Libra is the first step in microchipping the world

The jew bois of the world are trying to make libra the global currency so they can microchip everyone. You will have your private key on this chip, and if you do something they don't like, they don't allow transactions from your private key. Maybe there will be a black market for replacement keys and chips, but you will need to get your old chip removed.

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Good. Accelerationism will only happen faster

>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

> Maybe there will be a black market for replacement keys and chips, but you will need to get your old chip removed.
All they need to do is sign your private key ala VeriSign, and include this signature in the chip, and have all terminals refuse unsigned chips. And nobody will be able to create third party chips.

Same way unsigned code can't run on a lot of proprietary systems.

the sad thing is that this is so obvious and noone gives a shit


And this is why we will become rich off Chainlink.

Could remove chips from other people's dead bodies and replace yours. Just hope they don't have some micro dna testers that disable it when put into someone else's body. Or any self destruction when it detects you're dead.

Anybody else suddenly believe in God? I'm seriously starting to question shit because of all the stuff my dad has laid on me seems to be lining up.

I actually prayed last night for the first time in a very very long time


Who do you think pushed the acceleration meme? Who benefits from them succeeding faster?

Revelation 13:16-17

Good. Fuck normie cattle I hope they get chipped.

Prayer doesn't help fools. The saying God helps those who helps themselves exists for a reason. Did Christians just pray their enemies away in the crusades?


Take your meds Alex.

Prayer helps people to get on the right path, to make the right decisions, to gain wisdom and strength of character. The wisdom you'll gain will eventually lead to promising discoveries you'll likely not want to share with anyone except your close friends and family.

unironically yes. Well, not suddenly; I've believed in him all my life, but went through my edgy, rebellious "muh anarchiez" teen years purposely defying him. It's only as I've gotten into my early-mid twenties I've been able to see that all the "bullshit" I was fed as a child from my conservative, conspirating parents is actually true. They warned me the mark of the beast would occur in my lifetime, but none of us could see it coming so soon.

I'm glad I don't live in America, but I'm equally disappointed I haven't made it enough to live off grid comfortably yet. When the NWO hits I'll be going as far inland into Australia as possible, even if it means living with Aboriginal tribes (/being murdered by them).

Yeah, I thought of reusing chips from dead bodies too.
But simple biometrics like a hash of your fingerprint or retina, or as you said, DNA, signed, also on the chip, completely breaks this.

The next idea would be for hackers to rewrite the biometric data on the chip with the data from your old chip. A simple signed checksum of the entire chip beats this.

We are living in the end of times. For real this time.

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I only prayed for advice... No one answered though.

Lol even if everybody knew
And i mean black on white statement about this plan nobobdy care
Remember the one time when we basically knew that the state spy on us with our phones? Nobody care
They could brat about doung 9/11 and all people would do is memeing on the internet
Thats how cucked we are

I'm trying to figure out how to use a chip without actually having one implanted. My dad swears that taking the chip is an automatic go straight to hell which I really don't want to do.

is it...

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Just wait and see what happens after that temple is being built, you haven't seen nothing yet.

The first step? Social Security numbers were probably the first step. I can't think of an earlier better example, but either way, we are well down that road.

You're wrong, we give a shit. If Kek, God, Thoth (you name it) really chose us for the great mission that is to cleanse the world, we'll do it

id2020, kyc

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Until JailBreak comes...
Even google and Apple have vulnerabilities

>dna test
Do you know how big a dna test machine are?

This technology can either free us or enslave us, no doubt about it. And there will be no middle ground. Time to get out of your basements and start building on this stuff - we must help to shape the direction that this goes.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Even if we build it at first, Evil will try to warp it. This battle will be eternal.

Unless we wipe them from the face of the earth (As Hitler should have done, but instead he relocated them to Palestine, dooming the Palestineans)

>dooming the Palestineans)
And us

Yes. Chip is mark of the beast.

Wouldn't this just enable someone to skim your private keys the same way credit card chips get skimmed from inside people's wallets?

That's because an OS is a huge and complex system. This is literally just signed data on a chip, basically a flash drive with RFID capabilities.

