But I didn't tell anyone. I just turned my phone off and went back to sleep, they'll figure it out. Has anyone else done this?
I quit my job today
not yet, all of my friend have though. funnily enough none of them can keep a job for longer than 1-2 months
yea. it's funny because they keep calling wanting to know where you are at. for extra butthurt you can tell them you are running late and will be there in another hour. keep doing that each time they call but make up a new reason you'll be another hour late each time. then finally at the end of the day just don't answer your phone anymore.
Fuck you for working on Sundays.
More datamining
Funny how dumb frog poster OP are always a dead give away
u should go to work and not do much at work. getting fired for slowness is elegibke for free gibs if fired. not showing up is not eligible for free gibs
That’s fucking hilarious.
Didnt know there was any other way to quit
it's even funnier when you do it on a day the company is really busy and needs all hands on deck. i quit a road construction job this way. i caused the construction of an entire section of highway to be delayed another day.
This unironically is true
Top kek
Yeah they just terminate you for “job abandonment”
Wow everyone at biotech internship, hired to work remotely while finishing school. First day, pm changes her mind and wants me in office 9-5 daily despite explaining that I was a student still. Didn't have a car then, so I just did exactly as you described because I was pissed. Heard they fired her for that kek.
I’m not sure if larp but this kind of shit happens all the time, always boggles
my mind. I’ve had companies call me and be like “so and so said they worked there is that true” after and I always wonder why they put my company as a reference after. I always say “Yes, they worked here but were at best a mid level employee then quit without giving notice or saying anything at all”. Do you think they get the job? I always wonder if the HR people even care.
Office Space style, I see
it's amusing hearing people ask "where are you going" as you're walking out at the worst possible time.
I'm unironically considering this. They temporarily moved my role to another site that is ~1.5 hours away for 3 months. A bunch of people in my team voluntarily took the offer to transfer there in the meantime, but I chose to stay and do something different. My new role is soul-destroying and I fucking hate it, and I don't know if I can be fucked to stick it out. I can probably find another shitty close-to-minimum-wage job somewhere else soon anyway.
How true is ? Does it really fuck up your referencing? I'm only doing shit jobs until I finish my Masters (medicine), qualify and start working towards a real fucking career, but I don't want a shitty track record.
Your boss can sue you for this.
Yes and my boss kept calling me and I kept telling her I was on my way. Then I told her I was in the parking lot and if she sees me. Then I told her I was just kidding, I'm still on my way.
Not larp, just an entry level shit job which other entry level shit jobs wouldn't even bother to check on. I should probably go back to school while I wait for my investments to grow.
Do this only is boss is asshole, if not then you become asshole
That's a good way of being taken to court for slander and liable.
Literally my tradition on every first day of the month
Kek at wageslaves
it would be hard to prove in court that i didn't in fact have a legitimate automobile issue that prevented me from working that day.
A few years back I used to work in retail. I had been thinking about quitting the job since I found a better source of income. I went out the night prior and got plastered. I woke up with about 15 minutes to get to work and was stressed as fuck. Then I thought to myself "Why am I stressing over this job anyways? I want to quit." So I said fuck it and turned off my phone and went back to sleep. Never reported to work again.
God, I wish I could quit my job.
I've done this 3 times now. They tried calling me once and gave up, prior to that I hadn't missed a day or called in sick once, I now refuse to do deal ANY female management.
Oh look NEET poster is a retard who can only work minimum wage job for niggers and retards. How can you even post smug frogs while being this much of a loser? Or are you just unaware of that?
More on topic, no one cares, not even your boss because you are 100% replaceable and no one will even remember you worked there in a month.
no it isn't, and I'm glad he calls these shitbags out on their behavior. Nobody likes to work, you dumb assholes, don't think you're unique.
I have a 100k crypto portfolio, plus traditional investments. I'll be just fine, seethe more wagie.
Tried that but it didn't work, was still faster than everyone.
It's even funnier when you find a job specifically to do this
I just did that today. Fuck the job where other workers (hired directly by the company) have no hourly norms and don't bother to work like drones, whereas lower-paid agency workers doing the same job are forced to have fucked up norms and are kicked after not meeting the norm 2 or 3 times. And that you also have to wear a huge-ass scanner device on your belt radiating your balls and intestines AND headset on the head so you communicate with the computer with voice commands.
