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>thinking about finally buying some shiny rocks
>this happens

>goes up 25 cents

we moon mission now huh

>2011 silver price: $48
>2019 silver price: $15
apologize for what?

user this is bigger than u think...
Silvers biggest use in the military industrial complex? Missles.
Were probably going to war with Iran?


Heading to $20

1350 gold resistance left in the dust, 1400 next resistance.
Silver is due for some catch-up

>still under 17

youll be redeemed

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>Silver is due for some catch-up
green ID and double dubs checked

the fuck would they use silver in 'Missles' for ?

>doesn't know they use 500oz of silver per tomahawk missile

s m h f a m

because its cheaper than lead ? makes sense

No thanks, but thanks.

Sorry you already missed it.

Majority green IDs, we're gonna make it gents.

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Silver is the shitcoin of precious metals

>FUD in ID

holy cope
what's your ROI at average lmao

>when you see veronica post-dollar collapse

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Kek holy shit, FUD, literally.

>implying we were hodling from 2011

It's a hedge against inflation he says increasingly nervous

>Not the values aren't adjusted to any year inflation, those are raw dollars

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Should I fomo into precious metals?

no man just keep buying israeli cryptomemes

get a suicide stack of 3-10% of your net worth depending on your tolerance. i'm upping from 1.5% to 2% soon

Not counting my car or phone Silver is about 40% of my net worth

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You’re some kind of lunatic, aren’t you?

how do I buy physical silver anyway. I live in the UK and looking at websites but they just feel like they are ripping you off.

Coin shops (run by white people, I can’t stress that enough)

Indeed I’m entranced by the moon, it’s Silver luminescence calls to me

the only logical next step is to BECOME silver

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why was it so high in 2011?

Silver also used in computer chips.

Love to see how crypto miners make it when Silver reaches >$100

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that's happening sooner than you think
the lucky friday mine goes in and out of production depending on profit margins. hecla mining is operating now on the assumption of gold being worth 5k.

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Sorry bud, this looks like the last rally before major capitulation to me.

Bro, I hold silver and I'm telling you the paper bear market is far from over. Zoom out.

>literally up over 60% in a month being a cryptocuck

i guess the chad life just wasn't meant to be, ill have to deal with being rich instead

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you're not going to make it

I calculated the efficient frontier for my investment portfolio. The result was that I should have 20% in gold.

Diversification with the power of dollar cost averaging every month, plus the power of rebalancing (less frequently) is profound. Because my assets are uncorrelated, I can always take profits from my winners and use them to buy 'losers' when they are cheap. Then when the economy changes, I can use the profits from my winners (formerly 'losers') to buy more of my losers (former 'winners', future 'winners') for cheap.

>win every time

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It is. I'm a 33 yo boomer. When I was born in 1985 an ounce of silver cost $6.13. When adjusted for inflation that is $14.26 which means silver is currently doing better than just hedging against inflation. The key is that when your money is in silver the value is subject to the value of the commodity rather than the value of the dollar.

Yer might want to start moving that gold into silver

Attached: gold-to-silver-ratio-2019-06-20-macrotrends.jpg (1776x1120, 348K)

>tfw am a silverchad longterm and a stinky linky in the short
Life's good frens

I gotta say, my efficient frontier analysis was not perfect.
I didn't use silver data in my analysis. I just used gold data, and a precious metals index. I also didn't include cryptos other than bitcoin.

its funny how the silver chart looks like that of the average shitcoin pump n dump

and if you had invested in the boomer stock market in 1985 you would have x16 now instead of gaining 0

Same, feels comfy.

Same here, fren

It's the best conductor in its series, better than Cu or Au, nigger

but is it a better conductor then copper or steel you son of a bitch

Silver is a better conductor than everything else.

>Boomer rocks
have fun with G&S manipulated, overinflated papers

ackchooaly a rock is a mix of minerals, and minerals are chemical compounds while gold and silver are chemical elements so its not rocks

I don't understand why silver and not gold bros, can you help ignorant user to know?
Why should silver have a boom all of sudden?ì, according to biz (I always see it shilled here)
--Next financial crisis?
--better conductor?

That's it?

who cares. The supply as the production are controlled by a hand full of banks that can do pretty much with it what they want. As long as they exist gold/silver/palladium/platin are toxic investments

silver gold ratio
silver used en mass in industry
used more than it can be mined with a 10% loss every year
only so cheap due to massive deriviate manipulation
electronics are getting more and more every year and available silver less every year

do the math

In CAD, gold is already at record highs. Silver is 60% below it's ATH.

I buy low sell high, I won't be buying gold at these prices.

Digits decides if I buy another 100 bucks worth of silver market price

Yes. There are no better conductors than silver or gold.

Who says I cannot invest in both? Real diversification is in investing in different assets, not a bunch of stuff all tied to a single currency. Precious metals aren't about gaining money anyway, they're about not losing money. Any returns I make on any income can buy silver or gold as a hedge against a crash.

My stack isn't sufficient for this to be the start of the moon mission. Please sirs do the needful and crash this shit back down so I can accumulate more plz

We've seen this movie before, PMs go up 1-2% everybody blows a nut. A month later it gets slammed back down by the manipulation game.

Gold isn’t s conductor you idiot. It’s badically worthless in industry

How much silver to make it. I've been told 1000 oz is a good target to try to reach.

What’s a good ratio for silver/gold/cash/stocks/crypto?

Palladium is aborting its moon mission
Richfags of Jow Forums
I’m too poor to afford it, but there might be a big opportunity here in Platinum

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> he’s not all in

Palladium is now in a state of absolute collapse, Platinum has retracted slightly but I think it will recover

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This market is turning into a rollercoaster ride and I don’t have to work today
Having a hard time looking away, I’m gonna go get food and see what happens when I come back

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I'll bet you 1oz of gold that gold is a good conductor of electricity and is used because of it.

I invest only 5% of my income in precious metals. I put 10% into crypto and I'm saving 15% per week to get into Index Funds before I dare day trade. The key is that all of my investments will work together as a machine.

If youd like to show a live demonstration I have a golden fork you can borrow.

5-10% metals with most of everything else in decent stocks or crypto. If you really want to be a mad lad you could invest even higher in metals.

Platinum and Palladium will crash hard to less than $500 an ounce when the car bubble pops.

Right here. I just posted using an electronic device which uses gold. So do you. Now hand me that gold fork.

Pd’s used for other things too.

They’re up only because of their use as catalytic converters. When the car bubble crashes (since everybody leases their car instead of buying) alongside the general economy, platinum, palladium, iridium, and rhodium will crash hard while silver and gold moons.

When would you guess this will happen?

Because it almost looks like it could happen now
I think palladium is going down hard but I still think Platinum might get up a ways before it falls, but it’s gonna start losing ground today real soon

Forgot pic

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>tfw silver is taxed here

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Where do you live?

Why is nobody talking about the breakout in the gold price this is a huge amount of investment to make it move this much what is going on here?

The economic collapse of 2008 triggered all PMs to skyrocket. How can you not put two and two together?

This fall.

they went up 10-20%
I understand why that seems like a lot to you, retard boomer, but it means nothing to anybody in crypto

you need to check yourself into a retirement home and have your internet usage carefully monitored and supervised, you are no longer qualified to comment or engage in unsupervised discussion about anything

you have to go