Why is it pumping?

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only 18 million marketcap. Has the potential to pull a matic and x10.

Based on what though.

Indians associate the R with rupee

not sustainable

Some salty bizlets incoming...

Based on investors (similar), marketcap and IEO hype.

All speculation though. But I got in at 27 sats so im pretty happy.

RSD,the prototype for their actual stablecoin RSV will be released this month in Venezuela.
Together with RSD they woll publish an app which enables venezuelans to change their bolivar to RSD.
So Reserve delivers their product which solves an actual problem,the massive hyperinflation of the vezuelan Bolivar.

1. Why a prototype, that sounds like absolute vaporware
2. Still, why pump now
3. Venezuela will ban this shit in a heartbeat.

Because the RSR whitepaper and the Libra whitepaper are nearly the same with the same investors. Go figure

Shittest hopium.

Go figure what, rajeesh?

crashing in 5,4,3,2,1...

1.Because RSD will be backed by USD and will fluctuate with the USD.RSV will be backed by a basket of assets and will be STABLE.
2.Because mass adaption is imminent?
3.It is decentralized and the Venezuelan government has not the means to ban it or the ressources,as they face greater problems.

I will not answer more of your questions,dyor.


Matic pumped because of cz. You're about to get dumped on yet again

What hopium you faggot, it's a big reason it's pumping RIGHT NOW
Says Raikesh, who are the real 'jeets here?

Worst fucking shilling EVER.
If you seriously believe as you say,you should unironically end yourself.

Government says "RSD is illegal to trade in this country and businesses cannot use it" easy.

Its literally incoherent. You're suggesting because its similar it's secretly the same project? No. For one there are major differences and secondly any similarity is bad as facebook is a titan.

You have no clue about the current situation in Venezuela and legislation in general.

You've imbibed too much hopium.

Nothing to do with 'believing' you mong. It's a fact these two whitepapers have almost identical goals using the same methods. They share the same investors. Draw your own conclusion, I never even posted one in the first place. Learn to read first before posting again

unironically end yourself.

I have a -20% stop loss with an account risk of 1% and a entry at 27 sats. I think i'll be fine.

You won't post your own conclusion because putting it to words bares its ridiculousness.

Never suggested shit, the fuck is wrong with you guys with your literal monkey tier IQ drawing these retarded conclusions. It's still drawing a lot of attention to RSR, they don't need to be working together

Look how mad these guys get, making shit up themselves meanwhile RSR is still pumping ofcourse. You fags have lots to learn

Yeah a better competitor selling a similar product is good for business!

Still pumping btw

Call me when it's over 40

because CMC is about to list its actual market cap soon and when that happens it will be in the top 50 cryptos and then it will begin its meteoric rise

except RSV/RSR is superior in every way from Libra since it is actually backed by the UN (first off) and secondly decentralized unlike the centralized kike scam that Libra is.

dyor tho, this wont be the first time bizlets have missed such an obvious investment vehicle.

> backed by UN


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>he doesnt know that RSR isnt a stable coin
never gonna make it

I dumped this shit last week and now its pumping

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based retard

It's not pumping until it breaks 40, this is still just normal variation.

0,0033*100*10^9=330 million market cap
learn to calculate, RSR fags are literally the biggest brainlets

Are you a fucking retard?

The circulating supply is 6.85% of total supply.
So that makes the market cap 22,6 million atm.

This is why you are never gonna make it. This fucking attitude right there. Everything is a scam, everyone is retarded, but in the end you dont buy shit and everyone else is getting gains. good luck user. you will need it.


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100K is the minimum you need to make it off this coin.

>good luck user. you will need it.
he sure will
>pic related will be his face when he realizes the mistakes he's been making, but by then it will be too late

>I dumped this shit last week and now its pumping
you probably sold at a loss
you deserve the loss
once you overcome your own weak and easily manipulated mental states, then you will deserve the profits
until then, you will deserve the losses

Attached: their faces when they didnt buy chainlink in 2018.jpg (587x587, 52K)

>RSR fags are literally the biggest brainlets
>t. smoothbrain

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i have 160k,

what the mcap would be at 1 cent?

There'll be no making it off this coin. At 60 sats it'll hit a sell wall so enormous nothing can ever pass.




About 66 million

>42-anonfag is in on RSR

now that`s a lot of burgers