To boomers, how did the people who said this actually turn out?
>college is a scam
Other urls found in this thread:
College is a scam and the guidance counselors funneling teenagers into the commie indoctrination camps of state campuses should be hanged by street lights along highways.
Oldfag here. It turns out that, when learning alone:
- you will skip the hard, boring stuff if you aren't forced to do it even if you need it
- there are industry standards that you have to learn or you won't archive anything meaningful
- you won't be able to talk to experts because you haven't learned heir language
- you won't learn things you need just because you don't know they exist
- you won't be able to google the information you need because you can't identify what it is good and bad information
- A long discussion with a prof gives you 100x faster information than using google
Reading books and research papers solves most of these problems.
Re: direction of learning. You can download a curriculum if you are really that uninspired but I generally find one thing tends to lead to another once you understand what it is you're looking at.
I have a regular engineer degree, what you get after 5years of a technical or advanced colleges of applied sciences and graduated at age 21. Therefore didnt went to college for a BSC - MSC.
I work as a Automation Engineer ( software developer, incl project-based responsibility ) with a salary of $90k in europe. Compared to the i industries avg of $60k, in the mid/west I am pretty happy with that.
I often meet peeps with a MSC what earn less and its mostly a problem, bc. It feels like that all of them felt on there mouths.
This does not apply to a large swath of IT related fields. Maybe to some gay meme degrees it matters, but the "too hard" stuff is a fucking cop out to those with enough determination to go their own way in non-meme fields of study.
>t. Successful Self-taught firmware engineer, BA in Art.
Newfag here with networth higher than 90% of boomers and millennials
Turns out you don't need a meme degree and this user is just coping. Just get a job and learn about investing
>"Speak their language"
>Trying to say college graduates have some form of exotic intellectual vocab
Making 90k a year isn't bad though user. You're almost making as much as a used car salesman here in burgerland.
I've been to college. Everything is about indoctrination, especially the "humanities" but also science.
People do not learn to think by themselves by going to college. They learn to be obedient. They learn to follow others. They are rewarded for compliance and unoriginal thinking.
Also, for white people, college is not going to work anymore, since the whole system discriminates against us. Regardless of how much you put in, you will always be last to be hired, last to be promoted. And your efforts will maintain a system designed to eradicate you and your people.
Let the niggers take over the colleges and corporations and drive them into the ground.
College is a scam if you get a bullshit degree from a bullshit university and have 6 figures of student debt. In that case trade school is a better investment.
College is a scam. If you're not top tier you don't go. Doesn't make you any less intelligent, there are more ways to get rich than just getting a degree. But you have to really ask yourself what you want out of life.
i went to a top 10 public school for comp dci and math so i got a good education with minimal debt. going to a good school opens a lot of doors.
also in college i worked in the night crew stocking shelves at a grocery store. one of my coworkers was a guy who regretted not going to college and would y’all to me about it all the time (this was his second full time job to support his family since he had no skills).
college is fantastic as long as you don’t do it wrong (expensive private school, underwater basket weaving degree).
>People do not learn to think by themselves by going to college
This is a good thing. 99% of you are retarded and need your hand held to be a functioning member of society.
>If you're not top tier don't go.
This for multiple reasons. The first is obviously name recognition. The second, less obvious reason is that for some people it's cheaper. Top tier private universities offer massive financial aid packages. >
Depending on circumstance College could be a waste of time. I don't got a degree. Got some college credits though. Landed a state job. Got a pension, 401k, cash in the bank, and a brokerage account. Drive a decent car (2014 Corolla), paid for btw. My house is a 3 bed 1 & 1/2 bath w/basement and garage. My only debt is the house. Can retire from my job w/full benefits at age 50 (36 now).
So I'm doing pretty good. I'm set. I don't gotta worry about anything. Long as I show up to my job on time then everything is smooth sailing from then on each day . I make shit to but the col is low. I make 27k before tax/deductions. After expenses I got 350 left on average each month.
What an absolute pile of BS. Wow, this must be the mindset of the lower 90%. Living in 2019 and thinking like this. Jesus
It's not BS. It is very accurate for majority of people. For information sleuths and people who want to be a force in their industries that post doesn't apply. He's talking from the "get a degree get a job" perspective, so if you're in it for the tech, it doesn't apply, but if you're in it just for the money, then it does.
I'm pro-college for things like becoming a doctor or engineer, but almost everything else is a fucking scam at the highest level. Nowadays jobs that an 8th grader could do require a 4 year degree. Higher education is in a huge bubble right now and it's gonna pop once people realize that they can train themselves for free with Google and YouTube in almost any subject under the sun. College should not cost nearly as much as it does and only serves as indoctrination camps for the vast majority of brain dead students.
Ok now add in the debt and coumpound the interests
Working is the real scam, college is just the funnel scam
This. People do the whole college thing for so many wrong reasons. Keeping up appearances is a huge waste of time and will ultimately leave you unhappy.
So this was 12 years ago user. This thread doesn’t considerthe fact that job market changes very fast overtime. Even those who choose a faculty because it’s really requested now could get out of college with an inflationed degree
you don't actually have to be physically in a classroom to get any of these benefits. a youtube video/livestream literally is far more efficient and obsoletes the traditional schooling system.
why does this thread keep popping up?
at least the last poster one respond to all of the replies, not this
>1 post by this ID
You're right. I think OP is looking for some validation about his career choice but it seems the replies he's recieving aren't congruent with the message he's taking from his related picture.
It doesn’t matter if college is a scam. You need a degree. A degree today is equivalent to a high school diploma 30 years ago. To get a shoe in the door you need to prove you went through college and completed it to show you have guts. I’m personally happy that people fail or quit college as it makes me look more impressive and employers actually go through the hassle of calling colleges to see if their applicants actually completed it so you can’t larp a degree.
this is normal and okay in this clown world.
27k 12 years into a full time job? How the hell can you be content with that? I make more than that in shitaly after 2 years working with a master's degree. I save 600 yuros a month and I'm still gonna quit once I have enough capital to live from trading. I really can't see myself wasting 10 more years like this. I gotta make something of myself before I'm too old.