Chain link will never be below 1.80 again

Chain link will never be below 1.80 again.

Attached: 2Ejn5VR_d.jpg (640x640, 53K)

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Imagine the comfort

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delet now, and go build something

I'm building my future with chainlink.

fuck this gay market, a google partnership and somehow link is sub $10

Ok see you brainlets in $0.15 LINK

The absolute delusion of stinkers.

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dude if you haven’t been putting every cent of your net worth into link since that google announcement idk what to tell you.

It's not a partnership you fucking imbecile. It's just an offering on the googlecloud platform.

It's great, it's like being a vendor and getting your item on the middle shelf and target (AWS would be walmart in this case as AWS has the most marketshare)

AWS>Azure>GCP in terms of market share. Anyway, it's great and it legitimizes chainstink. However, don't be a brainlet it's not a "partnership"

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It's not that heavily shilled yet, the groundwork is being laid for mass traffic, this isn't some average shitcoin reaching for straws

Its like if you were an actor and leonardo dicaprio or will smith gave you a letter of recommendation. Youre going places.

why fren?

You are now aware chainlink was meant to be >$1000 at the end of 2018.

>a google cloud advocate blog post and the price is above 50 cents

hex me poopscoop

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Still just crumbs.... especially after assblaster left her role as the ceo

According to whom?


Assblaster is not Blythe. If you dig you will find how above article is related.
Hint: Hacera

it's not a hint if you give the answer user

Whale here, going to dump it to

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You have to go back

>pajeetphone screenshot resolutions

1000 Rupee EOY

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Until they announce, its all still just crumbs

please do that would be good

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You fuck still doubt, state of assholes that will never grasp how shit works.
Go fuck your mother and get cancer you twat

>1000 Rupee EOY
I'd be happy with $14 usd eoy

this brilliant sir
does it work with rupee too?

You have to go back to whichever subreddit you came from summerfag