this time it's different

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-19 at 22.04.36.png (1728x912, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:;245

Attached: ahhh.jpg (344x526, 36K)

Attached: 20190617_200256.png (705x941, 226K)

we're at the beginning of a bull run and not the peak. 1000 eoy.


Attached: 4a0.jpg (1808x1204, 692K)

interesting. let's see the weekly chart.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-18 at 19.49.03.png (1726x904, 255K)


the volume is gargantuan compared to what it was the last 9 months or however long. idc about your opinions and always hold to 0 anyway. 1000 eoy.

You mean the giant cup and handle that already broke out on the weekly? Sure, it's different this time.

that is not a cup and handle

>this time it's different
OPs face once he tried swinging link after mainnet

Attached: their faces when they didnt buy chainlink in 2018.jpg (587x587, 52K)

>OPs face after the google announcement

Attached: their faces when.jpg (698x927, 54K)

OP in absolute shambles
>OPs face in this thread

Attached: hopeless chasm.png (228x81, 12K)

If your face isn't (pic related) for all of 2019 regarding chainlink, then I have some bad news for you...and some even worse news for you OP

want to see my ((((((TA)))))) analysis on chainlink?
>pic related
>multiple red candles you say?
>my my...would you look at the time

Attached: 1560742069186.png (697x489, 171K)

>muh TA can predict the future
everytime see

>instead, pic related, will be OPs face as he tries to use his meme candles to predict random noise

Attached: 1560476454174.png (704x492, 84K)

>muh TA can predict the future
>5 stages of Jow Forums
>5 stages of fortune

Attached: stages of 4chan.png (955x1653, 1.32M)

imagine buying a tulip middle man bubble coin and not selling ATH


>interesting. let's see the weekly chart.
I got a chart for you (gif related)
what's this pattern called?
watch it a few times and let me know if you get it

Attached: 1557127047282.gif (320x180, 3.81M)

I really hope so. Would love to accumulate below 1.50 as a linkless reprobate who has seen the light.

>watch it a few times and let me know if you get it
>hint, pic related

Attached: 26113_large_100mhz_digital_storage_oscilloscope.jpg (800x460, 96K)

this larp has grown on me. i hope you keep the series going for years to come. ill even tip you a few linkies if you keep this up, OP.

>>instead, pic related, will be OPs face as he tries to use his meme candles to predict random noise
not quite so random
CZ (the ultimate scammer) has his bots working overtime shaking out candlestick prophet-retards

Attached: 02EDC86C-7CBA-4B1F-860B-0F82D00CFAD5-43982-00002EB0E87C45E1.png (520x518, 298K)

How do I take the 42 pill? I'm listening to Pink Floyd. Allow me to ascend

Attached: 59317d80.jpg (1280x551, 52K)


>Allow me to ascend
I'm not the one to ask permission
you know who you have to ask
>hint: (you)

Attached: twin peaks exorcist.png (1024x576, 826K)

What movie is that?
What are some movies you recommend?

Twin Peaks

btw cool video analysis on that scene from the exorcist for those interested:
Rob Ager also has good ones on Kubrick's movies and I agree with him regarding his favourite horror movie: "The Thing"
>pic related

Attached: The Thing.jpg (1000x1500, 189K)

Except acceptance is when you all in link ;)


What's the phase after sleeper called again?

>What are some movies you recommend?
Little Buddha
Dark City
A Scanner Darkly
Donnie Darko
Wizard of Oz
Event Horizon
Golgo 13
Ninja Scroll

there's a lot of movies man but those are a good start

pro-tip: there's no single way, unfortunately I can't really give anyone instruction regarding how to overcome yourself
that is a deeply personal and ethereal concept that can change and shift along you lifetime

all I can say is you will know it when it happens and it won't be difficult or even questionable, you will know

I'd also recommend you look into Robert Anton Wilson, Terrence McKenna, Alan Watts, and Jonothan Bowden
They've got some good youtube talks and videos

OP confirmed in shambles

Attached: 1560904760391.jpg (423x705, 128K)

>What's the phase after sleeper called again?
I got you

Attached: 1560468669884.png (874x648, 118K)

how cute, OP is a newlinker. OP doesn't remember the bitcoin bubble of december 2017, how cute

Attached: 1560888270998.jpg (1079x1100, 179K)


Kekd hard

Decent choices. The Holy Mountain is missing from the list - the essential acid trip mindfuck wackness

btw I sent that puzzle from yesterday to a former math professor of mine at my university
going to be visiting him this weekend to work on it
I asked him what the going rate was these days for mathematicians lol
he said he was so interested in the thread and the puzzle that he'd do it for free as long as I helped him
I'll let anons know how it goes
also given out the puzzle for a bunch of other people to see if they can solve it
I want to know what it spells at the bottom
>inb4 "fuck you"
>pic related

Attached: 1560898899624.png (800x1200, 68K)

>>inb4 it spells: "fuck you"

Attached: 1560898810083.gif (500x375, 1.94M)

>The Holy Mountain
I'll have to check that one out
Airplane is also a very good one
>pic related

Attached: surely.jpg (460x332, 39K)

Hey m8, how're you doing in this fine night (or day)?

