/biz lost all in bitconnect last year thought of ending it. But pulled through

/biz lost all in bitconnect last year thought of ending it. But pulled through.
I believe in second chance.
Shine me your bags

Attached: 6C5B6CF8-3F77-40CF-A453-A471C3B25BE7.png (1111x597, 520K)

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the second time you will make it an hero definitely

bitconnect2, m8



Some people have to fail dozens of times before they make it.

just remember to lock in your profits
don't go all in every time

Based and checked - fuck the haters - we make it this bull run Fren


W/o gay ref link

Mitx will pull me through

nah m8, this time it is gonna be different!

honestly though I threw some eth at it just for the sake of the meme that makes me laugh all the time. It isn't doing so bad to be honest.

(I am gonna pull profits steadily now just in case though)



Attached: 1396321672621.jpg (336x322, 54K)

fug off use my ref

Sounds legit

im gonna buy your wife soon

Attached: Delta.jpg (932x1600, 86K)

Ironically bitconnect 2.0

>the shill bag.png

Go for the jews user. Coti mitx. Eat it. Feel it. Put it in the fuking oven.

My heaviest bags: BAT, RSR
My best holds: BTC, LINK

Whoops misread thread.

unironically bitconnect 2

here is my bags(Worth $120,000.00)

I have all my eggs on Coti.

-E. Bunny


Fck Asians stealing our technology. We steal their wifes because little gook dicks. Never invest into Asia Nr. 31 without sauce projects. ETH, RVN, COTI will make your big dick and your big dick will kick.