Everyone unanimously agrees that BTC will rise after the halvening

>Everyone unanimously agrees that BTC will rise after the halvening

What if it's priced in?

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Halvening puts btc supply inflation below the (((reported))) inflation of the US dollar.

Basically bitcoin is always going to be gaining value no matter what.

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This will be the worst havening iof all time Craig wins

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halvening will bounce from 2k-4k and it will go below 1k after because it's not profitable for miners
everyone will be moving to sv for the 100k TXs

+15 rupees deposited

When the reward halves wont the hashrate plummet as miners go bankrupt?

Logically it follows that if a 50% reduction in reward is good for BTC then a 100% reduction in reward would be even better for BTC, but that's obviously wrong because nobody would mine the chain anymore and it would die

Short bitcoin to 8k, then go long next month and hold for 1 year. It might actually reach 20k again, but then everyone will exit and invest into other cryptos because bitcoin is just too inefficient.

miners are supposed to get rewards from transaction fees at some point but nobody actually spends bitcoins they just hodl so idk.

Wait, BTC is designed to be used? I thought we were just supposed to hodl it until it moons and we can sell it to buy lambos

Actually, if the price of BTC doubles (which it very likely will), it will be just a profitable then as it is now

yeah and what if it doesn't

It is somewhat priced in. People are going to get in earlier this time, and I have a feeling the rise and fall might be only a few weeks after the halving. We could hit BTC ATH for years to come next summer or sooner. The thing is halving has happened so many times now and lead to a huge rise that people will jump in sooner than ever before...

>Everyone unanimously agrees that BTC will rise after the halvening
My take on it is, (1) relatively slow steady growth up until the halving, maybe ramping up considerably in the weeks leading up to the halving, (2) small drop immediately after the halving and then (3) growth continuing for a year, rapidly gaining momentum until new ATH. If it reflects 2017/18 it could crash 80-90% to say $40k-$80k but unlike last time this time there are other factors to take into account like inflation becoming lower than gold and other fiat currencies.

Mining has less impact the more bitcoin is in circulation.
The halvening might get some hype going though and then a major correction after

thecaseforbsv.com OP. Your shitcoin will go down hard. Its explained in full detail there.

That would be an incredibly rare historic occurance. Most people in crypto would be fucked. But again, I don't think it's likely to happen.

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>please click my shill website

>no incentive to send tx
>tx are capped
>miner reward being halved
>unprofitable to mine unless price increases for no reason
this spells disaster to me and the first to get their coins to an exchange will preserve their wealth

you'll enjoy poverty then, thats a given

Its because you're confusing resistance for a price in

these trends are total memes, their lines change over time
this current pump is a technical retest of the uptrend to 20k
same as the last cycle

Attached: btc3.png (1512x880, 105K)

That's a big fucking stretch user.

Are you retarded

Explain how I'm wrong

maybe, but lets watch and see
it got rejected from that green line 3 times so far

This is the dumbest fucking comparison and I constantly see retards like you pushing it. You can't compare CPI to the number of bitcoins produced. CPI is a measure of prices not dollars in existence.

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