>Hey m8, how're you doing in this fine night (or day)?

working on that puzzle from last night
it isn't as simple as it appears
someone took the time to make this
furthermore, I know it's related to the absolute 42-rampage we've collectively been on this last week
keep in mind, I really started shilling 42 the night before the google announcement
lots of synchronicities flying around
anyways, I'm looking forward to the weekend when I can sit down with my former math prof to hash that riddle out
>pic related

hows your night/day coming along?

Attached: twin peaks - above and below.jpg (2500x1885, 1.2M)

>working on that puzzle from last night
thread related:
>the digits in that thread tho, unbelievable...

Attached: 1560755706311 (1).jpg (440x570, 29K)

>ANOTHER thread

have sex OP. you've gotten everything wrong.

it's pretty funny bait though.

Attached: 1559605951827.jpg (231x218, 7K)

>5 days
>weekly chart

Attached: small brian.jpg (645x729, 34K)

>>ANOTHER thread
>have sex OP. you've gotten everything wrong.
>it's pretty funny bait though.
>the digits tho, unbelievable...
OP in 360 shambles
absolutely and unequivocally BTFO

Attached: 56A21240-25BC-42E5-96FE-D32C8C70909B-41174-00002D1C2DB2F9CD.jpg (960x540, 271K)

>the digits tho, unbelievable...
>OP in 360 shambles
>absolutely and unequivocally BTFO
heh...nothing personal kid...

Attached: 1560899442538.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

>The Holy Mountain is missing from the list
looks like it would be right up my alley
>video related

Attached: holy mountain.jpg (1575x1575, 1.36M)

Attached: interstellar - time.png (1035x754, 1.62M)

Attached: 1555684857905.jpg (1000x1426, 217K)

total spookjob
just like ban blitzerian or whatever his name is
((((((poker))))))) money
another one that's good for a laugh
>lauren southern
turns out she's a cock sleeve
and those retards bought her book

all they had to do was buy link
instead they chose to follow e-celebs
absolutely JUSTed
they do it to themselves you see

Attached: 1526140202271.png (895x832, 528K)

Do you smoke weed? Also do you believe having sex with ur gf is bad or immoral in the Bible. Meditate ever?

>Do you smoke weed?

>Also do you believe having sex with ur gf
>also mfw

>Meditate ever?
yeah, you could call it meditating
but I don't sit in a quiet room in poses meditating if you know what I mean

Attached: C02E6B05-6EE5-4A74-81E1-E57E9A62B9E0-44326-00002EF5AE6A4527.gif (500x338, 3.62M)


Attached: 1560607869697.png (400x397, 65K)

>same charts
>2 different states of mind

>5 stages of Jow Forums
>5 stages of fortune
>filename related

Attached: absolute unit.gif (600x782, 3.28M)

>hows your night/day coming along?

Oh, I'm fine thank you. Pretty much spent my day reading about all this Libra stuff...

>working on that puzzle from last night
it isn't as simple as it appears

When you crack it down, please, let us know what it is about. I wish I had the brains to help you out... Unfortunately I have almost no knowledge when the subject is calc...

if anyone is still confused as to what I mean by this, I have one last hint: (pic related)

There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
Or which way the river’s flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a-blowing

Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they’re certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing

>t. Willy Honka

does /user/ have what it takes to hold onto his golden ticket through Willy HONKA's wild ride?

Attached: HONKA.jpg (1200x670, 41K)

>When you crack it down, please, let us know what it is about.
I will, it may take a couple of weeks but if I do then I will most definitely share it here
if I don't then that means either I didn't figure it out or that (((they))) got to me first hahahaha
either way, I'm strapped in

Attached: Buddha - Booduh.jpg (2787x1212, 313K)

>Allow me to ascend
user...i...i have some (((interesting))) news for you...
>pic related

Attached: dweller at the threshold.jpg (965x1400, 1.03M)

>user...i...i have some (((interesting))) news for you...
>pic related
anons face when he realizes
oh no no no
>they tried warning you about Father...
>you didn't listen...

