This girl wants 12k for her virginity, I have 2k funds for investing; what should I buy?

This girl wants 12k for her virginity, I have 2k funds for investing; what should I buy?

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She is decent, wouldn’t spend 12k on her but you do you.

COTI is where you should all in. Multiple partnerships waiting to be announced and Binance listing soon.

a gun

I'm ready to max out my credit card.

Find a some grill that looks like her on insta and throw the 2k at her instead


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chinks are like ripple m8, you're getting ripped off

Get on the Morpheus train user. Expect a huge pump soon, we will get listed on a big exchange and the MM is starting soon.

chinks torture dogs too. whats your point? their women are hot and that's all I care about.


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Thats really cheap she must be a whore doing a scam dude. Some woman got 1 million for her virginity I remember

her virginity should be tokenized as an erc721 token.
I want a cyberpunk degenerate future in which I can buy a girl's virginity in an IVO (initial virginity offering), then use her tokenized virginity as collateral for a defi loan

Wait I think I actually know her, does she attend UCI?

user to old for me, max 18 for me.
I like you but not sure what you should buy
if you want to play safe buy ada , xrp , neo this will go x3--6 in 1 year But that might be to long for you

If you want to gamble a bit you should look at Coti, Mitx, Vnt , Bolt. this will go x10-20 in 1 year. But its more risk user

erc69 token more likely

they all look alike faggot

i'm pretty sure that's jackie chan


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Literally 1/3 in coti now

> "women"

Isnt that gook doing the work which is normally optimized for el negros. Putting shit down from trees so the white masterrace can sell that shit and buy COTI with it

Is that the chinese farmgirl with the obviously state-funded production values?

Who would spend this much on mediocre sex

I took a Asian girls virginity once, it was awesome. I would pay for it to happen again.

Wash her face first, don't get scammed by chink makeup.

Asians are known for their tightness, imagine how firmly a virgin Asian will grab your cock.

OP get yourself a COTI bag. In a few weeks you can spend 12k on her and the other 12k on other thots.

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chinks are still cuter without makeup then white roasties.

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OP will unequivocally, undoutably, certainly, never, ever make it.

user... I...

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oi, what are you on about, mate? Every girl in that picture is right disgusting.

just fuck a whore for $120

icos are not profitable anymore retards

sorry to break it to you user but the chinks are still wearing makeup. the east asian style is to just make it more subtle so it looks natural rather than pronounced like american makeup
t. asian

What’s her name OP?? I already tried reverse image search.

Some of you weebs would pay 50k USD for the shit I did last night, and more for the stuff I'll do in about a week. Feels ok to be a chad-lite

Not sure if OP was larping, or if they're the same girl. (Every korean girl that had plastic surgery + heavily filters their pics looks the same) but if they're the same person. I know her personally and she's extremely rich and doesn't need his pity 12k so he's larping out of his mind.

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only for low test faggots like you

Send more pics user. I wouldn't say that user. Sheltered rich girls LOVE whoring themselves out. For them it is liberating from their sheltered upbringing.

She is a whore, I never denied that. Just stated she's too rich and wouldn't resort to have sex with degenerate incels for money.

How can a decentralized oracle confirm her virginity and also when she loses it?
Also does giving a blowjob not count?

Post pics user. Fuck man, be useful for once in your life.

Just go to LA and you'll see asian girls like that everywhere stop being an incel.
Same girl btw thirsty faggot

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Thanks user. You service has been acknowledged. I'm originally from LA so I can confirm. I'm in the East Coast at Uni and can confirm there are many here as well.

Post more btw.

sorry scared you'll stalk her if i post anymore


user I'm pretty sure she already has 10 stalkers on her (including you). Don't be a beta, be a Chad for once. Post more.

I used to think that too, until I got some experience and realized how fucking wrong I was. You'll learn too

i know her personally stop being such an incel, book a flight to hong kong and get yourself a prostitute

Surgically reconstructed hymen. Asshole isn't virgin either I bet. SCAM.

can confirm asshole is extremely loose

>thinks the girls on the left aren't wearing makeup
that's just how good they are at it. girl in the OP has straight up plastic on her face tho, y'all niggas gettin played

don't know about LA but in Miami this chinese girl (pic related) touched my dick. all women are whores no matter what race, religion or upbringing.

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Imagine thinking the most subhuman women on the planet are “hot”

I would rather bang sub Saharan African queens and I’m not even gay

she looks disgusting what is wrong with you op

>whoring themselves out ... is liberating
I want to get off Mr. Goldberg's Wild Ride.

Go away white roastie

Banging hottie 9/10 asian qt not overrated fren. Logarithmic dropoff in value though.

Make sure to record it and upload for the rest of us.

Lol I graduated there. I was the only white guy. All the Asian QTs swallowed my white seed.

Im 25% in MITX and 25% in AIR
The rest in ETH and BTC.

I am rich. Have a premium bitch

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She looks half niggress
Ugh monkey chink

Get a COTI bag, thank me later by recording your glory night

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low test

This. Can take loads of virginity's and if you get caught you can lose your anal virginity to a lovely chap in prison called delroy!

Haha does this chink realise she's one of millions of equally average girls.