Anyone earn money on patreon here?

Anyone earn money on patreon here?

Tips, tricks?

Attached: af79677.jpg (720x720, 46K)

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is that how she looks without makeup?

that's how she looks without makeup, photoshop, and perfect lighting.

saved. so fucking of seeing this retarded cunt.


I knew it. Literal clown.

Honestly that's pretty alpha of her. Some woman bitch about prettier women, other's figure out how to be that woman.

Bitch got a mustache

I'm so tired of this cross-dressing shit, so I have to ask, is that a boy?

If you have to ask then YES.

Always assume it's a boy unless it's obviously a girl

why do you fags post her EVERY DAY.
>call her a disgusting whore
>harbor her in your head 24/7 RENT FREE
Fuck she knows her craft

She looks cuter without makeup desu

create barebones outline of a sex game that caters to mentally ill niche demographic with plenty of tidbits that make it seem like you have depth and content in the works

- put it on patreon and ask for help finishing the project since you are an X where X is (some sort of minority or mentally ill niche demographic or even just a student)

-use 1/10th of pateon funds to get artwork made for your game
-use 1/10th to get text made for your game
-use 1/10th to get someone to slap it together
-release "early acess version" and a forum where supporters can recommend and provide ideas about future content
-continue to utilize 3/10th of your incoming budget to implement mentally ill discord trannie ideas that you didn't have to come up with at all due to your forum
-once the mentally ill discord trannies get upset with you for not working fast enough, release the "full version" of the game and walk away

American education

>caring about typos
European arrogance

Make something that people want (drawn porn), ask for donations. Just please don't watermark your images with that ugly Patreon logo.

OP's image is fake btw. Really would like to see a movie clip of her not released by herself.

Attached: trippy63.gif (500x500, 984K)

>not caring about typos
American education

>caring what others think on the internet
European narcissism

I always thought that was a girl wow

The mutts hate us cause they aint us

Europoors aren't relevant enough to hate. All they get is pity.

Do something that people care about

Attached: 55555555555555555555.webm (960x960, 2.93M)

Holy cringe

Patreon???? what go after LTO Network! That is called earning money over 100% return in 1 month!!!! LTO !!


>peak pajeet


Attached: 532.jpg (750x421, 21K)

Hahahaha lto are paying manvinder and family


Holy shit I'm in tears

who is she?
have you actually seen a girl up close? they all have a dark trace that materializes where they would have beards if they were male


that's traploving faggot wishfull thinking right there mate

Okay, found her

scam porn game or gay furry inflation porn

Lmao yuropoor delusion. Americans barely even remember you exist.