Attached: 1553622197603.jpg (566x960, 109K)


>brb going for a smoke
let's keep roasting OP, it's fun
too bad he pussed out and left
would love some of the good ol' banter and brainstorming that we all us /anonz/ get up to

Attached: smoke Jesus.jpg (593x767, 55K)

Godspeed, user

Swing niggers gonna swing.. fuck em

Attached: 1560771354358.png (754x1158, 384K)


Attached: 1559531069822.jpg (1080x1288, 93K)


will LINK be able to overtake (((them)))

This is the million serger question isn't it?

Also check this out. I found it earlier today.

>working on that puzzle from last night

Attached: big think.png (500x497, 277K)

I will literally become a tranny if link goes to 60c

Attached: 07494179-3C26-454F-BC02-48DAD79DC6E7.jpg (512x512, 57K)

What is going on in this thread?

Attached: 1449724153239.png (314x278, 129K)

>will LINK be able to overtake (((them)))
there is no (((them)))
stop chasing shadows
trust me you have enough within you to cover the whole world in darkness
you need to ensure you stay in God's guiding light, if you do, nothing can touch you
more importantly, if you do, then you will understand
your enemies will trip over themselves trying to knock you off your path and yet you must persist and let them perish
spread you knowledge, spread your understanding and treat people with dignity
regarding chainlink specifically
they're /ourguys/ insofar as they represent the power shift that you see playing out on a global scale

>What is going on in this thread?
you tell me
>mfw he doesn't know
should we tell him?

Attached: 1560790860709.jpg (1200x1000, 718K)

>42 4 42 84
what did they mean by this?
>mfw I now realize why Pythagoras went on about geometry

Attached: -pythagoras-.jpg (1289x1893, 372K)


Attached: rogers.gif (400x300, 1.93M)

OP always posts this right before it pumps. Really makes you think

>mfw Pythagoras loved his women
Ah, I see you're a yan of culture as well

theme song for this journey:;245

Attached: pythagoras and his ladies.jpg (2880x1953, 1.07M)


>Ah, I see you're a man** of culture as well
haha fuck

Attached: our faces.jpg (500x1406, 146K)

We are here to change the world

Attached: 1560816633291.png (1000x1369, 1.33M)


>you need to ensure you stay in God's guiding light

Attached: iorhjgiurwaeghisjbfnsijobn.jpg (4032x3024, 1.11M)

>5 days
>weekly chart
what's this ((((TA)))) pattern called?
>pic related

Attached: 1560818899921.png (966x862, 1.05M)

>I bought the top

I was honestly sick of seeing LINK moon so I dropped 1k USD to become a smalltime Stinky LINKy. I knew that it would reverse LINK's moon, and I was correct.

Attached: Shkreli.jpg (600x337, 23K)

>so I dropped 1k USD
opinion discarded

Attached: 1560223151155.png (896x1371, 1.18M)

It's not an opinion. I bought the top and LINK won't surpass $2 for a long time.

>LINK won't surpass $2 for a long time.
$1000 EOY is FUD
where the hell have you been?
guess what?
>pic related will be my face then

Attached: mmm no no no.jpg (750x552, 26K)

>t. linkpool shareholder
>5% a month (really)
>tell my hong kong waifu about it and all the money we're going to be making

>bonus: hong kong waif also has a good amount in crypto and has about the same in terms of assets as me

Attached: wassa wassa.gif (462x260, 3.66M)

tfw can't find nodes to stake my paltry 250 link with on linkpool

Attached: 155809818723.jpg (640x480, 31K)

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 9K)

We're going down to 19000 sats, then next leg up. Screenshot this.

nice trip fag tripfaggot
>We're going down to 19000 sats, then next leg up
what else do the candles say?
please OP it's important

Attached: mandelbrot beetle.jpg (1600x1200, 790K)

>We're going down to 19000 sats, then next leg up. Screenshot this.
>mfw he didn't take the Willy Honka pill

Attached: WILLY HONKA.png (850x478, 456K)

Attached: 1558644689975.jpg (1200x794, 100K)

Attached: 411881EF-D6D3-4006-8380-96CE45A586FD-44326-00002EF59FA68AAF.jpg (680x645, 76K)

>tfw can't find nodes to stake my paltry 250 link with on linkpool
I'm interested in their marketplace, NaaS and so-called "bridges" that they've been working on (pic related)
that could be some serious business
not to mention the potential for linkpool to be handling major contracts that are lucrative by virtue of them being first on the market
also linkpool is the test bed for ETH 2.0 staking

Attached: rainbow bridge.png (2819x1947, 3.84M)