FrenChain General

FrenChain is a community oriented cryptocurrency project started on Jow Forums in June 2019. The original goal was to create a token by community consensus but quickly evolved into something much more. FrenChain aims to migrate to an Ethereum based clone network in the near future with a PoW (Proof of Work) Consensus algorithm. FrenChain will be powered by FEELS (equivalent to gwei or satoshis) and will be home to exciting, community oriented dApps capable of betting, chat rooms, social media platforms, and much more.

FrenChain aims to be as decentralized as possible and will be airdropping 90% of the total supply to the community over the coming months. 10% will be held as reserve for the team to expand and fund the project. Once mainnet arrives, tokens will be swapped at a ratio that is to be decided and mining will commence.

Current goals:
- Create a website
-Get listed on a Dex
-Expand social media presence
-Finish airdrops

Token info:
FrenChain (FREN)
Total Supply: 1,000,000
Decimals: 0
ERC20 Token

Want to get Frens?
1. Create a Metamask/MEW wallet
2. Add the details for a new custom token:
Contract address: 0x456d0f384fac1fcb05a7f808753dd9a50ea619a4
Token symbol: FREN
Decimals: 0
3. Post your wallet in the airdrop-channel
4. Get 100 Frens as an early supporter

Follow us on social media for free airdrops:
Twitter com/FrenChainToken
T me/FrenChain
discord gg/b7zAFh
(Add . to the spaces)

Want to help out with the development of FrenChain? We are currently looking for people to help with marketing, development, and design. If you believe you can help out, please feel free to send us a message!

Donation address: 0xFf54abD9F3897afBE29f033F1d9dFDD2FDAF45cb

(Disclaimer: Donations will be used solely for the promotion, development, and hosting of FrenChain. It currently costs $0.08 to send an airdrop to an individual, and donations to offset the cost of distributing tokens will be greatly appreciated!)

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I support this project and received my 100 FREN. I'm crypto poor so my donation will be small, but I'm sending a little bit over. You should pin the donation address on discord so bad agents don't hijack FrenChain to scoop donations.

good call

May I have frens,

FREN me up, fren


It is pinned on the discord announcement page. Thank you!

Frens support frens

Google x FrenChain partnership confirmed.

Attached: GoogleFrenChain.jpg (2100x688, 330K)

Oh Boy. Something free for the Pajeets which will make them shill this shit for the next 6 months straight. Biz should just die.

frenship is forever


Nuchanner cringe.
This shit isn't funny.

Of course. Always good to help out a fren.


1. Go to
2. Click on DAI on the top left corner of the screen
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the list until you find "OTHER"
4. Click on OTHER and add the Token details:
Address: 0x456d0f384fac1fcb05a7f808753dd9a50ea619a4 Name: FREN
Decimals: 0
5. Congratulations! You should now be able to trade FREN. Keep in mind you need small amounts of ETH as gas to send and receive FREN. As always, be careful with DEX as they can be tricky to navigate.

Attached: fren.jpg (1125x1125, 390K)

Helo fren


Imagine being this much of a nonfren

All I want in this world is a fren

Hi guys, please post on this discord airdrop channel. Gas prices are extremely high right now and airdrops will be sent when they cool down. I won't be able to remember these addresses on Jow Forums. Thanks.


Why are we french?

We are frens

Can I just get an airdrop through this thread? Dont feel like downloading a gay messenger or making a gay account.

We are frens

You can use discord in your browser without an account, dumb fren :)

My body is ready fren

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I have come here to moderate the frenship!

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Attached: tfw-ranjesh.png (284x179, 4K)


Need new frend

OP delivered, thank you for the free FRENs fren

Thank you fren


Quit being fags.
Frens congregate on 4channel. Nowhere else.
Not going through with that tranny discord faggotry.

Fren seems different from the rest, frens. This is a wholesome project in a polluted space. It will blossom.

this project requires more communication channels than's stickyboard, fren

Fuck off.


Than you fren


love you fren

thanks fren

Fk discord, use telegram


wow this is lowkey SCAM since yesterday nobody sent me SHIT, OP I'd like to say FUCK YOU and your datamining

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FRENCHAIN we shilled link to fortune, moon mission two is making our own coin, what are you programming in.
learned c# in school but just for game programing

oh and

i got mine, its just some dude sending to hundreds of addresses, it takes time fren.