Funny how every time I drop ANCAP redpills here I get nothing but non-arguments

Funny how every time I drop ANCAP redpills here I get nothing but non-arguments.
I guess the redpill is causing this extreme cognitive dissonance reaction, which is often a sign of someone turning sides!

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Its just no one cares

Get a job idiot
t.Real anarchist that sided with fascists

Any political and/or economic system can work in theory, let's see it in practice.

pick one

He did? He's an anarchist that supports fascism because he knows actually being an anarchist is retarded

they are literally polar opposites on the political compass you retard
UBER authoritarian
UBER anti authoritarian

baka you fucking retard

It's a fancy fairy tale at this point. Not pertinent to real life.

wow you are a fucking dumbass


As an ancap, I’ve accepted I’ll never see it and that I’ll die in larger more wicked government then I ever thought could happen. Crypto is my only escape.

Jesus fucking christ, this board is 90% old/pol/ refugees you absolute faggot.
We were libertarian to the point of ancap, then we started noticing how any system works in homogeneous societies of white people and fails to work anywhere else, so until that's solved nothing matters.
Blow it out your ass.

>fascism is between nationalism and totalitarianism

you absolute fucking retard jesus fuck what the hell is wrong with you people

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Not quite. In my heart I'm still a Bakuninan Anarchist, I believe that on the surface, humans don't need authority figures in form of humans standing over other humans. That such systems no matter what they call themselves always breed suffering, corruption and misinvestments, BUT like Bakunin I'm aware, that there are ethnic realities, traditions (and genes) grown over centuries that make each people different, and that only specific forms of societal "rules" create stability in specific ethnic groups. What made me side with the fascists is, that even if they still put a few humans over other humans, that those are so idealistic in the majority of real application, for and foremost the third Reich, that even the highest among humans is bound to the ideals of the Volk, and will be killed by his peers if acting against it

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First of all stop being an incel and have sex.
Second... what's the redpill?

get a job

I thought the Nazis were pretty cool too when I first heard details about them, just cause they're so different and unfamiliar. Then I read up more and found out they were mostly the same kind of incompetent hacks you see in every government. What a surprise

>t. weak willed

Yes I figured it was something like this since I have similar opinions myself. People like us actually arent that uncommon especially among fringe ideologies

>I thought
>Then I found out
>Then I was identified as a faggot
fuck off plebbit

you missed the joke

"Plebbit" isn't a catch all response you can just use on any occasion you don't have an argument, you triple nigger. Usually you're expected to point out something actually plebbit-like the user said

>People like us actually arent that uncommon especially among fringe ideologies
fringe ideologies in the majority of cases only means in my experience that those people applied what the neo marxists call critical theory in the most extreme form, left all the ideological bullshit aside and dived deep into the machine room of different ideas open to have their own believes contested by unfalsifaible facts. sheep can't get it, they are either too lazy or fearful do so.
>doubling down
always the same with faggots like you. go back to wherever you came from, or at least stop posting and lurk more. start on /his/, maybe /lit/, /out/ and /diy/

>still no argument
Sounds like I hurt your feelings by insulting your favorite maximum style over substance government hacks. You're not coming out of this exchange looking very bright user, but I guess you can pretend you are if you can't emotionally handle mild criticism

>u mad
>have sex
>[insert generic shill line]
not worth my time

Projecting much? I have never even once posted "have sex" on Jow Forums, it's a fucking retarded meme. It's amazing to me that you can read an obvious invitation to have a normal argument about your ideas and still be so pathetically weak-willed that you can't muster the slightest attempt to defend your dumbass position. Sad

holy fuck i hate libertarians. Hitler did nothing wrong.

I'm going out for a run, but if you'd like some pleb-tier reading material that should be around your level, Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" has some good info, though it's obviously biased. Overall the critical thing is to try to look behind the facade of the Nazi party line and propaganda to see the reality of their organizational structure and level of competence. If you can't even do something as simple as that, you're no better than the brainwashed masses of the Third Reich or the Soviet Union, who couldn't see past emotional rhetoric that isn't even intended by its authors to have anything more than the vaguest connection to reality.

Hoppe style libertarianism + no Jews allowed = ideal

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Redpill me on Hoppescotch philosophy

it's pointless, ancaps are proud of being ignorant