Is it time? Im invested in motley fool recommended companies, was doing pretty well, +- 10%+ a year, but with the current shitstorm brewing, is it time to sell everything and reap the gains or is this recession, crash stuff just overhipped?
Time to sell stocks?
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I guess correction, double top, dead
I expect S&P falling around 90% to 98% in the next 10 years
90% in the next 10 years? You expect the us to disapear from the map?
yes, same with China, India, Pakistan and the EU
Trumps campaign start and KAG opened my eyes. It is over
Sell all stocks and dump it into precious metals
try ammo, guns and energy sources like wood and coal. Paper books on how to build a furnace and steam engines
Got guns and ammo, i live in the eu, not a lot of armed People round here, my neighbours will provide, voluntarily.
You guys are thinking economic social collapse? Seriousley?
Whats KAG?
both, the map is being redrawn, the game of chess which started in 1648 is over
EUfag here. no way for me to legally obtain a gun. but lets face it. I wouldnt survive a week in a mad max apocalypse.
Pls Elaborate, were heading into iluminatus! trilogy territory
Read up on the Peace of Westphalia, it is irrational for me as an individual to let you know more.
kek, retard
Nothing will happen, you all doommongers/preppers need to be gassed. To OP, they are wrong, stockmarket will boom for the next 20 years.
Fukuyama was right, but too early, the Westphalian paradigms failed, the attempt to undermine them created global instabilities, socio-economic ones as political, the greed of different players will break the chessboard. The end of Mesopotamian hegemony, the end of ancient Egypt, the degeneracy of ancient Greece, the fall of Rome, and the slow dead of the HRE will be synonymous with what we will see in the next 10 to 20 years.
Trump could have prevented it, but he failed
Im following you now, but why did he fail?
The UN, transnational corporations, incompetent politicians, Boomers and GenX trying to save their "investments", irresponsibility and delegating power to short sighted idiots, like Boomers and GenX
sorry, read "it"
Trump failed because he was sabotaged by interest groups that want to save their "investments" instead of executing them for high treason and go full protectionist
Im optimistic, I live in the Socialist European Union and I have relatives in the US, and I can see the difference. Youll make it, if you dont the world will sink into a dark age. But I dont think it will, we life in exponential times, look at space x, tesla or Amazon and now Facebook working on crypto, the time of the old world Systems is up, its just a matter of time the Frames by which Systems work have changed, trust me. Read sapiens a Brief history of human Kind, hes arguing for the opposite, but if you look at the Change in Frame you can see why its going to be the other way round.
idiot, you will die, your relatives will die, your genetic lineage will be removed
>Fukuyama was right, but too early
True, and he was wrong about the system. Neoliberalism is unstable and is already collapsing.
>Trump could have prevented it, but he failed
No he couldn't have, one person can't stop the great tide of history. The economic fate of the West was sealed decades ago by the greed of their bourgeoisie class. The East shall rise and bring socialism to mankind.
>greed of their bourgeoisie class
Haha, have my gold, fellow redditor
lmao , are u serious?
Thats only your Opintion user.
What are you else going to do with that money?
There are only stocks , bonds and Real estate in this world which generates interest and cash flow.
I'd expect a correction of 40% in the next 2 years , just to go another 600% the next 15 years.
shits fubar
>means of transactions
shortsighted greedy retard. The trust is gone, not even 0 interests created incentives to expand real capital growth. enjoy your genetic lineage being annihilated
This is probably the most retarded word salad I ever read.
Imagine being a bear and being happy with %10 gains a year. Enjoy being a wagie your entire life
Doomers absolutely seething at new all time highs
read it
I don't expect you to understand it or see the relations to today, but read it
>shortsighted greedy retard. The trust is gone, not even 0 interests created incentives to expand real capital growth. enjoy your genetic lineage being annihilated
lol. Spotted the Silver / Gold pushing faggot.
Enjoying worshipping a dead metal which brings you no profit/interest at all?
>The trust is gone
Even if the trust is gone , those companies still operate and earn money right now. What do i care about incel stock market bitch puccibois having fear of a correction.
I only care for cash flow , dividends and interest. Thats all. Fuck you
read my first posts shortsighted faggot
>those companies still operate and earn money right now
no, they don't, all they do is accumulating debt and desperately refinancing it. They operate as retarded and shortsighted as other Boomer institutions, praying to satan, god, user and taxpayers to save their sorry asses to not die in a gutter in hope they will be dead before everything comes crashing down
Thats the... nevermind
Whatever you say man.
