Imagine selling a few days before

>imagine selling a few days before
oh boy

Attached: oracle chainlink cloudexpo.png (565x713, 260K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Next week gonna be good

Hint: swinglinkers + rope

another paid partnership, lol


Attached: cloudexpo chainlink.png (576x364, 77K)

intentional dump to allow silicon valley investors to get in cheap after the convention. r-right frens?

first the correction to shake out trannies, then sudden moon. How history repeats itself is just amazing

kek. imagine buying this scam

>another paid partnership, lol

Attached: 1558455701682.jpg (460x343, 14K)

>Imagine selling LINK, ever

Shhh shhh soon you'll be able to afford penis reattachment surgery and all will be well.


Attached: they-love-sergey.png (1182x770, 204K)

Oh lookie here, another late adopter having to buy above 1.60

Thats the cheepest you'll get it at. Better put your order in and hope it actually gets filled.


Attached: 4538E8AA-A21F-4396-8090-7AD0A578F8B6.gif (400x246, 489K)

Good think the thread is about a legit project. You must've thought the thread isn't abut link

is this real?

That's about an event Cloudexpo set up on Chainlink after they noticed how the tweet about the Oracle-Chainlink presentation (also at Cloudexpo) absolutely blew up.

Yes it is


>another paid partnership
aNoThEr pAiD pArTnErShIp

Literally who expo, nothing to see here

>less than 50 words
>still has to point out spesific key words
Ah, the intelligence of linkies

it's moments like these that remind me

>if only they knew

Attached: 1558918880614.png (409x409, 192K)

Larry Ellison's company you fucking retard. Third largest software company by revenue in the world. 40 Billion in annual revenue.

Yeah just a literal who.


Attached: oracle-shilling-your-oracles.png (1614x1328, 470K)

The picture is clearly addressed to FUD schizophrenics. they need to be spoonfed like that.

And I still have no idea what they actually do lel