/smg/ - Stock Market General

Taco Market General
Here in /TMG/ we discuss topics vital to running a taco stand!

Flour or corn tortillas?
Soft or hard tacos?
carne asada or hamburger?
onions & salantro or lettece and cheese?
do hot dogs qualify as tacos?

discuss these tacosophical questions here!

List of popular brokers:
pastebin.com/mrSchZPg (embed)

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

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Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Options Markets 101:

Suggested books:
pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

List of hedge fund holdings:

for the snibbed:

last taco on SMG:

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RKG confirmed hairy-armed latina


We back to AMD: In the Money Edition. Bought more QYLD with the premium.

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Who here extremely exposed?

Powell needs to hike or else I'm going to be eating one dollar steaks tonight.

threadly reminder about those CMG puts
don't forget about that juicy SGMO

Can I get a crab taco over here? careful of those claws :^)

VRUS poster seems to disappear the last couple days.... hmm.... I wonder why?

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I'm wearing pants, but I think i'm going to soil them if BYND doesn't drop another 40% today.

am i retarded for buying some srs calls based on this

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italian food > tacos and nachos

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shheeeeiiiitttt here's hoping Powell grows some balls and hikes

al pastor taco is best taco



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man you were like the one in a million investor who actually gets to ride an inverse leveraged ETF for a god damn MONTH and make nutty money doing it
that never happens
that's so rare

those kinds of rides almost never last as long as they did. they don't last forever
I sold out of SOXS in mid April when it was flatty so what do I know
gotta be so careful with those 3x inv

you basically get snibbed a little bit every day no matter what
it catches up with you

He won't, he's going to keep rates the same and it'll be a big nothing burger.

Yeah but that Draghi cut really fucked me over and I ended up leaving my SOXS positing with a small profit.

Goddamn euros.

>Betting against hipster bullshit this hard
I feel for you Bagholder but you definitely brought this one on yourself.

>Covered Call ETF
kekkies at least you're consistent

starting to look like a decent range trade
t. someone who doesn't range trade

But don't acknowledge the shill, plz.

(dub dubbz)
>implying fed news is ever "nothingburger"
People (algos?) are literally watching to see if JP uses the word "patient" or not. This is what drives the market right now.

I don't know if it's always like that, or just when economy slows growth rate.

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This company isn't worth 10 billion dollars.

glad you made it out ahead
I would have cut and run like midway through may with ~25% profit or whatever, that's just the kind of person I am.
That month wasn't kind to me, I was all over the place
made it out only slightly down, but damn, it didn't feel good

5% chance he doesn't use the word patient
that's like his favorite word

you are right, it's worth 100 billion!

>that's like his favorite word
0% chance he doesn't say the word prudent, his real favorite word

Srsly tho this kind of mania that we have seen with BYND is proof of late stage bull cycle

>I don't know if it's always like that
It never was like this, listen to oldfag boomer investor interviews, Jim Rogers and Peter Schiff,. They both said when they were little nobody even knew who the fed chair was. But today he's the most important man on the planet, more important than even the president.
It just shows how big the bubble is.

i am financially ruined

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Short AOBC into earnings?

We both know that but it doesn't matter, does it? We have a confidence based economy, not a value based one.

"We'll be looking at all the data"
Man I'm so glad that Jerome is the Fed Chair for this shitshow of a market
So much more entertaining than any of the previous fed chairs in his own subtle way

Attached: Jerome2.png (640x750, 319K)

this is a joke right? you're actually a millionaire and this represents 5% of your portfolio right?

That's a big portfolio

pick one

see youtube.com/watch?v=BcTWUBWfVLI&ab_channel=FoxBusiness
at 2:43

Oh my god dude.

You're a big trader

>i am financially ruined
> still having 850k left
> ruined

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>It's down even more now

also repost of this to remind the anons... its not to0 late to adjust position (its never too late)

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The house always wins, user.

If I sold all your shares would you die?

hahahha holy crap you‘re that guy who went from 500k to 1M on mongo. Sorry about the fsly tho, thats rough.

It would be extremely gainful...

quit messing around with trashy IPO meme stocks

yup, fuck Smith and Wesson and their bullshit safety locks

probably got this from reddit, faggot

based and divvypilled

Hey Faggots,

My name is Jerome, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are poor, retarded, degenerates who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass charts. You are everything bad in the the economy. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any dividends? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of their gambling addictions on weekly options and chinese scam stocks, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than buying BGFV at $9.50.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shorts. I'm pretty much perfect. I am Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States, and hand picked by President Trump. What investments do you make, other than "buying the LCI dip because of muh share structure and epic short squeeze"? I also get mad gains, and have a banging hot interest rate (I just did some rape hikes; Shit was SO crash). You are all faggots who should just liquidate your portfolios and apply for a job at McDonald's. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my FED Funds Rate.

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sell, use the short term losses against this year's capital gains, reinvest in safe dividend growth stocks slowly over the next 2 years and keep the rest in FDIC insured high yield savings accounts earning at least 2 percent to outpace inflation.

You could retire in less than 10 years off the passive income that will create.

wait I already watched this last week live
He was right and said all the right things then
He'll do the same again today

I didn't say he was subtle as a person. He's intelligent, honest, and straightforward.
I meant that I find him entertaining in a subtle way.

basically, Jerome is the golden bull, trying to break free and run the economy safely into new green pastures

Steve Munch (mr. Lego Batman) and Donny T (el hombre naranja) are the crabs, scuttling around twitter with all their nefarious schemes. not to mention Kudlow, don't even get me started

is this new or has someone used the John copy pasta with Powell before? either way, top notch.