The balance sheet and analytics of big companies are available to everyone.
Dont have time to waste it on incels like you. cya.godspeed
>screencaping a retard on twitter
>cutting off likes/share ratio
The Cassandra effect all over again while fools praise false prophets.
You really shouldn't call people retards. You've already shown that you dont understand metals as a store of value and have predicted a decline in the S&P of 90-98% (fucking what lmao).
>Infinte growth
>I buy the top
It is always the same
>What is the pm derivative market for 500
>Who controls it for 1000
A story just works just for so long before it loses its appeal
I don't think you have any idea what's happening in the broader markets
The American bourgeoisie exported the country's manufacturing base overseas to save money and turned the country into a shit-tier service economy. They waged disastrous wars that have bled the nation and created chaos across the world all to maintain the neoliberal trade order. Who the fuck else is responsible for that?
You can think all you want, the thoughts are free
What happens is that corporations are spinning stories about muah exponential times, throw out stories of golden times, farming on Mars and settling far away planets to catch fools, while all they do is buying back their shares and pumping cheap cash into each others ponzi, while praying that the central banks aka the tax payer buys bails them out. Announcement of QE 4 sealed their faith
That tweet is a simple joke highlighting how ridiculous the markets are behaving right now. Pull your head out your ass
Has their ever been a bunch of more retarded religious zealots than your kind? I think not even Catholics during the dark age where so deluded. You just build your own stories about human nature and muah classes, try to sell it and ignore biological and memetic realities.
Rome all over again, the only good thing is that the clown faggots and comedians will die first
Nice ad hominem you braindead right-wing faggot. If you want make an actual argument, feel free to any time.
Yes, communist Russia, communist Vietnam, communist, communist Cambodia
>ib4 not real communism tm
socialist Europe, 10,000% public debt of annual gdp considering public pensions, public social security systems, welfare, no capital expansion, wage stagnation, slavery, 65% tax on corporations, 55% tax on income, misinvestements, starvation, dead.
>Muah right wing
Actually anarchist
>muh Russia
I'm not even going to bother getting into this debate with you, because I know you probably believe communism killed 8 trillion people or whatever when this has been proven time and time again to be false, but I know you won't budge.
>socialist Europe
Europe is not socialist. Most European nations are social democracies. They are capitalist economies where the means of production are mostly privately owned, with welfare and social benefits. I'm going to assume that by "anarchist" you mean "anarcho-capitalist" because if you were an actual anarchist you would know that socialism actually means common ownership of the means of production and that Europe is not "socialist."
this. (((they))) do not benefit from a total crash ergo it will not happen
>I'm not gone bother going into the discussion how centralized planning creates oligarchic greedy incompetent bullshit that creates suffering, creates incentives to corruption and kills people
like a real fonzi
>europe is not socialist
>Redistribution of wealth through centralized ineffective institutions that breed incentives to corruption is not socialism
>Lets communitarize debt
>Everybody should be equally
Bakunin, now start going on your tirade about shadow authoritarians marxist scum
(((they))) lost, the game ended in a stalemate and the board is about to be destroyed
>Europe, hosting much of the world's most important corporations and possessing much of the world's wealth, is socialist
Lol you anarkiddies really are a joke
>trump removes spics
>fucks over Chinas market
>pumps the american market to all time highs
second term confirmed, God I love america
>Europe hosting important corporations
like basically state owned car producers that are drowning in debt
>possessing much of the world wealth
like, nothing, beside trillions in real public debt
>centralized redistribution of wealth is not socialism
not worth my time
wish I had your optimism
KAG killed trump
> 25 posts by this ID
learn to multi-quote in posts
and shut the fuck up more, faggot
Nobody forces you to read my posts
and no to multi quoting
>I think not even Catholics during the dark age where so deluded.
Imagine falling for Jacobin propaganda 300 years later.
thanks for making me smile fren
have fun with, I'm out.
>centralized redistribution of wealth is not socialism
You're right, it isn't. Socialism is collective ownership of the means of production, not wealth redistribution. The means of production are mostly privately owned in Europe, so thus it is not socialist.
>98% drop
Shut the fuck up and go back to your canned beans stockpile.
SPX will be at 5000 by 2025, interest rates will be 0 forever, the average house will cost $1.3 million by 2025
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