100% BTC

The Chad portfolio.

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Btc is slow and outdated tech

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Whoever isn't 100% BTC for at least the next 3 months is a brainlet


bobo knows.
100% BSV

85% here

Who cares, only the price counts.

nothing can moon without BTC mooning

this means own BTC, and you will moon if any of crypto moons

its just science bros, just own all BTC lmao i mean come on

only chad if you own like 20 BTC at least
otherwise stay poor forever

Normies don’t like owning a piece of something. They still don’t actually get Bitcoin. For that reason I think there will be another alt season.

It's the best bet I'm about 85% in btc

100 percent brappertoken

Correct, most chads heard about BTC on CNBC and bought around 10 at 3-5000 and will hold until 100k without thinking twice or doing any research. This will give them a $1million profit while they spend most of their time fucking stacies and playing sports. This is more than 99.999% of NEETs here who wasted the best years of their lives trading shitcoins 24/7

I'm about 40 40 with btc and bch
20 in alts..

Heretics will be purged
Soldiers for the throne of man with conquer the galaxy

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Not bad but 100% BNB will give you better ROI this year

True, but honestly its worth it to put about 2% into shitcoins that have the opportunity to 100x...like turtle or whatever....but yeah heavy heavy btc through fidelity announcement will 4x in next coming months

All in BSV is the only chad portfolio.

Btc is for literal reddit cuckolds

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Well, besides BTC there are maybe 2 or 3 cryptocoins that are not a complete scam, garbage, or both.

Your time will come Heretic

If your blockfolio doesn't look like this, you are a moron

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only hold btc + bnb atm

after it mellows out, I plan to buy HOT, FTM, ONE for easy 2x ride

you should at least mine/have a couple ether to interact with smart contracts

real CHAD portfolio:



100% BTC reporting in.

100% LTC here, nah.

The only reason to hold alts is to increase your satoshis.




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ETH always at 0.03 for the past 4 months...draw your own conclusions

Going 100% in BTC is only a good idea with a portfolio over 100k. Anything under that and you won't ever make it. My poorfolio is 50% BTC 50% shitcoins because shitcoins is my only chance to make it