Are you missing out?

NANO-USDT One of the most awaited breakouts of this market. Please tell me you're not gonna miss this one too?

Attached: nanopump.jpg (1776x723, 175K)

>buy my bags please

>buying redditcoin

>buy my already pumped & dumped bags with shit volume

I don't really use reddit but I'm pretty sure XRB was shilled the fuck out here first. I remember all those 7k tps gifs everywhere in like october 2017

It's flirting with a resistance level. It's not "pumped". It went up 5%. But volume is picking up and an actual breakout seems imminent. Especially with them announcing the AppiaPay and Kappture PoS partnerships, then Kappture announcing a Starbucks partnership

brainlets here will call it redditcoin but NANO is the easiest hold next to LINK in this whole market.

tfw I check the charts and it's literally trading in the same range it has been for the last 3 fucking months, and I realize OP is a pajeet who's zoomed in like a retard.

Attached: godMC.jpg (400x400, 34K)

He goys look at nano, we just went to 1.64 after declining from 1.95 for months

t. bagholder

Attached: anpe.jpg (250x241, 7K)

>Nano, a payment coin with huge volatility!

Everyone is going to use Libra sorry OP

But Libra won't have any ROI

person below this is gay

I've just sold my bag today before the pump, fuck that shit

Attached: 1535213212042.jpg (640x550, 63K)

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Attached: btcvslnvsnano.jpg (1579x733, 238K)

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Attached: uphold2.jpg (538x7306, 891K)

Attached: firstmoveradvantage.jpg (526x853, 84K)

Attached: nanowirex.jpg (1048x907, 150K)

Attached: raiblockspeed.jpg (797x1280, 68K)

Attached: xrbcvince.jpg (990x1024, 129K)

We did it reddit!

Attached: Screenshot_20190619-183324_Brave.jpg (1059x1105, 146K)

Beware of paid shills, not even larping the nano community actually pay people to shill

Attached: nanorai.png (498x488, 296K)

Brother nano community is broke. We can’t pay shills anymore.

Attached: cobleenano.png (974x880, 867K)

Attached: CharlieLeeNanoCoinbase.png (1592x929, 1.34M)

sadly it already dumped back down :(

I don't like Nano, but I own some because I am confident the normies will pump it at some point

Attached: colin19.png (1144x6677, 1.42M)

oh right I totally forgot. once TCP packets are enabled a lot of exchanges will add it cause UDP packets can be dangerous'

>Charlie Lee: Give it 2 years to get on Coinbase (+1 year ago)

>Colin: We are switching to TCP from UDP so we can be listed on new exchanges

Didn't Charlie Lee get LTC on Coinbase?

Attached: 240a648ba031c50e4ff52837c49b5a99469e8c69_hq.jpg (999x1024, 61K)

Attached: nanospeed.png (1857x914, 403K)

cool trick user, where're the gains at tho?

Good things come to those who wait. Or, you could chase pumps instead. Your call.

Charlie Lee used to work at Coinbase newfag

I think you missed the point, user.

>Charlie Lee used to work at Coinbase newfag
And his older brother owned the second largest Bitcoin exchange at the time, BTCC, kek

>I think you missed the point, user.
No you missed the point. The only reason why they added litecoin was because he was an employee and because of his brother. It's na uphill battle for nano, too many pure currency projects out , esp the new stable ones


yes but nano is being refused by many exchanges cause it works with udp packets.

also yea american exchanges can add it cause it wasn't an ico.

also see:

If Charlie says it is going to be on Coinbase, I am going to believe him

See this Switching to TCP in V.19. V.19 is 98% complete.