VOID - The newest deflationary crypto - 5% burn - just released

VOID - The newest deflationary crypto - 5% burn - just released

Send an email to voidtoken at protonmail.com stating your Ethereum wallet address. Your wallet must have held $ETH or $BOMB prior to June 19th, 2019 to receive the 2000-3000 VOID airdrop.

Get in now. Just announced a few hours ago.

Bomb hit $15
Nuke hit $6

This is literally free money

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Other urls found in this thread:


Devs are actually delivering tokens. Not like the greedy nuke devs who will dump.

Here you can track the airdrop.


Thanks user

Ur welcome fren. Spread the word. Void is going to be HUGE.

Sure is! Looking forward to getting the airdrop

I already got mine. Good times ahead.

Are you saying I need to have held ETH or Bomb for the airdrop at all, or just for a higher amount?

Just held eth or bomb before june 19th in the address u use for the airdrop.

where i post address>?

Do u know how to read? You email them ur eth address. Email address is in OP. Hurry up before they are all gone.

Sent, looking forward to some fresh gains

Should be big gains. More tokens than NUKE. Bigger burn than NUKE. Not run by scamminf devs that keep airdrop for themselves.

Step into the VOID.

ty fren, i sent email

Pajeet scam.

Being this salty instead of making sick gains.

Join us, in the VOID.

whos paying for gas? I'll chip in a little

Can we use a fake email?

Yes u can use a fake email.

I bought some Ethereum for the first time a few days ago. I just take my ETH address that's basically that long line of numbers and letters and shit in an e-mail and send that to them?

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Yes fren.

Don't like your tone prick. Not sending shit scamming pajeet. You're trying to dox people for their ETH adresses. Scamming prick.

how do i view my void balance in the wallet other than etherscan?

i used my coinbase wallet.

Sent mine an hour ago still waiting

you can't get it out of coinbase


They sent me 980. Thanks frens. Where are they posting?

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Stay poor

Kind of you to do this, what's the contract address so we can this custom token to metamask?

Use an eth address that you control the private keys.

Not an exchange address.

Posting what?


You can also post this on forkdelta or etherdelta so u can trade.

NVM I see 0xb8796542765747ed7f921ff12faff057b5d624d7

Holy shit its real

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I mean their social media, telegram discord etc.

Devs are airdropping fast. No delays or closing airdrop like NUKE scammers. Supply is going down fast. Devs are only keeping 10% from airdrop unlike NUKE scammers that are hoarding the premine for dump.

Got mine, based af
Fuck the other pajeets scams

Cool, I already see buy and sell orders

I would like to make a suggestion, when the site is up voidtoken.com, please make it looks semi descent and professional. The horrible design of of nuke's site, turned me off from buying from them.

Please tell me your still dropping?
I just sent an email..

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MOAB closed the airdrop after only sending 100 people. SCAM JUST LIKE NUKE.

Forget the explosives and STEP INTO THE VOID, WITH VOID.

give it time. High demand.

I know I'm tired of these fags, I've tried getting into all of them but they never fucking send, pretty sure its just a small team which keep sending to themselves trying to dump their scam coins.

You still airdropping based user?

Yeah, I was in their tg and saw everything kek

I'm in BOMB and Nuke, and I will tell you that BOMB is better than Nuke, but I hold more Nuke because I got in earlier. Still hate the Nuke shillers though. You seem based enough voidanon, i sent you my eth adress

Will you make a discord or telegram based voidanon?

Is it over? No new tx in 9 minutes :(

>to receive the 2000-3000
Why some addresses only receiving 950?

Because they only held eth. If u held eth and bomb u get 2000

Airdrop taking a break?

is there a discord server or something for this coin?
i want to learn more

What wallet is that?


Cool thought so

dump me some of that sweet void, i put up a decent size buy at .0006


No idea why these niggers trow money at shit like this.

I sold the 2000 tokens they sent me for $300

Some shitskin just gave me $300 to buy more links

Welcome to crypto, lets get you started with the Bitcoin.

Not everyone is a poorfag like you

Found the nigger who bought my bag

But yeah, poor undergrad here. Free $300 is aways welcome

I flipped 5 grand into 40 within 3 days with NUKE. I'll make another 40 grand with this. Enjoy your $300 because you couldn't wait a few days.

Thank you based market maker user. What price should I sell at?

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