/asic mining general/

so how hard is it to install, maintain and cool 100 asic miners? i got the money to gamble on this.

i got a good electricity rate, empty space to build a warehouse or import a prebuild container from bitmain.

all im missing is a brain and consultant. is an electricity consultant enough to manage this or do i need to fly out a chink from shenzen to help me out?

whats my first step? should i visit shenzen factories and mining halls to get a firsz view? visit european mining reseller offices who i can atleast talk english to?

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>i got a good electricity rate, empty space to build a warehouse
You should grow weed

All women are whores.


>whats my first step?
Realizing that you missed the boat by like 5 years and doing something else with your money.

pessimists think this way. its simple math. if you electricity rate beats everyone else, then why not do it? mining will forever be here the next decade atleast.

maintenance isn't easy

other people got the monopoly for that

wanna elaborate

>if you electricity rate beats everyone else, then why not do it?
Because ASIC mining bitcoin is completely rigged against western miners. You'll never be able to compete with the deals the Chinese have worked out with their utility companies and even if you did, they're selling you old hardware while they mine on the latest ASICs that they then turn around and sell you when they have something better. You're better off GPU mining if you're serious.

All my sisters are adult virgins though

miners will go down randomly and you might need to hire people to monitor 24/7 for maximizing your profit

All whores were virgins once

That same argument applies to the cannabis grow idea, little faggit.
Take your own advice, "pessimists think this way."

what should i mine with gpus? grin? is that difficult to do?

you got something mixed up user? i get killed growing weed here by local cartels.

i can mine all i want

Hi Senpai

I'm a brainlet, but can you explain one thing about GPU mining. Do you actually buy a bunch of PC motherboards and put as many GPUs into each....or are you just buying GPUs and putting them into some type of external case...connecting via???

go have sex incel



Why are you being a retard? Just research yourself.

100 miner at an average of 1600w ?
That is almost 400$ a day at 10c a unit.

100 miners at 1600w, 120v = 1400 Amps total (alot)
You need wiring that can support very high currents, suppliers like Bitfury have power solutions you need although you can probably just get in touch with a few electricians and get an estimate and make them compete with each other for pricing - it won't be cheap.

Warehouse? You're going to need HVAC, Industrial levels of air filtration and cooling. Soundproofing. Probably even security / cameras and defnitly good insurance for all your equipment.

Also, your supply of miners and spare parts for repairs can be filled cheap from Alibaba.
Chinese companies listed there usually have reps available 24/7 and they are usually very helpful.
Otherwise reach out to the manufacturer directly.

Do not listen to these guys - look carefully at profitability. Diversifie the algorithms you mine to lower your exposure to price movements and store your earnings in staking pools where possible for more profit.

>ASICS are not profitable.
>GPUs are.
You are really fucking retarded.
A 2000$ investment in an asic today will 3-4x your investment in 1 year. You'll be in profit inside of 3 months.
The same investment in a GPU rig will net you 250$ - after 1 year.
This is with current prices.
I even bought a whole bunch of S9s and T1s back in February and they paid themselves off by May.
GPU rigs are for NPCs

thanks for your reply. at what amount of miners does it get to this tier?

>Warehouse? You're going to need HVAC, Industrial levels of air filtration and cooling. Soundproofing. Probably even security / cameras and defnitly good insurance for all your equipment.