What's the absolute bare minimum amount of money you need to be finally satisfied in life...

What's the absolute bare minimum amount of money you need to be finally satisfied in life? For me I only need $200k since I already live with my parents. I can survive off that for the rest of my life without ever having to work again.

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why do you presume your parents wont turn batshit crazy or they get cancer and sell everything to get "cure" and you got nothing boi

you can live off 4% of 200k a year? where the fuck do you live?

$200k? Jesus, where do you live and what are your expenses like? How old are you?

I'm already in the will, as long as I will take care of them when they get older I'll get the house.

$3 - $4M
That amount of money put into a tax-free municipal bond will generate $175K per year

Let half rollover back into fund to keep up with inflation and live on $87K ($7K per month)

Maximum comfy and lewbowski-pilled

I spend 200k a year on takeaway

Do you have no goals of owning your own shit at all? What a fucking faggot.

No you can't.

3 million us would net me 75k a year in passive income from HY savings accounts. More if I put some of it in CDs.

3 million is what I need.

>it is about money
money is just a means to end, never the end goal, unless you are a monkey brain

If you enjoy being a loser you're on a great path

>$555 a day on takeout


I live in California dude, I can't fucking afford a house here anymore even if I wageslaved my entire life.

>asking what the minimum effort is
>thinks finances can provide a satisfying life

You need to rethink things user. Sacrifice, hard work, honesty, integrity, community, your fellow man, family.

There is much more to life than you think.

0$. It’s a poor man who thinks satisfaction in life comes from wealth. It’s the loveless man who thinks satisfaction comes from others. When, behold, satisfaction was within you all along. Unless you live with your parents, wtf user, let them retire in peace.

Just buy bitcoin and wait lmao, you already have a roof over your head

Enough to buy 100 acres land and build a house in VIC.

so u can retire in california on 200k if you don't need to pay rent?

pretty close, 300k is my magic number

You realize wills can be changed, right? You realize they can sell off or transfer the assets that would otherwise be "yours" prior to their death, right?

If I make fuck you money on crypto I’ll want to start a business. I don’t know what that would be, but I know I want it to be some sort of artisan craftsmanship. Something about being a clockmaker or cheesemaker makes my German autism tingle.

I need around $10 million

thats actually low for an amerifat

>Sacrifice, hard work, honesty, integrity, community, your fellow man, family.
lol kys faggot

No. I'm sick of working. I just want to hang out with my wife and cat all day. My "community" can fuck off, and I'm done sacrificing the short time I have on this planet to improve Mr. Shekelstein's bottom line.

Kek is with you

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$500,000 to be able to invest into methods of passive income so I don't need to work.

Realistically if I wanted to live like a VIP hobo I could do it on $100-200K

That's being a dick to your parents desu

Sacrifice to improve your life and your people's lives. We cannot appreciate or enjoy good times without bad times. Water doesn't taste as delicious if you aren't thirsty. Too much easy times creates lazy, spoiled people.

Have you ever watched little kids play? They find the most mundane things entertaining - a balloon, a paper bag. But when they become overstimulated with constant rewards and over stimulated with tablets and TVs suddenly nothing pleases them anymore.

Life is about more than just seeking pleasure. Only once you've achieved great things will you understand this. It is why most people are so miserable these days. They have been lied to, they think the key to happiness is to constantly search for the next materialistic source of pleasure. But, that will never satisfy your soul user.

My hope today is that one day, you may realise this. Because on that day, your mind will be free.


what if my end goal is to always have a means available?

10k a month passive

You do realise you are on Jow Forums right, only thing that matters here is money. Fuck off back to the hippie community from which you came from

I need 2M absolute minimum. At 4% average growth I can take 80k/yr. Of course this probably won't buy a taco in 2050 so I want more than that, probably around 5M I could retire comfortably.

Minimum, probably $2M. $100k/year @ 5%

Ideally - $5M

I could buy alot of big macs with $2,000,000.

$2.5M that's the golden number here in central Europe

Kek I probably own more crypto than you do. Wealth only creates so much meaning in your life. Also why 1 post in this thread just to criticize something I said several hours ago?

$500,000 USD (after taxes)
that's enough for everything i want to do and set enough of a safety cushion aside to not worry

the more i make the more i need it seems. But ill be happy with my paid off dream home and a nice car. Probably about 400k

Frankly i could find a lot of happiness in my life right now if i made 50-60k a year.

All these anons worry about making it while posting 100k portfolios fuck off outta here with that shit

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Why do you need to live off so much

A position of fuck you

2mil usd aka about 10k link

200k here too, but I'll have to live in my shithole with that, $3mil if I want to move to a real country like uk or canada

4% a year? you're all retarded

I have about 650k net worth.
I will also inherit 300k (current market values) from my parents, but they are not that old yet so I don't think about/count that as part of my net worth.
I'm pretty comfy as it is. I don't worry about money, I buy most things I want (that's not a lot of things though), I travel whenever I feel like it, I eat out whenever I feel like it etc.
I would need $2MM+ to feel set for life.

How old are you? and what is that 650k in? property?

I thought this too, its 60k is not enough though user

Here's $300 frens!


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24yo. I made a lot of it playing online poker for a living. I'm now semi-retired from poker and in college.
I have 80k in crypto, 470k in stocks and 110k in cash/bonds. I usually have a lot less cash, but I recently accepted a buyout offer for the biggest holding in my stock portfolio.
I'm looking to buy an apartment soon.


I would live off 500k
and turn the other $1m into $20M over my lifetime

I ain't clicking that shit, nigga

i could make do with about 4 million
6 million would be cushy

Meant for

What? Quoted the wrong post?

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I won't be happy till a billion dollars retired, so around 40 million a year.
However, quitting wageslave job is first priority. First I retire on 1 million then I use the excess of that (I live very cheaply) to make my way up in the crypto market to 10 million, then 100 million, then a billion.

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Yes. Sorry

1 million in cash.

Put it in the bank for a measly 2.5% interest rate and you'll be pulling in roughly $520 dollars per week without doing anything at all.

Happy: 250k
Happy /made it/: 500k
Any subsequent tranche of 250k is bonus for me. In MTL I can buy a house for 250k USD so with 500k I get two homes that I can rent out while I live in a cheaper apartment in the city.


1,000,000 bucks for a commercial property. Then I'm set. :)

And what happens if you lose that 1 million on crypto? You are deluded.

you need to move out of your parents house.

It's like they've been in a coma for 13 years and stil think you can get 4-5% interest a year.

You're lucky to crack 1.8% on most munis.

This is my plan. Not sure which part in Vic though, I'm happy going full country and never seeing a human again, though I have a wife and probably children coming in the next few years.

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4% refers to the withdrawal rate, not the investment performance. Stocks average 10% before inflation, 7% after inflation. Real estate is similar.

$3m plus the cost of a penthouse in downtown Nashville. I just want to be comfy and play in the gym, eat out, go see music, and work on my hobbies
No more wagecucking. Also gonna need a redhead tiddy gf.

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I have 200k right now, at age 24, but I live with a wife and kid, no parents.
I need $1 million.

>$1 million in gold bullion stored in my house
>$1 million in fiat cash in the bank
>$1-2 million in fully owned house, car, furniture, etc...

That’s all I need to live for the rest of my life with a working a day. I also don’t want children because fuck that scam.