breeds jealousy

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>cherry picking this hard
How did the Aztecs, Chinese, and the Egyptians ever come up with any new ideas without interest rates?

China and Egypt had lending too
Aztecs were a shithole

lending is different than interest.
it's an entirely different motivation structure.

>group A did something to group B OUT OF PURE HATERED
>no other justification needed. stop looking into it goy
Kvetching in action

>lending is different than interest
lmao what a dumbass. You think anyone ever lend to someone without any fee?

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kvetch all your want m8

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>here, I lend you this big sum of money to invest in your dream, but I want a small percentege of interest in return in a decade, deal?

thanks money lenders for allowing us the opportunity to pursue our dreams by offering us these contracts that we voluntarily join into

An economic system that doesn't have interest would mean that lending would have to happen on terms besides profit seeking and exploitation.
You'd have to evaluate an endeavor on qualities that didn't incentivize risk taking and short term thinking.
There's a reason capitalism is having greater and greater economic swings, and it's because interest is like crack for gamblers.

>hey dude, can you lend me some money?
>of course dude! here you go, and I don't even want anything back in return, because I love you so much!

literally never happened in the entire history of humankind. stop having retarded dream utopian fantasies

>literally never happened
user, please, if your parents hate you, and have never let you borrow some money when you needed it, please don't take it out on everyone else

>society is just like your family!
>my mom loves me, therefore everyone else will love me too!
just stop, you are embarrassing yourself

>implying your daughter and son wouldn't be named Abigail and Bunim

you ruin friendships and relationships when you default on those loans, if you substitute those for money they work the same.
what are you even talking about at this point? you aren't making any sense. do you have millions of parents? do you think everyone's time is worthless?

>mincing my words this hard
I'm not saying everyone's time is worthless, but lending someone money is not exactly a use of your time now is it?
No one's refuted that interest rates eventually lead to feudalism, so I'll leave that on the table.

and thats why we have fiat money, to keep interest rates low. Interest rates in the western world today are lower than any interest rates in history. If we had deflationary money like gold interest rates would skyrocket and those that hoarded the most gold could charge any high interest they wanted

>he still doesn't understand that time is money and he thinks its just something the goblins in warcraft say
i'd tell you to have sex but it won't even help, you need to stop being poor i think if you want to understand this

whats the alternative to a central bank that sets interest rates? commercial banks set their own?

it's the long nose tribe people that push rates to 0% making savings useless to middle class forcing them to participate in their game of pump and dumps if they don't want to lose it to inflation.

yes. people don't realize that the central bank is what keeping down the banks not the other way around. central bank sets interest rate limits and reserve requirements. so without those regulations any bank could become a loan shark and have fractional reserve of 0%

your savings are useless because you put them under your mattress. Your savings are supposed to be in the form of investments, if you are too dumb to invest and you just throw your money under the pillow and expect them to grow its because you are dumb and dont deserve any money anyway

now you're just starting to make arguments for why interest rates are a fundamentally unsound economic principle

I've got 80k linkies, and pick up chicks in bars on a regular basis.
What exactly are you getting at?

there is a difference between low interest rates and no interest rates. nobody would lend to anyone if there was no interest rate

>got linkies
well that explains why you are retarded

kek, obviously this is the truth now, showing money into anything is good. In a real world where interest rates are not manipulated people have to make extensive research before making investments since the stock will not automatically go up with time due to huge increase in money supply. Meanwhile putting money in the bank let's those banks make loans with 100% backing instead of creating it out of thin air.

we already proved that statement false, please try again in the next thread.

you didn't prove any dumbass

your retarded utopian fantasy is dumb and will never work in real life. get over it

>up 5x on my principal in 6 months
man, if this is what retarded feels like, I wish my mother dropped me off the counter a few more times.

>maybe if I say it again, it'll be true this time

>I ran out of arguments!

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yeah, that was exactly my subtext.
you ran out of arguments, that why you resorted to something we already proved false.
do you want to try again?

hey dumb faggot, why don't you move to Pakistan? Under Sharia law interest rates are forbidden. You will fit just right there, in an advanced country without any evil interest rates

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based and norightpilled