Wrote my coalburner daughter out of my will

>wrote my coalburner daughter out of my will
>allocated her share of my wealth to the donkey sanctuary instead

What's your plan for your wealth?

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By Allah, for the sake of your family's honor, you must kill that nigger lover

Why would donkeys need a sanctuary?

Have another kid and give it to them.

>Ever giving anything to a daughter
They don't even carry your bloodline. Literally giving it to her husband

strategically that was a mistake fren

>get old
>make coalburner daughter wipe ass / feed you to maintain inheritance
>once you die, only give 1/4 or what you promised to her, give 3/4 to 'charity'

free ass wipes for reasonable fee. Now you will be buyin "in home health" nogs who will mistreat you and steal from you and you will pay 3x as much

sloppy job

Donkeys in the wild get super murdered. A mountain lion might pass on a wild horse due to size, but not a donkey. Likewise a horse has the fortitude to survive a large variety of snake bites but a donkey does not. Areas in North America that have donkeys are basically terrible areas for donkeys to live.

nice ID

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HHAHAHAHAH he literally has Cuck in his ID

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>ID: Cuck

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Because they are treat like shit in third world countries.


Maybe, she still doesn't know.

Hopefully I'll die before I get old anyway.

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kek theres something so sweet about spite


How fucking old are you OP? What are you doing on this forum?

absolutely based. tell her, so when she complains to her friends they realize coalburning is serious
this too

Poor donkeys

Can you just write your children out of the will in the us? In pretty much all of Western Europe at least half is spread among all close relatives

give it to a nephew or something instead man

You can do pretty much anything you want with your will in the US. Pretty based.

>Can you just write your children out of the will in the us?
As long as they're mentally competent when they do it, yes


daily reminder having a daughter is the ultimate form of cuckoldry (just check his ID)

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In south africa you can as well
t. boer
t. my grandfather is now fucked in the head from dementia and paranoia that he wrote my dad and uncle out of the will and is giving it all to my literal cokewhore aunt

this. I know of a rich business owner, multiple thousands of employees. As soon as his daughters hit 18 he went to the notary with them. They signed something to abandon their legal rights and got paid out some small sum of cash. The guy said it was just to risky to have anyone of these cunts get control over the company once he dies cause there where to many jobs depending on it in their region.

The recognition that women are useless,incompetent and inept of doing 1+1 as well as having talent to run everything into the ground has largely appeared in the west over the last 50years. I think its the media/hollywood propaganda that allowed desasters like Merkel. Seriously this whole "women in the workforce" bullshit needs to be rolled back.

Wew fucking lad

kek is in this thread


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It’s really difficult to take someone with such poor grammar seriously.

Typical faggot goy, caring about some retarded animals instead of his own blood.

>Cuck ID

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holy based

If he cared so much about retarded animals then his daughter's nigger would get the money.

oh shit, check yourself bro

based Chadsiness owner

>Seriously this whole "women in the workforce" bullshit needs to be rolled back.
Not only it was used as a divide & conquer tactic by the kikes to divert from the social class struggle making the societal fights between "muh women vs men disparities of income" fake memes instead of "mega rich kikes being 90% of the billionaires in the US vs poor as dirt goyim", as well as a mean to provoke social dumping on the salaries by injecting more competition, but it was also used as a neo-malthusian eugenic tool to make birthrates drop dramatically in white countries. The correlation between women in the workforce and natality drop is the most obvious one. This also as a side effect force the parents to delegate their kids' education to the system at a very early age with no control over the propaganda.

But you wanna know the real, deep reason why woman in the workfoce meme was created?
It's because boomer illuminakikes unironically new age bullshit doctrines pushed by differents theosophic and luciferian schools.
The quick rundown is all these rich boomers believe a giant cosmic cycle called the precession of the equinoxes is warning us for the changes of ages.
And astrologically we currently are entering the age of Aquarius. Thus a change of Era must happen. We were for the past 2000 years in the age of Pisce, which is a masculine principle, while the Aquarius is under the feminine principle (aqua represent the generative waters, ie the primordial womb, while pisce, the fish, was the eater of Osiris penor, thus masculine, in the esoteric doctrine the fish representing the seed of the Osiris, Horus, ie Jesus). So they believe we must erase the patriarchal system of the ancient era for the new matriarchal era to come.
These illuminaboomer also believe after this era we will be able to merge both masculine and feminine principles like the Zohar and kabbalah to ascend to our previous state.

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>coalburner daughter
This is 100% your fault

X chromosomes actually carry more genetic info than Y chromosomes.
>but your name tho
Nature dont care about names or cultural conventions.

rape her and kill her then
shes done user, used and damaged goods

What the fuck is this post? Are you serious?

In the secret jewish doctrine the seraphins, the God's angels, were both masculine and feminine. It's one of the things Lucifer teached to humankind. In the kabbalah when we lost our divines attributes we have been divised in 2 : as Jakin and Boaz, the 2 pillars of the Solomon Temple.
Jakin is the solar and masculine principle, called the path of Severity.
While Boaz is the lunar and feminine principle, called the path of Mercy. Who both have differents qliphoths and sephirots.
The only solution to get back our divinity is to reunite both path in merging the sexes, as showed in the Baphomet figure. Normies believe Baphomet represent Lucifer, Satan or a demonic entity. That's not true at all. It represent the ascended humanity who reconcilated it's feminine and masculine principles to reach divinity once again.
That's why baphomet have both an erect penis and women boobs. It's also why he have goat-like legs (being at the bottom of the body, showing our animality) while having a torch above his head (the enlightened path). It also why he have the caduceus and entwined snakes over his penis, merging to awaken his kundalini. It's very complex with a lot of meanings so i wont delve into this now tho.
That's why kikes are pushing so hard for the trangender bullshit agenda, and in general trying to destroy any distinction between sexes (societal attributes, clothes, way of thinking,..) making the women always more masculine and the men always more effeminate.
They believe only when we get to reunite our inner masculinity and feminity we will be able to get enlightened as Gods and trigger something in our DNA.
Yep, boomers are fucking nuts, the problem is the ones believing this crap are currently controlling the world.

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u need to go back faggot

teach me what you know. ill pay

trannie decievers are gonna burn in hell


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