Binance IEO

>binance IEO
>new IEO will be announced soon
>following matic chart
>volume rising
>legit eth 2.0 competitor (high tps with smart contract capabilities and eth interoperability, kind of like fantom but better)
>mainnet won't be delayed and coming in 10 days
>cardano founder praised it

legit top 20 project whether you like it or not, unironically the next antshares but with eth interoperability and high tps.

Sure I might be a bagholder and I might be coping right now (I am), but at least my points stand, I'm all in on this for the next 10 days, I just hope chainlink won't be partnered with oracle and they won't stealth drop another google on their twitter before I get back in.
>inb4 le ddit spacing
I just have the same feeling I had with matic, stress about investing in a who project, but then doing my research and finding out it's actually a really good project and that binance really filters the shit and keeps the cream for their IEOs, also CZ will turn the bots on at a certain time in the near future, he either does or no one will buy IEO projects anymore, it's as simple as that.

He turned the bots on matic because of the coinbase backing, so my theory is that he might even wait until harmony's mainnet is out and he will start shilling it on twitter as the next ethereum.

My theory is that this might do a x10 (might), and chainlink might also do a x10 to 6 billion $ market cap, I'm a linky and if link moons before harmony I'll kms, but still something in me thinks harmony will pull a huge pump to 400 million $ mc before link (a likelier x10).

Please fud this or shill further, I've grown cold and blackpilled to this shit so I don't give a shit.

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we'll see if this support holds

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You are me user

Let’s get it


KEK fucking faggot. kys. This will bleed like all other alts when bitcoin takes off.

I'm trying to buy some but I need to wait 3 weeks for cuckbase to receive my bank transfer
>most intuitive and normie-friendly way to get into crypto

Buy with debit cards it's instant

Looks like yes for now

>wait until harmony's mainnet is out and he will start shilling it on twitter as the next ethereum
Which makes sense because ONE is based on Sillicon Valley, and as such they have to wait until mainnet is out to 1. Be widely open to burgers (and list on burger based exchanges) and 2. Openly shill without being accused of insider trading.
Otherwise the SEC would appear right in front of their asses.

Are you the user that has like almost 5m
Of these?

I hope it goes on a run but it may not because it’s already a high Marketcap and also if we expect something, the market does the opposite. I went all in at 261 sats and hoping for a moon. I’ll be shitposting with you bros in the mean time I guess.

The problem is, it will only Moon if BTC dips and moves sideways in the week before mainnet release. If BTC keeps mooning, then ONE won’t budge and once July starts, then what fundamentals to pump are left?

Same to be desu

>80m marketcap
>supply 10x to fantom

imagine buying this instead of fabtom. fantom has 10x less market cap and supply. also its legit.

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At least a 2-3x come on CZ FUCKING TURN ON THE BOTS

2500 sats

There's a $50 weekly limit. I'm level 3 verified

wtf I hate CZ now

>3 weeks

You're going to miss the pump

I bought 50% MATIC and 50% ONE earlier today. Should I swap some MATIC for ONE? I kinda have a feeling I should...

14 btc sell wall :(

Are u me? I just did the same...

Did the exact same thing. I swear we're all the same stupid fucking idiots on this basket weaving shit board

FTM marketcap is over 50m

>legit eth 2.0 competitor
It's a fork of geth with minimal changes.
It's faster because it requires stronger nodes.

Or we are all are geniuses that deserve to retire EOY

Can only be one