Attached: Capture.png (625x325, 38K)

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load the vitalik fomo and poomp eet

Attached: 1557595266765.jpg (500x500, 30K)

Holy fuck it's on! We're gonna make it!

literally nothing

sigh...vitalik can say sergey had nice smelling cologne it'll pump another 10x

just bought 100k


They will ALL bend the knee in the end. Even Vitalik is coming to realize that link solves ETH's scaling problem for him.

Attached: 1560363094264.png (1622x1038, 203K)

it's pumping downwards bog, reverse polarity

And I thought Vitalik hated Chainlink...

nothing of value, move on

literally who?

>bear trap.exe loaded
>commence painting ze bull flag

Attached: 1522975040422.png (467x387, 308K)

He hates Jow Forums and thought Sergey was a noob.

Vitalik has also said that an oracle could never be valued at more than $32m.

Of course he hates Jow Forums. Vitalik is an unironic communist. even he will learn it one day, or hang beside his ideological brothers. eth doesn't need him to prosper, he made sure it doesn't.

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Holy fuck Chainlink 32MM EOY

Monkey Skelly is MAD JELLY

Attached: D89m2hYXoAAdWBz.jpg (1000x1000, 95K)

Vitalik thought the value of the chains was internal but it's also external.

next stop $5


>is coming to realize that link solves ETH's scaling problem for him.
It doesn't. CL solves the problem of scaling itself efficiently enough, though. People really misunderstand how treshold signatures works and what they're the best solution for and what they're not the best solution for.


Attached: ohnononono.png (620x142, 11K)

>What kind of name is Vitalik?!

Attached: Hartman .jpg (500x723, 38K)

Reminder: Chadtalik Scaleuterin will fomo in last second guaranteeing the singularity because he can

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fucking faggot

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Somebody shop Sergei and Vitalik cuddling each other

why should vitalik be afraid of an eth token?

this chart makes my junk hard.

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>hard to argue they’re worth 32m

you fags don’t even know huh?

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Holy kek, even after all this time you retards didn’t get it.

He meant ‘’Much harder to argue oracles are —only— worth $32M’’

Knee status:

He literally contributed to the 1st draft of the whitepaper didnt he?

>hard to argue they're human

yeah we know vitalik is a communist cuck who hates sergey for creating chainlink because it unironically is the only thing that is going to make ethereum and smart contracts worth anything and further entrenches the wealth of the elite.

Haha. Pathetic.

Holy fuk it's real

Vitalik is a bro, he fudded chainlink after Sergey asked him to, he always knew though. The Toyota of oracles

>Oracles are awesome

Don’t put words in money skellys mouth faggot you don’t speak on his behalf.

vitalik is very bad at evaluations. he thought it was overvalued at $30 million


What you don't realize is that the bulk of the eth scaling problem had to do with external data.

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Btw someone post the toyota tweet

The types of enterprise grade data or messages that threshold signatures are performant with which Chainlin handles will fundamentally focus Eth on propagation tasks which is beneficial to the network.

Did you post this