Libra for brainlets

libra for brainlets
>created by facebook.
>stable coin like USDT, DAI, USDC
>testnet is out. mainnet will launch in 2020
>normies can start sending money from whatapps and messenger to each other
>this shit going to be the biggest on ramp for Bitcoin
>asuka bro is right.
>56K bitcoin in July, 2020.

Attached: libra.png (1200x630, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

asuka bro is right
>50$ LINK in July 2020

i wonder if the average end-user will even be allowed to hold their own coins.

Why would a normie fb boomer want to buy bitcoin given Libra outside of pure price speculation?
What libra coin?

I’d be surprised if this was the case.

I think libra is great. There is not enough competition in the field of stablecoins.

Attached: 1542779634744.jpg (960x895, 65K)

When is it available for trading?

>2.1 billion users

price speculation is a feature

libra provides 0 of the freedom crypto was originally designed for

atp i have a hard time seeing it anything more than paypal. can't you just upload $$$ to paypal then send $$$ between each other (paypal to paypal) without serious fees?
what additional advantage does libra bring beside being marketed directly for this purpose?

>libra provides 0 of the freedom crypto was originally designed for

independence of central banks - libra is fully dependent
independence of govts - libra is fully controlled

ripple might lack the second one, but doesn't lack the first attribute. it at least qualifies as a crypto asset. but libra is tied to FIAT currencies so govts can inflate it away the same way they can fiat money

not to mention it uses govt BONDS to make profit. govt can literally not pay it if at any point it starts seriously bothering them and make it worthless

>spending money to buy a stablecoin

Attached: fuji21.webm (852x480, 299K)

well the idea might be that u'll spend crypto to buy libra and libra makes it easy to turn crypto assets into something outside the crypto world

"If we want this to succeed we can’t make it network of choice for criminal activity of any kind."

this will be the ultimate instrument for mass surveillance and data mining.
I will laugh when Zuckerberg starts selling consumer information to the government and insurance companies, making visible what and when was bought by whom. people will get kicked out of their insurance or have to pay more because of an unhealthy lifestyle. this will lead to a social points system like the Chinese have to live with, but not as overt.


So Libra's basically a way to liquidize govt bonds?

Libra has no potential for growth. Itll be used to trade other cryptos, but many shitcoins who have no purpose outside of speculation will crash hard. If you're not all in coins that are proven to make money you could lose a lot.

Libra coin from FB will annihilate most coins on CMC. There's just no need for NANO, NEO and the likes when FB will just do it better in every possible way. Adoption will just kill most alts. People don't want to buy things that fluctuate wildly. In retail, 5% margin could destroy a business empire.

The only thing that's going to stick around is Bitcoin, Ethereum and maybe Litecoin as a store of value and for illegal trades + ppl hiding ill-gotten fortunes. Even coins like Monero will be kicked out of exchanges leaving people with no where to convert to fiat. It'll happen in a sudden, dramatic way like what we witnessed with Binance /USA saga.

So what's left?
Coins like HOT or CHALINK that serve a valid purpose.
The Web is growing at a rapid rate, privacy issues have become a hot topic around the world and will become moreso as we progress into the future. People don't trust corporations to hold their data and websites are being killed off with simple DMCA/legal notices. HOLO will be providing hosting infrastructure that's multiple times cheaper than AWS but with 100% decentralization. They need time to get this right. There'll be hundreds of millions of holo websites one day and thousands of hApps. Like BitTorrent, people will love creating a website/happ. They'll be free to express anything they desire without repercussion of being shutdown by their government. It'll probably have rapid growth in communist countries like China first.

What will HOLO be worth?
The hosting market is HUGE. AWS is huge. Even simple tools to empower people to build their first website like WIX is a huge money making market. Look at WIX's market cap: - $7 BILLION marketcap for a website building tool! Now, ask yourself, how much will a decentralized Web 3.0 be ultimately worth....

could be possible, but

1. FB usually fucks up when tries moving outside of social media (and even there they're losing ground)
2. nvm just read the rest of the post and you're a delusional shill

It partly serves that purpose but its value is derived from a fund that includes low-risk securities that are not exclusively government bonds. It's basically an unregulated bond ETF. Right now its purpose is speculative other than a use for the largest connected network in the history of humanity.

Bitcoin is not for the broke low IQ boomers anyway

What if I don’t want a notoriously unethical megacorp knowing my every single purchase?

Attached: 0C079B1C-BB34-43F6-B256-7A8498768ED1.jpg (750x375, 28K)

>Coins like HOT
>that serve a valid purpose

No groceries for you!

>mfw, Most hated company on Earth.
>Heavily exploits userbase
>Regulations incoming.
>Now is creating it's own currency...
Yeah not gonna make it.

Libra is going to cause the cryptocurrency equivalent to Watergate.

user im starting a private telegram for people with good insights. If youre interested, drop your telegram

Sonl you dont invest in this right. Its not ginna ever go up in price?

Attached: IMG_20190619_071246.jpg (720x597, 63K)

backed by all our personal data

Why are those models fighting?