Come in and get comfy anons. How are you enjoying this pump?

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Linker since a few hours, enjoying the memes already.

2.5 is my first sell off. Quitting my job this week. See you on the yacht boys.

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Feeling pretty good frens. Think we will actually see $2 this time.

There was just a 200k sell wall at $2 but hopefully

200k is nothing with 10 mill volume


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I love the sentiment but this is not a "pump".

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Welcome fren. You're going to make it

fuck you nufag
we're gonna make it tho good luck don't sell too early

t. 2017 OG

I like what you've done with the place.

1 million USD eoy

Just woke up, did Facebook get confirmed frens?

Why the pump tho? I thought facebook was priced in


This was foretold last night night while most were asleep
The numbers don’t lie

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I have several years of capital market experience, I won't sell anything as long as the fundamentals are fitting. GG for being fuckin early.

Insiders buying?

Nope, just a random pump

Ziliqa is also pumping, hmm

Retards still doing sell the news tomorrow need something to sell. Crypto is such an npc shitfest

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0 not a 1. Not real prophecy

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Let's get this together. Yacht party in Japan. Then comfy travels with our new jp gfs around Japan for a week. Then another yacht party in Tokyo bay where we let off a gigantic chainlink cube flying lantern and pat each other on the back as frens.

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why tf are there even buyers at $2
are they retarded

as cringe as the yacht party sounds, I'd be down to do a meetup at a conference in japan and get drunk with marines at the afterparties. /comfy/

Sub $1 incoming

nice "pump" you got there friends haha

haha im swinging
haha wish me luck :)

In on this. At what price do we make it happen

I can straight say that 37m of the volume is 100% fake which comes from BiteBTC, dunno how many more fake exchanges there is.

y'all ready for the dip????