Degree choice?

So I'm getting out of the military soon and going to college (GI bill means no worries about student debt) and I'm stuck between two majors. The degrees I'm looking at are World Economics and International Business but I really dont see much of a difference in the curriculums. Am I just retarded? What are the pros/cons of each? Will either of these help me avoid neetdom? Should I just buy shitcoin and live with my dad instead? Halp

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you should have went to college before the military, that way you'd have a solid resume built up in comparison to your peers.

Both are shit

I shouldve mentioned that I dropped out before joining but was able to get an associates in homeland security while I was in. I know its a shitty useless degree but it was easy to get and knocked out all of my geneds for an actual degree

What's a good option then

Get a degree in what you think you might want to do, but stay away from meme degrees. Learn something new maybe.

What can you sell your MOS as? I was a technician in the navy, so I just upsell it as computer work while I work towards a CS degree.

define meme degree. sorry, I'm a retarded grunt and just want to get a useful degree and not waste my free college

lol and 0311. I'm not exactly trying to be a mall cop for the rest of my life

>going to Jow Forums for real life advice

OP, do Engineering anything, Compsci, Finance, or Accounting and you're guaranteed a 70K job provided you arent retarded.

If you just want money, do petroleum engineering and you have120-140K starting, in exchange for 80 hour work weeks spent on a rig in the middle of nowhere.


Your absolutely right to look at the courses. If they are almost the same then it doesn't matter. People shop too often for degree titles.

Both sound like fine general degrees, but not the kind of thing you can rely on if you don't have a plan/other marketable skills interests. What do you have in mind? If nothing, perhaps you should pick a degree with a better defined track.

My plan right now is to go into federal service for a while based on networking that I have done while in the Marines. Most of those jobs just require a bachelors in no specific field. Its more of just a check in the box. I just want something that wont totally leave me fucked if I have to resort to plan B and find a decent career elsewhere

Finance and accounting are the first jobs lost to automation

Also, business and finance have always interested me and I invest in my spare time just for shits and gigs. So thats what sorta steered me in this direction. Plus both of those degrees teach a level of language proficiency and I'd like to gain a language as its a valuable skill

rifleman nice. I always wanted to be a rifleman but 0302. injured myself pretty badly tho. if you want to be a cop many departments dont require a degree. i dont recommed anything higher than an associates degree unless you wanna be an 0302 or something. the gi bill can play for flying and thatd be cool imo. bitcoin is going to 10x in a few years so try to buy some

both degrees are completely useless and will lead to zero job prospects

Since you mentioned on possibly becoming a public servant, look into public administration. Some public administration programs one can earn a bachelors and a graduate degree together, usually adding one additional year of school. If federal civil service doesn’t work out, you can always work for local or state government. Since you already served in the military, you are eligible for veterans preference.

this user speaks the truth.

What is a good Jow Forums option then?

Do business as your core and try to niche yourself by focusing on some kind of specialty to go with it like law, accounting, maybe a language. Note this degree will do very little for you, but what it'll give you is networking opportunities, and that's what will actually get things moving. Granted, I'm an EE major and generally a complete failure of a human, so I dunno if my advice means shit.

Become a firefighter. Hang around a frat house all day waiting for car accidents and shit. Pension that no government official will touch. Good pay. Can easily have a side hustle. Well respected. Don’t become a cop.


Princeton or MIT. Stanford also OK.

what do you want to do?

going from low pay to high pay

accounting - easy, how to work long hours and weekends, no ageism and you wont get fired

computer science/engineering - hard to find a boomer-tier job that will give you lifetime job security, always have to keep learning new shit for the rest of your life, plagued by outsourcing + ageism, can make it though if you save early because those will be the years you make the most

medicine (md/do, nurse, pa) -- all of them are good but too much risk if you fuck up in undergrad

why die for Israel?

was homeless for a bit and had no other real options. Politics aside its not a bad gig aside from the dick sucking and bureaucracy. Plus its nice to at least feel like I'm trying to make something of myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What did you make out of yourself?


bachelor of business management & philosophy


college is not meant to be a vocational school for wageslaves. you are supposed to become an educated citizen. choose your major as such

also bet on mooncoins and find a passive income stream. fuck wagecuckery

>Geology/petroleum engineering
Oil industries love hiring ex military people. They know you have experience being in the middle of nowhere doing physical hard work for 12+ hours. Geology gives you more freedom to leave oil life eventually.
>engineering anything except petroleum
Can do literally anything. Everyone loves engineers.

Come on user. I don't think it's in the realm of his possibilities for now.