Where did all the Chainlink threads go?????

Where did all the Chainlink threads go?????

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up your gaping butthole

We're resting up for Tuesday, 7 PM EST.

smart traders sold their bags, no we waiting for drop to re-buy

People who actually give a shit about chainlink are sick of this board. 90% of the threads here are from discord trannies trying to manipulate the price. They made hundreds of threads trying to get people excited about facebook and then those exact same people made a bunch of OH NO NO NO threads hoping to make it dump. They're probably sleeping now or committed suicide because they weren't able to get it to dump down to where it was before the google announcement where they all sold trying to swing trade.

did they all finally neck themselves? got really tired of seeing 20 stinky threads at once

Sorry listening in based discord talk

100% this. Imagine actually believing you can manipulate a token trading hundreds billions of dollars a week by spending hours making posts on a message board filled with teenagers who mostly have stacks worth less than $1,000. I'm sick of Chainlink threads at this point because the discord campaigns are just embarrassing. All us OGs who know what's what are fully confident & secure. I rarely post in LINK threads these days, and haven't created a LINK post in over 6 months.

but thats exactly how link pumped in the first place


The shills are done selling you their bags.

we're making new frens

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keeping our true discussions hidden from normie site by virtue of being an enigma wrapped in a conundrum

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and sergey wept for there were no more shitcoins to conquer

Hey guys. I'm from before 2017 December. I bought 10k Link like most of you guys adviced me to do.

I just looked and saw the price has risen very fast. Can you guys explain to me what made the price jump so rapidly? Someone said google announcement what does that mean?

Sorry if I sound like a newfag I promise that I am actually an oldfag it's just that I decided to look at crypto every 2 years instead of daily.

Memes make dreams
Magick is real

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move on faggot

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Could some gifted user make a custom cube generator for the google version of the cube? Biz could use some new meme cubes

Mainnet is live (but barebones) and Google cloud posted a blog post about how easy LINK is to connect their data to smartcontracts. Some more small partnerships (40+in total). In total LINK is the best performing crypto of the last 2 years.. Enjoy your gains.

They'll be back once their blow is gone and they have no more money left for hookers.


there are plenty of cryptos outperformed chainlink in shorter timeframes for example EOS