Binance on burgers

Since Binance is going to be throttling burgers because it's s centralized for-profit organization.

Does that mean I should invest in stack related since it's a DEX and can't be affected by stupid laws?

Demand should grow for this soon afterwards right?

Genuine question, not larping, shilling or fudding and have my ledger in ready to buy

Attached: kyber-logo.png (760x400, 60K)

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no, the token economics is designed to be depreciated in value overtime

Look into bqqq

How so? The rate of transfers on the liquidity protocol relates to the rate of burn of the KNC token. Looks like they've burned over 1m so far and seem to be burning faster, and a smaller supply with growing demand can only mean appreciation right?

Am I missing something? If CEXs keep causing issues and more people switch to DEXs, and all DEXs have a liquidity problem that Kyber solves, surely the more problems that happen to CEXs causing the switch is good for Kyber?

I'm going to buy a stack, my gut is telling me it's going to happen.

When bqqq going to pump? hope bitsdaq lives up to hype

liquidity providers are constantly selling KNC from fees

But KNC is also burned.

Wait what? Reserve managers need to buy and hold KNC to offer their liquidity right? I might need a refresher on their whitepaper.

Even if they do sell KNC, there's still the burn rate, which seems to be increasing with use of the protocol.

It looks like by the end of June it'll burn 25% of the total burned since it's gone live in one month, the usage and burn rate is growing rapidly, and will only slow down when KNC appreciates.

Feel like this is very early days for KNC, I've bought a stack, but the more I talk about it the more tempted I am to buy some more.

My main issues with kyber are these:
1. The token is only useful to technocrat-whales, and they will keep it down just cuz they need it, and know how.
2. The fees and price premiums are a big weak point that'll never amass any significant volume, because anyone with lots of funds would just rather use something else, and can afford a proxy identity even if they're a US citizen to get into the good exchanges.

Ideally, lemme get my full cypherpunk tryhard goggles on, the ultimate world exchange dex isn't going to have fees (beyond tx fees) or shitty prices. It's not going to have a useless token attached to it, and there's going to be no way profiting from it. Other than obviously making profitable trades. Anything other than that is going to be replaced by the theoretical ultimate world exchange dex.

I tried kyber once and it seemed like centralized KYC shit.

youre using your phone on a daily basis?
then this chad coin might just be for you!
simply install the app (visit minepi dot you know...)

and enter my code: EastCrips

as referral and simply leave it running in the background while you accumulate some nice pi bags! easy!

yes it might seem fishy that you literally cannot join unless you've got a referral code, but just forget about that part! :)
it'll basically run in the background, so why not!!

Attached: pi network.png (1920x1839, 610K)

>kills your 200$ phone while you manage to mine 20$
very nice pajeet

>minepi dot you know
no I don't actually
minepi what? com? org? net? io? .uk? .pizza? .ninja? .dev? .xxx? .tk? .pajeet? which one I don't know user pls help

Obviously the ultimate works exchange DEX is the end goal, but it's not even in sight, there's a liquid token problem for all DEXs at the moment and their all scrambling to build the friendliest UI/UX, but they all rely on Kyber liquidity protocol.

I'm going to buy some more and just put it in cold storage for about a year, cheers anyways.

Considering how low mcap it is, you might have the right idea. But personally I'm afraid I'll get dunked on by whales, it's their coin.

> it's their coin
I don't get it
Are the whales publicly manipulating the price?

Whales that want to supply liquidity to kyber NEED to use the token. They are the only ones who need to use it. I think it makes sense, if I was a kyber whale, I'd want that shitcoin to be as low as possible so I can buy whenever I need more without having to baghold it.

Uniswap exists. It is over for Kyber already.

but Uniswap always provides shitty prices

Look i like kyber and use it to swing link/eth directly from ledger its really fast adn comfy and dexes are (not shorterm) but future of space but tokenomics are fucked.

Liquidity providers need cheep knc
+token burn is allways shit tokenomic model longterm good only for pumping shit shirt-mid term

Attached: 1558171611789.png (1022x731, 643K)

Kyber is from Singapore.
Singapore gives a fuck about burgers. Look at HSBC.
Getting rewards in KNC for liquidity providing. So where is the problem?

so what you're saying is the value in KNC is mostly B2B because the more businesses that want to offer liquidity and make money the more they need to buy KNC, all of the businesses want KNC to remain cheap, but as new businesses want to start making money off their liquidity they're going to start driving up the price (demand) all while the (supply) is being burned permanently?

Sounds to me that as long as there's money to be made providing liquidity and the demand for DEXs increases from users then the price of KNC will appreciate because it's a free market with permission-less reserves and it's yet to be saturated.

Of course this all relies on growth in demand for DEXs and those DEXs using Kyber for liquidity, which is what I'm betting on.
