Get in early

100 sats EOM
Expect a huge pump after that if we get a new exchange, you have been warned

Attached: IMG_20190619_185822.jpg (1080x1040, 121K)

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>H O P I U M
anyone who buys now is complete retard

Read the side: PUPHOPIUM
As in *poofopium* your investment is gone *poof*!
As in POOhopium, like the pajeets who shill this.

>that ID
Holy fuck $85 EOY confirmed

I actually can’t believe anyone owns this token lol

how to get in the us?


thank you blessed user

Attached: blessed.jpg (480x264, 20K)

enjoy your 300m market cap pajeets. Shit doesn't even go live until next year ahahaha oh no no no

It's 20m mcap right now. So a 300m mcap would actually be great.

thanks fren, bought 1.3 million and im already up 60%+ on my investment
feels very good to be this early.


Attached: 1560956077372.png (819x767, 653K)


Really dont want to ruin this thread,im balls deep in RSR as well but

But with only 6% of tokens circulating, lololololol.

peter thiel + coinbase ventures this is a top 20 token in 2020-2021

bizzzzzzzzz do u even want a 100x? this is fucking spoonfed

thats the real issue here, this is just too easy of an investment to see but its still incredibly early.
when the RSD gets released and its the economic salvation of the poorfags in Venezeula, it will get international attention - RSR will moon literally overnight when MSM starts reporting how its helped the ppl down there.

as always tho, there are bizlets that will yet again miss out on ez gains.
we've all missed something that was posted on this board, but RSR is just so obvious only the non-whites will miss this one.

i think we could see over $1 in the next few years per RSR based on the projected crypto MC rising to 1.5 - 2t$

that'd make a $1000 investment just around $400,000 at a potential peak.

but biz is going to miss out on this obvious fucking moon mission.

completely concur.
a $2000 investment in RSR now is smart value investing.
the risk to reward ratio is way too high to ignore this one and since its backed by Coinbase Ventures theres literally no way that it DOESNT get listed on Coinbase in the near future.

see you at the RSR party, fren

where do you buy this shit?

Seems like a pretty big uphill battle to bank the unbanked in countries like Venezuela when Libra is aiming to do the same thing with MUCH deeper marketing pockets

Facebook has been losing users for years now.
Theres a reason the stock is shit now.
It was found that more than half of FB's reported users were fake.
Analytics have also confirmed ppl logging into FB less and less.
Its literally going the way of myspace - in a big way.
Libra has no real use case that RSR doesnt accomplish much better in all respects.

There is a laundry list of red flags with FB to the point where everything it touches has a sell rating.
dyor tho, but i expect you are too low IQ to sort this shit out on your own.

is this Huobi page even safe at all? I feel like I would get wiped out of all funds there.

this is the real deal guys, libra will get government banned even before release.

it isnt for US investors.
what you want is IDEX

this user knows what hes talking about.


Attached: 1560917945341.png (778x784, 1.13M)

imagine believing RSR will have an easier time onboarding third worlders than fucking facebook

I'm from eastern europe. Idex seems to have a pretty low volume though.

>invest in whatever vc's do and you'll make it
>they don't accumulate before the public can even purchase
>they're not using your liquidity to exit

imagine believing that the govts of the world and central bankers are going to allow a company known for skirting regulation, consumer privacy, caught in several illicit scandals, to ever become a shadow bank on a global scale.

you have no idea what you are talking about.
RSR is backed by the fucking United Nations, mongoloid

If you honestly believe that the central banker kikes of the world are going to go in on zuckerkikes crypto scam and let him control a massive shadow bank, you have no idea what the world of finance is remotely about, jackass.

You sound like a contrarian /x/tard who bases your world view on the what other retards in your social bubble are saying.

>'huRr duRR mY tWo fRiEndS leFt fAceBooK oMgz thEyr loOsiNg soO mAny usErs thEy nexT mYsPacE

meanwhile FB literally gains users year after year and has nearly a third of the entire world population using it multiple times daily where FB can advertise and promote and onboard people to Libra for free. Imagine betting an unknown shitcoin would beat that lmao.

see you in july when you fall for the next flavor of the month crypto being shilled here and desperately cling to whatever money you have left after blowing it on RSR first.


>not knowing that FB's reported user statistics have been proven to be fake and that FB is currently in a lawsuit with advertisers because of it
you are a fucking child and you know nothing about FB

FB's project needs to be heavily regulated because of data breaches and missuses of privacy. Does the same thing apply to the Reserve project?
Fucking smooth brain

how retarded are you? Even if their true userbase is only 1% of what they state that's still a massive fucking advantage over RSR, who no one has ever heard of. RSR already had a massive adoption problem they were going to need to solve in those countries, and now Facebook of all fucking companies just announced they'll be directly competing with (steamrolling) them. Abandon RSR as soon as you can, those investors had no intention of competing with Facebook and they'll abandon it soon too.

your assumption will prove to be faulty.
Libra will NEVER launch.

end of discussion.

lmao imagine thinking FB didn't do their due diligence.

> end of discussion.

That's what every faggot says when he knows he's wrong. Bury your head in the sand and perk that ass up you're about to get ZUCKED retard

how about you respond to

Who the fuck cares if it's heavily regulated? You're talking about one of the richest companies on the planet ffs and you retards honestly think they won't find their way around regulations like that? RSR is an ant that will easily be stepped on by FB whether it's battling regulations or not.

this fucking faggot isnt an accredited investor so he cant even buy into the FB Libra security that will be traded to collateralize the Libra stable token yet hes still shilling for a kikebook scam.

i'd cut your hands off with a chainsaw if it was legal

I'm not shilling it though, there's nothing to shill we can't fucking buy it. That doesn't mean it won't crush RSR though. They serve the same use case and you're betting against one of the richest and most ruthless tech companies on planet earth. The only thing I'm "shilling" is to put your money in literally almost any other coin than RSR because the market changed yesterday and RSR is now DOA.

fb will need ages to deliver on libra, if ever. rsr is more sound and gonna be first mover here, too.

You're so green
You know what Paypal is? You know how one of the most successful payment processors still isn't available to all countries on earth, nor is withdrawing an option for MOST of them?
Reserve is focusing on high-inflation economies, Libra is becoming just another payment processors for 1st and 2nd world countries that already have alternatives.
Now stop embarrassing yourself

>face down
>ass up
>that's the way
>you boutta get ZUCKED