5 more days

Attached: 515GX-Cc_400x400.jpg (400x400, 20K)

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Larp. All prediction fags are larpers here now.

It's already confirmed in the CoinDesk article.

How does chainlink solve a company and why is this company a problem

this. it's also on the cloudexpo website (the event itself), it has already been tweeted by multiple Oracle employees who are giving the demo.

Is Sergey the opener?

Fuck it’s not; send us the link larper

Feel for it went to the conference page looking for nazarov as a speaker. Ain’t there. Larp bitches.

it gives them the oracle problem

You are a fucking retard

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-19-11-26-30-617_com.android.chrome.png (1080x2246, 748K)

no keynote speaker announced yet. can be.
ok i'll spoonfeed.
tweet from the event: twitter.com/cloudexpo/status/1115262387907629057?lang=en
schedule with info : cloudexpo2019.sched.com/event/KWmV/general-session-every-startup-in-the-blockchain-api-monetization-with-smart-contracts
tweet of oracle employee giving the info: coin.fyi/news/chainlink/fernando-ribeiro-gives-talk-about-oracle-blockchain-and-chainlink-at-cloude-ayhb9v

Lmfao @ Linkers faggot asses.

Java and Scala developer here. Usually everyone is like "fuck Oracle" and now you're sucking their cocks.

>java developer
kek, how is living in india pajeet?

Typical Java developer. Doesn't understand that being excited about blockchain tech being adopted does not equal liking Oracle as a company. Probably because he thinks in overly convoluted syntax.

Priced in

I code 90% in Scala nowadays.
>Probably because he thinks in overly convoluted syntax.
I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Java's syntax is disgusting. Looks low level. Look at the amount of lines needed for a similar program utilising python.

>literally can't divorce feelings from a company from the many eyes in their involement will bring to a project he's invested in
>or enjoys being obtuse

>Looks low level
>actual argument used

Why are two dudes living in Brazil presenting?

>Look at the amount of lines needed for a similar program utilising python.
Imagine being this retarded.

because Oracle is an MNO? because america isn't the center of the world? because Brasil is one the brics countries and has a fast growing economy? because your reply is a little bit racist?


Dude, the Mastercard CEO is a literal Pajeet.

because turd worlders work for almost nothing

like this nigger

Attached: 1558397192691.png (632x676, 342K)

>oracle and salesforce are competitors
what does this mean for memelink

One foot in each grave
One hand in each jar of honey
Sergey doing the splits

It means pic related.

Attached: foite 2.png (944x628, 1.13M)

youre using your phone on a daily basis?
then this chad coin might just be for you!
simply install the app (visit minepi dot you know...)

and enter my code: EastCrips

as referral and simply leave it running in the background while you accumulate some nice pi bags! easy!

yes it might seem fishy that you literally cannot join unless you've got a referral code, but just forget about that part! :)
it'll basically run in the background, so why not!!

Attached: pi network.png (1920x1839, 610K)

pretty sure that constitutes industry wide adoption.

Sink or swim, and everyone keeps bending that knee...should tell you FB retards something.

Attached: 1559913230323.jpg (1080x1350, 177K)



thanks, papa

Orca whales have a magnificent sound.

Attached: 1560884552194.gif (635x640, 3.28M)