ITT: predictions that have been accurate
>the reddit time-traveller
>the asuka prophecy
name some more
ITT: predictions that have been accurate
>the reddit time-traveller
>the asuka prophecy
name some more
Other urls found in this thread:
>op is a daffodil as usual
you just know, everyone with green IDs in this thread is gonna make it
Green !
Give me green !
everyone with a red id is a incel a red id
77777777777 user 1000 eoy
>green: massive gains
>yellow: massive gains but you already sold
>red: the ship goes down with you on board
>blue: you get out just in time and break even
>white: you will make it eventually but your faith will be tested
>black: shitcoin hodler 4 life
>trips: an entire crypto is sunk thanks to one flippant shitpost by you
I forget is white and black are even id colours. Any other suggestions?