Also the patched Nintendo Switch wants to say hi. They MIGHT find a userland exploit in the future, but an exploit as simple as the RCM bug will most probably never exist in the future.

And a simple system like "scan chip for private key and check signature" is much less likely to have any exploits. Although it would most likely be like the EMV chip, which would sign transactions without revealing your private key.

The DNA thing I posted was from the post I quoted, not my idea. And whose to say how much future technology improves?

They've miniaturized many other things before.

A better argument against chipping would've been online purchases. Biometrics can easily be hit with a replay attack in this scenario. I'd think they will just a 2FA method so that harvesting chips from non-willing dead bodies for online purchases is not feasible (and of course try to ban any willing donors they find).

>This technology can either [...] enslave us
ftfy. the risks involved in the process of microchipping humans and the scope of consequences make it inherently evil

Anyone who is using their fingerprint on their phone and doesn't realize this is dellusional

Fucking jews, destroyed their planet and now trying to destroy ours

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Funny thing, the biggest thing that will prevent chipping is... CHRISTIANITY.

It's so widespread that the outcry from any such chipping attempts will be massive.

>maybe if society collapses then my side will finially win
wrong dude

Not talking specifically about microchipping. Immutable ledgers and whatnot.

>CHRISTIANITY [it will rescue us]

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Fuck, I'm not even a christian and I'm agreeing with this.

What an outstanding turn of events

St John has warned you about this. You can read it in his acid trip report aka the last book of the Bible.

Thanks took 100k. I feel much better and love Jews now.

If blockchain can be used to verify people it will hold scammers to their true identities. People would no longer be able to hide behind their misconceptions.

I have a similar life story. Became an atheist during drug fueled college days, became bitter at parents for pushing bullshit on me at a young and impressionable age. Grew older, began actually searching with a desire to understand the nature of reality. Studied some theoretical physics, history, re-read the Bible. When you zoom out, as much as I find it hard to admit, there is simply no better explanation as to the the human condition and it’s history as is found in the Bible. The humans that wrote it may not have it all figured out, but it’s as close as they could get, given what they knew.

If there was would he allow this shit to happen?

Literally prophesied to happen

Acid isn't actually bad. It increases IQ.

no need for a chip. the cellphone is much better than a shitty rfid chip

Cell phone can be stolen easily. Phones will be an interface to the chip. The chip will simply store your private key and sign stuff that your phone sends it.

Pretty poopy god then if you ask me

lmao. literally the mark of the beast. I'm going to have to buy a bible and start reading it because it was actually right.

back to Jow Forums incel schizo

never said it's bad, but can you post some proof of your ridiculous claims of iq increase?

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micro soft man bill gates did it and he hase most rich man in the world

Would you rather live in a utopia where nothing can ever go wrong but, likewise, there's no room for freewill or personal development?

I'm all in too, nigga

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This... But for me it wasn't drugs, it all started with fucking video games

>ridiculous claims
go tie a noose faggot. if you're trying to be a genius, do it in heaven

>drug fuelled

Yep, smoking weed and drinking were both big parts of my angsty, angry cringelord teen years. Years of psychedelic use slowly started to open my eyes to fact that there definitely IS more out there that we struggle to fathom, though I was still trying to lean towards gaia/new age bullshit. Finally I was addicted to meth for a year and in that time reread my KJB and other breadcrumbs religiously (pun unintended). The Bible definitely isn't the be all and end all imo, but it's still mostly essential reading for anyone searching for truths. Unfortunately, despite what I now know (and in a sober mind), I still feel like the sheep being led to the slaughter.

When Jesus comes, He will personally throw both that dictator and his "False Prophet" accomplice into the Lake of Fire

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You have to try it for yourself if you want to know, of course, you have to do it with a purpose and not only for fun. My experience was with 6 Grams of cubensis, all I have to say is that it worked.

>If God exists, why am I still a virgin
>Checkmate Christians
The evidence is finally right here in front if you. Repent and live or deny and perish.

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Not all jews are evil bro.

Take your lithium schizos.

Only 95% are evil

Hurrr durrr existence is not infinite opium bliss God not real hurrr durrr

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