Unemployed thread

>how many jobs you've applied to
>how long you've been unemployed

I'm just curious how many genuinely unemployed anons visit this board because theres a lot of college students who like to think they are NEETs over the summer vacation.

>12 months

Attached: the joblet.jpg (999x503, 109K)


Just learn programming unironically

will probably be getting fired next week so dont worry, you'll have another neet shitposter ready to join the ranks of unemployed stem fag

Why are you getting fired?

>how many jobs you've applied to
>how long you've been unemployed

also ageism is real too. once you turn 30 the system basically discards you. you can't even get a wage job at Walmart or McDonald's. they simply don't want you. that's why most homeless people are males in the 30 - 50 age range. not many older than that because life on the streets means you probably wont live beyond 50.

>STEAM degree
That's not a thing, that just means a degree.


He said STEAM, the A stands for arts. This means he has an Arts degree. Otherwise he'd say STEM and never lump himself in with Arts degrees. You don't need to pay someone to teach you art, you can do it with practice and youtube tutorials. No one asks for your degree when listening to your music or viewing your painting/sculpture.

i fucked up one too many times. the people that once protected me now report everything i do straight to management so the slightest fuck up JUSTs me hard