Help with bitcoin

Ive bought 25 euros in bitcoin is that enough for day trading? I want to make a couple hundred euros a month at some point.

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go onto bitmex cause 25 euro won’t do shit but 25 on MINIMUM x10 leverage will slowly build you up, go over that and ur giving nigger Arthur your money

>x10 leverage
I dont know about leverage man, it seems pretty sketchy

Sorry meant don’t go over x10, basically leverage is a tool to accumulate
You make 10% with your 25 and that’s what 2.5 euro? And you can be waiting days for that to happen a week even for 2.5 euro?

With leverage for example with 25 x10 you’ll be trading with 250 and so btc goes up 10% you make 10% of 250 which is 25, so you’ve doubled your money on a 10% move. The risk is that if bitcoin instead falls 10% you will lose full 25 but have a stop loss so you’ll only lose like max 1% drop and lose 2.5 (market stop not limit cause can fly through a limit) , again don’t go above x10 cause you’ll prob get liquidated and be patient. Also it’s not sketchy half the market is trading margin heck most markets worldwide

It’s all about timing and putting sensible stops cause market makers hunt for where they think your stop is so it’s about getting into key positions and being a sniper and never FOMOing and timing

Thanks for the information, Im going to have to research this more thoroughly though.

Yeah do, bitmex probably most wildely used then there’s Deribit, bitmex have a trading simulator on their website although it’s laggy but will make u understand how to place orders etc and there’s YouTube’s videos everywhere

i dont like many youtube videos about bitcoin, they are not very in depth i like the simulator though.

Just don’t be an idiot, I lost all of my account twice being dumb (about 4K total) by FOMOing and trying to short (DONT SHORT IN THIS MARKET ONLY EVER BUY A PULLBACK AND DIP NO MATTER HOW TEMPTING) but made back 8k starting from 800 and put it into link at 80 cents from being patience , waiting for dips and going in and riding the waves and taking profit , yeah most YouTubers aren’t great but it’ll give you’ve an idea

whats that?

Fear Of Missing Out, basically you see a pump and try jump in and it was just a manipulated pump and it immediately crashes.
In my case though I was FOMOing with shorts , I kept thinking “bitcoin rejected at 6k let me short it now quick it’s going back to 3k!!!” and trying to jump in whenever I saw a dump but then bang swings opposite way, it’s all about patience and using weekly and daily 4hr times frames and planning not just jumping in cause there was a quick 5 min pump or dump

oh okay.

I would recommend you buy and hold coins first though and using small amount to trade and never trade away from your computer and don’t look at chats too long you’ll over think , I keep it to 2 hours a day and try forgot about it after

how many should I buy?

Same here, got a free 50 dollars airdrop and plan to become a billionaire with it.
Already made 5 dollars but it's complicated.

well you have made more money than me

Try buy 500-1000 LINK (about 1000-2000 usd), 25k FTM (about 500 USD), small VIDT bag (about 100-300 USD) and trade with 25-100 to try and build up more of these, also I don’t know your financial situation but if you can also try hold 10 Eth and 0.25 BTC if possible for you, if you hold this by next true bull run you’ll probably be worth over 100k especially if you can add more to your bags , this is just minimum put more in if you can

Grow a pair and invest some actual money

Hahahhaa nice ID gay

At these prices Bitcoin is just harvesting souls

It's going back to 3k, no joke.

>he doesnt know about the golden cross

You can margin trade on CoinMetro. It also has a fiat crypto ramp.

golden cross?
explain pls