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Exactly why I will NEVER put money into the white haters over at Holo

>Non-hierarchic fully remote workforce is governed and coordinated primarily by gossip, which means if you don't have a talent for it, you will probably feel out of the loop and probably slandered without any recourse for defense of your reputation. - Ideologies such as Anarchism and Radical Feminism are standardized to the point of enforcement. - A subset of the management is incredibly hateful and directly hostile to any and all men and openly discriminates based on sex. - Chaos of an anti-hierarchic, fully remote startup means no one has ownership of sticky problems and hard things don't get done. - Despite all the talk of inclusion, mental illness is treated as a weakness and my ADHD medication made me an open target for gossip and speculation as to my mental health that happened entirely behind my back and wasn't even apparent until after my dismissal. - After I was dismissed the aforementioned hateful women used my references to slander me to my network, and even looked me up on social media and spread hate to an unknown number of people on my friends list. - If you are a male, I'd suggest staying away until they figure out what 'fem-centric' means and sort out how to rid themselves of the hate-motivated women in their ranks or at least give fair recourse to the developers who happen to be overwhelmingly male.

>associating with any entity that virtue signals

Ahahahaha, holocucks.
Faggot sjws will never make it.

this is good sign. apple used to be similar in starting stage. all it need to success is to be austitisc toward work and vision...thats all what needed for success. holo had all ingredients.. bought another 10 mill

retards bought 6 months old shit and infact after that review it did 3x. kek

>Non-hierarchic fully remote workforce is governed and coordinated primarily by gossip, which means if you don't have a talent for it, you will probably feel out of the loop and probably slandered without any recourse for defense of your reputation
The joys of Communism...

lmao not the slightest surprised

>this was totally not written a dual pollack/bizraeli

I knew buying this was a bad idea, but I got greedy.

Odds that they purge the sjws and just do the project?

Glad I never bought this fucking garbage

>radical feminism
Biggest sell signal in history, imagine investing in a dumpster fire like that.

holo holders on suicide watch

thank god I only dabbled in an 8k micro-baglet

This, 100%

Dumped by bags at +5%

so he admits HOLO is building world changing playform but then bitches about evil women being in management.

not surprised, this shit is happening all over the world in corporate office environments. sjws movement too powerful these days.

This is great fud desu look at the replies

What a surprise, feminists overcompensate due to their feelings of inferiority. Women were a mistake

the good news is that things are happening and they are not exit scamming like 95% of the projects listed on coinmarketcap.


>impossible work environment for good programmers: predominantly male, autistic, introverted
>if you don't participate in gossip you get shit for work you didn't know was your task and get shit on for being male
A-at least things are happening :')

Meanwhile at chainlink HQ there's a patriarchal fascist regime with Sergey as Führer guiding us towards the moon.

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Fully remote workforce? What a joke

Kys holofags

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I would not be so sure user.
40 billion holo is still held by the team, They will dump on you as soon as the price is high enough.
It will be confido all over again.

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That explains why Holoports are not delivered, imagine a woman managing this

You think it's possible to get a remote job there even if my programming knowledge is very low as long as I claim to be a feminist tranny?

"So like, do they all have to be the same color? Can't we have some variety?"

"I want this project to succeed but I like also totally want to go to fyre festival 2.0!"

Should have sold when it pumped recently to ATH

>apple used to be similar in starting stage
Literally the opposite.
Jobs was a strict authoritarian who enforced a draconian hierarchy.

I never thought I'd see this kind of shit in a workplace, kids and disabled. The next natural step will be to put literally monkeys in a room, wait for them to throw their own shit on each other and call that a startup. No wait, it's already like that right now

Get real, that is the absolute state of (not only) crypto as a whole. If you want to stay there's one and only one crypto in which you should go all in and you know what I'm talking about, if you don't it doesn't matter anymore since it should've been crystal clear from a while

The choice is clear.

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Imagine ever, EVER investing in women and lefties.

>Imagine ever, EVER investing in women and lefties.
Yeah man Amazon, Apple, and Google are just falling apart.

Fuck em’. Too lazy to sell tho!