Past the point of no return
You've reached the top but still you gotta learn
How to keep it

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when pump?

This is the correct thread.
HOT will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the HOT team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as the smartest men says:
Do not be like a ROBOT
Get in HOT

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I have 4.2M HOT, am I gonna make it bros?

If you are patient yeah you actually will.

>2.7 mil

6milly here

2mil here

Imagine being in anything but link from here on out.

holochain makes link obsolete, link is only good as an hedge in case holochain fails to have mass adoption (an unlikely scenario)

Facebooks Libra will run on HOLO. That’s why they’ve been hard at work integrating facebooks GraphQL. Cap this

Hit the wheel and double the stakes
Throttle wide open like a bat out of hell
And you crash the gates
(crash the gates)

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With Holo you just always win



makes sense. Nothing else can handle boomerbook in terms of TPS.

Also if there is one equivalent to Facebook in the crypto world, it's gotta be holochain

my body is ready (to use my riches to undergo gender confirmation surgery and be a fully evolved HoloTranny).

only have 550k. What will this buy me?

green id and i buy 1 million Hot

shieeet trips too? alright

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Hey boysies,

I've got about 650k hot, and with a $10,000 BTC and HOT reaching 100 sats we got a $0.01 hot. Yes I know its less than ten racks but still, at least I can pay off my student loans.

never..they scammed us

>selling before 1000 sats


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This is what it increasing feels like. Holoports were supposed to ship months ago

Tl;dr me holo

Brainlet looking for a 1k gbp suicide stack