And yet you were inelligible for any nonshit job that requires iq higher than 70. Have fun going back to flipping burgers in 3 months.
voice picking sucks, id rather lift and stack boxes all day than that shit
>made 100k trading crypto from wagie savings
>inelligible for any nonshit job that requires iq higher than 70
Only in Weimarica can your boss sue you for this. Unless you are yourself a contractor or something there is no penalty for simply quitting. It's the difference between a contract for hire of services, and an employment contract. The former is the kind of contract that applies to contractors, the latter, an employment contract, makes you into a protected class due to labour laws.
Also companies can't hire an employee as if they were individual contractors. The courts will look to the facts, not to random words in a contract, in order to determine if you were an employee or a contractor.
>t. law graduate
They can sue you in any country for this
Maybe that's because they're the kind of asshole that'd just turn their phone off instead of giving the company a heads-up.
i walked in on the day after my china trip and told my boss i was quitting. made sure to steal everything in my desk first. also used their coffee machine before i left and made 2 senior partners wait about 5 minutes for me to finish. best coffee i've ever had in my entire life.
under leaf law it's slander if what you say about the person isn't true 10% or more of the time
so if you work at a place for a year you can show up late or drunk once every two weeks and they cant say anything about it
yeah i quit my job making $120k in tech in SF last year and ghosted the company
i was on vacation and just stopped responding and probably fucked a bunch of projects up
they were worried i was dead and had them emailing me for about 3 weeks. finally stopped after that.
a month later sent them the laptop through fedex and they never heard from me again kek
even thanked me for sending the laptop back like little cucks
company sucked and ceo was an autistic douchebag lol
What did you do after? get a new better job?
Red pilled
I quit my job today,
To see if I still feel
I focus on the crypto
The only thing that's real...
Unless it's true, retard
>start a new job
>set conditions of me working with company
>work hours, breaks etc
>First day conditions are respected
>Second day boss starts wanting me to not take my breaks & wants me to come earlier and finish late
>Third day I get a message 5 minutes before my shift ''You're late''
>Turn of phone and become NEET
3rd year of me being completely NEET
Thanks poker & crypto
ITT: autists complimenting each other
Congrats, don't make a habit of it tho. It can really get you in trouble
then you wont get neetbucks. spend more time in the bathroom shitposting or listen to audiobooks and fiddle your thumbs
I quit my job today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the door
The only thing that's real
No one gave a fuck, they even seemed happy to do the job for me
No but I one time called out sick and then went to HR to put in my 2 weeks notice. People were not happy about it but since I had a better job already lined up, they knew there was nothing they could do.
based and redpilled
If I show up late at my job, nobody would realize it. I probably could for a long time get away with only showing up at meetings and then fucking off. Which is why I have no reason to quit, honestly
Yes I have. I answered by saying hello, they asked if it was me, then I hung up and went back to sleep.
You could still be taken to court and made to prove that it is true. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it won't get you in trouble with the law.
First, it’s “libel” you literal mong. Second, I am the one who decides those things, not them. If I say an employee did a mediocre job, then they did a mediocre job. That’s what being the boss means. I would love for one of those little shits to waste what pennies they have trying to sue me for that, especially when it’s true even objectively speaking.
Again I don’t know how the people hiring take it, they very rarely ask follow up questions and literally every time the first and usually only question is just did they work for me, not even wondering how they were as an employee... but I absolutely will be up front to anyone about a shit employee. When you run a business or even a department you know what it’s like to wind up with bad workers and don’t want to punish other people in your position. It’s not even about revenge or something petty, I just can’t consciously recommend those people when I believe they’re going to do damage for someone else.
Yeah when I was 16
>At-will clause in employment contract
>Quit your job at any time, with or without notice, for any reason or no reason
>Boss: Reeee I'm suing you
Just because your boss "can sue" you for things doesn't mean it will go anywhere in court. Even if it goes anywhere in court, that doesn't mean it will be worth the trouble and legal fees to prove that the company lost tons of money because user quit when we thought he was going to continue waging.
That guy is retarded. The boss can't sue for shit. Most of these jobs are At-will jobs. Employee can quit at any time for any reason; likewise, company can fire employee at any time. Getting sued by the boss. LOL!!
isn't that just normal everyday road construction?
>That nigger is a thief
Pretty fucked up