/cng/ - Chainlink node general - I'm back asked no one edition

In /cng/ we discuss node, api's, hardware, cloud computing services, and anything else related to node operations. if you want anything added to the op feel free to call me a faggot and let me know.

>running a node


>Ethereum as a service (EaaS)

>web services
aws.amazon.com/ (free tiers)
cloud.google.com (free for 1y for new users)

>chainlink adapters

>rough system requirements
(intel i5, i6, i7 from the 6th gen onwards is SGX comaptible)
its been said you can run a link node on a raspberry pi. that part is quite light weight
tl;dr hard to say. no one has a straight answer

to be made

>What tiers should I use with cloud providers?
I don't know. I am learning. Tell me your findings and I'll add them Here is what my rough findings are
Database instance - postgreSQL - amazon db.t3.small ~$30 a month
Node instance - google cloud g1-small
Geth intance - i dunno trying fiews at the moment. let me know

>How do you use chainlink adapters
I dont know. You tell me or when I find out ill add it to here

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Other urls found in this thread:


>intel i5, i6, i7

now to start off i would like to figure out what exact tiers on aws, google cloud, etc., would be the recommended tiers to go with.

sorry not enough memes in the thread can't take it seriously

shit idk how thats in there my bad. i6 is the i5 shadowfork. ill change now.

This thread is not approved by the link marines
t.scout squad

Lol these are always a failure and will always be a failure. Sell your links now and get into bsv and zcash

Especially if you are American

most likely will get slided. i dont care. there has to be a few marines in here that care about running a node

I'm too stupid to run a NEET node, and too poor to afford LP shares. Will there be other competitive staking services?

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top fucking kek

Can I make money from running a node RIGHT NOW?
If so, how?

Can we get a brainlet proof step by step guide?

not immediately. you must run a ropsten node for at least week with test jobs hitting the node every 10 minutes. after that you have to do a kyc with big baller sergey and perform node maintenance for them proving you can run one. i want this thread to make that a little easier

Yes. Any large node operator would be stupid to not set up something similar

also your question was just added to the FAQ

I need to set up my database today. I think I'll slack off yet again.

ive been slacking the past 2 days on my vacation. today is better than tomorrow

Does your PC have to be running the whole time for your node to work? So if I have contract for 30 days, my node needs to be operating 24/7?

thats why unless you have 2 isp's with a way to roll over in case of an outage along with a battery backup on your server that can withstand a power outage its recommended to run your node on a cloud provider. I have a home server and a battery backup but i dont have a second isp or equipment to roll it over. its less hassle with a cloud provider.

So if I run it on a cloud provider, I could use let's say AWS to run it and fiews as the EaaS right? Or would it be simpler to do it on LP, although I have no shares?


It says in the security recommendations page to become registered, you need two chainlinks nodes running in two different servers. Would two AWS EC2 instances fulfill that requirement?

i would imagine yes.

Any particular reason you went with Google Cloud for the nodes over AWS? Is it cheaper?

$300 credit for new accounts is the only reason why i chose it. gave me some room to fuck up with and not go broke


can't use LP I believe. But yes you can use AWS and fiews

>unlucky message ordering
can result in honest nodes that have contributed partial signatures to Σ not receiving


Attached: SERGEYWHYYYYY.png (905x1010, 609K)

>So it says here you want to run an official node on our decentralized oracle network? We've been going through your resume and did background search into your personal life, and while your lack of work experience is not a problem, it has come to our attention that you've never even had a girlfriend, did you really think we wouldn't find out you're one of those Jow Forums losers who kept calling us names and we would allow you to be a node operator? KYC application denied, we instead recommend you to KYS.

Attached: kyc.jpg (768x512, 112K)

I see. Might just deploy the docker image to a Google Run and see how that goes.

Go scam somewhere else like plebbit for example.

now i just need to steal a shit tonne of data

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nice keep it up user! keep us updated

alright i have it running.
both database and node 1 are running on google cloud
i am using g1-small for the node. will report back how well it works

Seriously and realistically how much 1 link could be worth 2-3 years from now?

Nodepool, Sdl, chainlayer... Etc. LP is still the king though

Please Sergey let me have my node! I will get a gf I swear!

Nobody knows. It could be several hundred or nothing.

Personally, I will hold until the end. Not going to sell halfway for chump change only to find out later I could have been a millionaire.