When should i sell my amd? July 7th?

Jesus can this get anymore boring?
The fucking Fed could make their shit ass statement and press confrence earlier. Fuck those boomers. And fuck jannies and jews.

>I meant that I find him entertaining in a subtle way.
ah my missunderstanding fren

>Jerome is the golden bull, trying to break free and run the economy safely into new green pastures
if you actually listened to him as you say you would understand that Jerome is a good guy that is aware of the fact that we are in the later stages of a bull market and will do anything to make sure that we are well prepared when we get there (ie having a high rate to scale down from)

If the Fed doesn't do anything but a rate hike today, they are politically broken by Trump.

Jerome there are goyim trying to make money by going long prior to your announcement. Make sure to hit them with the old double we're doubling the rate effective yesterday. Then drop the mic and walk out while the market crashes.

...you mean cut?

Oh and make sure to arrange the dot plot into a middle finger.

he's the steady hand on the wheel

with anyone besides Jerome at the helm right now we wouldn't be at 2920, I promise you that

he said a double negative on accident, I think he meant
>If the Fed does anything but a rate hike today

zero chance of a hike today. the fed funds futures are the tail that wags the dog. if the futures are wrong, then the fed changes its language to prepare the market, then it acts.



> [IF] the futures are wrong
> [THEN] the fed changes its language to prepare the market,
> [THEN] it acts.

Wow, sounds like.. some centralized institution, backed by state power, is centrally planning the production and consumption in an economy here.

But never socialism no sir, this is pure full throttle capitalism.

Fed wont hike or hint at hike, Kuroda, Mario and China are all cutting and drugging economy.

> is centrally planning the production and consumption in an economy here.
no, just the interest rate. quite a leap you're taking there.

whatever powell says everybody will freak out for nothing. hike is bad, cut is nuts and overheating economy and keeping as it is is boring and lame

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You all saw that giant cocaine seizure in the Port of Philadelphia yesterday right? This is terrible news for the markets. Everybody is going to sell off so they can have money to afford the more expensive cocaine prices.

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Am I gonna make it /:

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Did you only read the headline?
Jerome seized the cocaine
for himself
He's about to take rates on such a mindtwisting ride up and down you won't even believe it

He's going to hike rates 5x and cut rates 3x during the meeting today. really shake the algos and weak hands out of the market in a one-hour orgy of buying and selling.

I call it, crabs in a barrel

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probably not, seeing as your positioning is extremely aggressive. it'll backfire eventually.

what's your trading strategy?

But that'll make the market have a seizure...

Jerome taped the circuit breakers closed. with really strong tape. 3M tape.
we're going all the way today, up or down

with 16 tons of cocaine, you can go wherever you want

This is only one account lol. Holding since mid 1s, not selling till I turn 60,000 into 1,000,000

Invest in the future



>For instance, the Israeli startup Gauzy developed a smart glass that can turn car windows into video displays.

>Lyft claims that it will be enabling self-driving cars to communicate with pedestrians by turning the windows into screens.

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If I know for a fact that the EPS for a company is going to be below the expected, should I buy right after the inevitable dip upon the EPS release? I feel like the answer is obvious but this is baby's first trade.

>Making it
>by investing in stock or crypto
This board is delusional when it comes to "making it"

Look at the world's three centibillionaires. They all ran companies. Go and learn about how to business. Not just how to invest.

This fucking BYND meat shit isn't going to move until after the announcement is it...

>communicate with pedestrians by turning the windows into screens.
Ads on cars soon. Imagine buying a sports car for 500$ and the car pays for the rest of it by displaying ads on the body.

You're not wrong, but you're early, and that's the same thing.

Of course not, what the fuck did you expect?

EPS doesn't matter anymore, it'll probably go up

i expected to get rich quick and easy money from no effort.


came here looking for this, thanks user!

Its time for the Lunchtime Check Up. What are you eating how are you doing? I got some of that Singapore noodles from a take out joint near my office. Waiting for the fed to announce gloom and doom is boring as fuck.

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If those puts were risk free money, nobody would have sold them to you

Peach-Mango Bang energy drink, kratom, Lychee Ice nicotine salties

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Got a five dollar subway because I'm too busy to go to a good place for lunch

Moving my risky shit into cash until after the meeting, got some QQQ puts at a couple of strikes because I'm bearish on powpow, but didn't go too deep there because who the actual fuck knows

everyone leave a bad review here please

Vann York Paint and Body Collision Center Auto Body Shop

they've had my car for two months and keep delaying when I can get it back so they can collect money from the insurance company

The January 2021 $35 puts are $4
That might as well be free money

If they announce a deal with McD or Wendy's you'll never see that price


Then you keep the $4

When will the announcement of the rate change happen?

do you really need to remind me to kill my self every day bro? It's not my fault your father was black and left your mother.

1 hour 15 minutes

Chewy? Yay or Nay? I think I will buy it for long when I can get it for 30$.

I'll be in bed by then, I hope to wake to good news and mad gainz

Just started trying BANG

Like Peach Mango and Star Blast (v. American, I like it)

Blue Razz and Sour Head... not so much.

I hope they keep stocking it at my Grocery Outlet, even though 1.75 for creatine soda is still pretty expensive.

You'll be in bed... mid afternoon?
Or are you UNAMERICAN!?

Europoors or worse Israelis

so is zuckcoin gonna kill WU?