Attached: 208ECCBB-31B9-41C0-8CC5-1BF4A10E1DD2.png (600x600, 15K)

I'm in

Attached: IMG952019060895204215.jpg (1080x1440, 187K)

43k reporting in!

imagine buying into this PnD

Attached: Selection_095.png (299x111, 8K)

>hovering 250 sats
and for that. reason.. I'm out.

Attached: 1516493755910.jpg (360x360, 17K)


Just checked the B/S walls, stop fudding

how's that fudding
the walls show that a lot people are dumping

and most of them are going to dump below 400 sats makes it unlikely to go above that price

Attached: Selection_096.png (291x179, 12K)

Will bleed all the way back to 200. screenshot this.

you know the walls are put only to be removed later

lmao they will be not removed
i'd imagine there will be more sell orders being added when the price goes up

740k Lt. general phoning in

Attached: 1560577974910.jpg (1024x724, 55K)

3.4 million Lt. Chad peeking in


300k here. Our time will come. We will shine.

Stop buying chink scams

Says the guy who sucks CZs dick daily and eats BNB for breakfast

Cope harder child.


We love chink money & chink pumps incel

Imagine holding this chink pnd.

Attached: harmonyDONE.jpg (386x190, 6K)

It's ogre now... let's all get excited about the new chink scam IEO

Everything is taking a beating today...glad we're holding up better than the stinky linkies. The tides always turn, what is down, goes up.